Looking Like Sen Staffer Who Dissed Jewish Congressman Just About What We Figured UPDATE REDUX: FILM BUFF FIRED

AP Photo/Mark Tenally

A “delightful, well-bred young man who is a credit to his employer and his parents” is the first thing that springs to mind, right?

Maybe 20 years ago.


Lemme set the WayBack Machine, Sherman, for the halls of Congress – two days ago.

Congressman Max Miller, who just happens to be Jewish, was trucking along, minding his own p’s and q’s, when a House staffer smart-mouthed off to him, right in front of an NBC reporter, God, and everybody else in the hallway.


So #Stunning so #Brave and, oh, gosh – original. But pretty frickin’ ballsy for an employee to be popping off at the mouth what is basically an anti-Semitic, damn near genocidal tag-line to a boss of the targeted religion.

Who in the Sam Hell does this smug twit think he is, and who in the Sam Hell does he work for that he is under the mistaken impression it gives him the right to do something so completely outside the pale?

Inquiring minds wanted to know IMMEDIATELY.

Well, according to reports today, the cheeky little bugger’s been busted…

Screenshot X

…and works for Sen Ben Cardin (D-MD). Whose office, once it was confirmed the miscreant with the appalling manners was theirs, couldn’t seem to find anything to say.

…Miller confirmed with the Daily Caller that the staffer’s name is Aidan Maese-Czeropski. According to Maese-Czeropski’s Linkedin, he serves as a Legislative Aide for Cardin. Sources tipped off the Caller that the staffer, who confronted Miller during an interview with NBC News’ Ali Vitali and said “Free Palestine!”, served as an aide for Democratic Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin.

The Caller contacted Cardin’s office about Maese-Czeropski confronting Miller, to which they replied, “Are you sure you have the correct person? Having seen press reports, I understood this was a House staffer. Also, the person you mention is much more junior than an LD, so perhaps there was a mix up in identification, as well? Additional information would be of help.”

The Caller then told Cardin’s office that Miller confirmed his identity, to which they did not respond.


You knew there had to be more to it for someone to be that obnoxious. Maese-Czeropski, it turns out, isn’t merely a bad-boy in the lack-of-class and breeding department.

He’s reportedly more of a bad-boy in the Brinton department.

Remember that Brinton guy?

Well, signs point to that being pretty much who Sen Cardin has in his employ roaming the halls of Congress, and verbally assaulting Jewish Congressmen.

Said same young, feisty, Hamas-loving staffer allegedly is into taking “explicit” photos on all fours…and making gay porn videos, sometimes filmed in a senate office.

Is “Please Stop Taking Nudes” something we should even have to be asking of senate staffers?

The so-called hallowed Halls of Congress play host to a plethora of indecent acts every day — but one staffer for Senator Ben Cardin is taking it to new levels.

The public Twitter account of the audacious young “twink” is comprised almost solely of him in flagrante delicto with his older “bear” partner. The images and videos are explicit — and conspicuously and deliberately contain the staffer’s face.


I am SO not putting the Daily Caller tweet up with the photo – they broke the story with the video – honest to God, it will curl your hair. But I will link to the story – it’s a GRAPHIC video [NSFW: WARNING and autoplay].




Leaked amateur pornography shows a congressional staffer having anal sex with an unknown man in the Senate hearing room, video obtained by the Daily Caller shows.

The alleged staffer can also be seen in a photo, naked on all fours, looking back at the camera on the table where Senators often sit to ask questions during a hearing. It appears to be unprotected sex.
A source identified the room to the Daily Caller as Senate room SD-G50. The Caller blurred out his face because his identity has not been confirmed.

If you’ve got a strong enough stomach you can read the whole thing complete with the action shots over there. But I think you get the picture.

So…this is where we are now, huh?

Not only do these deviants feel entitled to be as freakazoid as they want wherever they want whenever they choose, they can’t keep a decent tongue in their heads, even when they’re being paid and on someone else’s dime.

Are we are supposed to indulge that, too?


(His mommy was so proud of that piece of video.)

If he still has a job, that’ll tell us, huh?

Awful lot of “confirming” going on suddenly. Johns Hopkins and Berkeley, huh?

Quelle surprise with the entitled ‘tude then.

If they fire him, and it WAS him boinking an older man in a senate conference room?

Maybe they’re worried he’ll tell who THAT was.

This is just gross.

BEEGE UPDATE: Scummy, classless little porn horndog attempts to gaslight horrified nation.


You’re smiling in a VIDEO. Try leaving some anti-bac spray and paper towels for the senator whose desk you defiled.


No, Junior. For WHERE.

Which confirms it WAS him and as for the denial of the anti-Semitic incident, Congressman Max Miller identified him personally.

Has he been fired yet?

Just who IS the mystery man…?

UPDATE REDUX: Thanks to Lyon in the comments for the heads up: turns out the senatorial staffer and film buff no longer has a job.


…“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter,” Cardin’s office said.

Oh, I’ll BET you won’t. Everyone else will.

Who is Mr. X?

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