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Guy Benson
Point and laugh: Watch these lowlights of Democrats' shameless filibuster hypocrisy
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | March 30, 2017
Unprofessional: Biased Politifact tries, and fails, to defend its sloppy "false" rating on Obamacare claim
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | March 29, 2017
Krauthammer: Let's face it, Republicans' healthcare collapse is a massive victory for Obama and statism
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | March 27, 2017
Just say no: Democrats' alleged "deal" on Gorsuch is a joke, and Republicans should prepare the Reid Rule
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | March 23, 2017
No, Bret Baier's multi-part scoop on the FBI's Clinton probes hasn't been "debunked"
Guy Benson
2:41 PM | November 04, 2016
When lies collide: New Hillary email spin directly contradicted by own previous claim
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | September 08, 2016
NARAL's new 'comedians getting abortions' video is as terrible is it sounds
Guy Benson
10:01 PM | July 13, 2016
A modest proposal: Post-Orlando, we need common sense restrictions on abortion, liberal speech and gay marriage
Guy Benson
4:01 PM | June 17, 2016
New spin: If only she'd known about them, Hillary totally would have addressed "any concerns" about her emails
Guy Benson
10:01 PM | May 31, 2016
Video: Downton Abbey's Dowager Countess scorches big government
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | January 25, 2016
Escalation: Hillary contradicts Benghazi families, denies blaming attacks on video at private meeting; Update: New email shows Pentagon offered to deploy rescue forces during attack?
Guy Benson
10:01 PM | December 08, 2015
Planned Parenthood: Shame on these zealots for their violence...and legislation
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | December 04, 2015
New RNC ad: Can these Democratic weaklings be trusted to keep America safe?
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | November 23, 2015
Emerging narrative: Let's face it, this thing's coming down to Rubio vs. Cruz
Guy Benson
9:51 PM | November 12, 2015
Video: Family members of three Benghazi victims contradict Hillary campaign claim
Guy Benson
2:01 PM | November 04, 2015
Video: MKH returns to Fox News, pays tribute to late husband
Guy Benson
2:41 PM | October 27, 2015
Dan Rather: Damn, Hillary's Benghazi testimony was awesome
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | October 26, 2015
End of Discussion: Feminism-critiquing speech canceled at Williams College following student uproar
Guy Benson
4:01 PM | October 23, 2015
Hmm: Conservative group lobbies against legislation to "gut" Obamacare
Guy Benson
1:21 PM | October 22, 2015
Today in progress: San Francisco middle school withholds student election results due to winners' insufficient diversity
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | October 20, 2015
Watch: How many email-related lies and distortions can Hillary squeeze into a two-minute exchange?
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | October 15, 2015
Thought experiment: Wouldn't Liz Warren be the Democratic frontrunner by now if she'd run?
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | October 14, 2015
NBC polls: Hillary trailing Carly, Jeb and Trump in Iowa, flailing in New Hampshire
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | October 05, 2015
Good news: New York's city council honors 'bravery' of treasonous Soviet spy
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | September 30, 2015
Audio: Mary Katharine Ham memorializes her husband, Jake Brewer
Guy Benson
12:01 PM | September 25, 2015
Will Senate Republicans play hardball to break Democrats' Iran filibuster?
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | September 11, 2015
Hero: Unable to carry on, woman chugs entire bottle of cognac at airport security
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | August 24, 2015
Obligatory video: Trump's photo shoot with an actual bald eagle
Guy Benson
10:41 PM | August 20, 2015
Gallup: Obama approval on Iran stands at robust 33/55
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | August 13, 2015
Walker: Why does Trump keep attacking me with debunked 'Democrat talking points'?
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | August 11, 2015
Video: Mike Lee's powerful Planned Parenthood speech
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | August 05, 2015
Video: Tom Cotton dismantles Kerry on Iran deal secrecy, regime's ongoing terrorism
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | July 29, 2015
Obama: Let's face it, the real IRS scandal is that they need more money
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | July 23, 2015
AP Poll: Americans prioritize religious liberties over gay marriage by wide margin
Guy Benson
2:01 PM | July 21, 2015
Video: Woman startles, frightens nation with "chillin' in Cedar Rapids" viral video
Guy Benson
8:01 PM | July 20, 2015
Hillary to CNN: I was never subpoenaed. Gowdy: Um, here's the subpoena
Guy Benson
4:41 PM | July 08, 2015
Audio: Mark Levin recommends End of Discussion, tells MKH to "keep kicking butt"
Guy Benson
10:01 PM | June 24, 2015
Surprise: After scandal fuels billions in new funding, VA wait times…increase
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | June 22, 2015
NYT: We came across the Democrat-accessed Rubio traffic scoop "on our own," okay?
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | June 05, 2015
Surprise: State Department labeled Benghazi 'terrorism event' within hours
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | May 27, 2015
Video: When Her Majesty attacks
Guy Benson
2:41 PM | May 22, 2015
'Red line' update: Syrian regime caught cheating on WMD deal, again
Guy Benson
6:01 PM | May 12, 2015
By the way, Hillary has answered...seven media questions since announcing White House run
Guy Benson
8:41 PM | April 27, 2015
Hillary camp: Look, there's not a "shred of evidence" any of this foreign money led to corruption
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | April 23, 2015
Friendly reminder: 'Champions of women' still obstructing anti-human trafficking bill over abortion funding
Guy Benson
2:01 PM | April 07, 2015
By the way, new 'framework' allows Iran to keep illegal, fortified underground nuclear facility
Guy Benson
3:31 PM | April 06, 2015
Fox Poll: 83 percent call Iran untrustworthy, huge majority says Obama must get Congressional approval for deal
Guy Benson
9:21 PM | April 01, 2015
Durbin: These Republicans are putting Loretta Lynch at the 'back of the bus,' if you know what I mean
Guy Benson
5:21 PM | March 18, 2015
Surprise: WH weakens transparency requirements for office in charge of archiving official emails
Guy Benson
3:21 PM | March 17, 2015
No, Vox, Obamacare hasn't 'proved its critics wrong'
Guy Benson
9:21 AM | February 26, 2015
The Death of Europe
Columbia's Administration is Scrambling but Leftist Students Still Don't Get It
The Myth of Daylight Saving Time?
Shocker! Syria Now Becoming Genocidal Hellhole
Angel Reese: If They Don't Give Us What We Want, We're Sittin' Out
Doom Loop: 20-Somethings Abandoning San Francisco Even When They Can Afford It
The Democratic Fork in the Road and the Woke Repudiation Imperative
Wait, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Had an Illegal Alien as a Top Aide?
Black Republican BURSTS Racist White Lefty Woman's Woke BUBBLE About HIS Evil DEI Legislation and BAHAHA
Hakeem Jeffries Demonstrates Why Democrats Are Tanking in Embarrassing New Video
What is Happening in Syria is Just What Obama and Biden Wanted