UN Shocked, SHOCKED Somebody Done Stole Those 'Humanitarian' Supplies in Gaza

(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

OMG this is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. I can’t decide if the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is playing Capt Renault…


…or if they’re truly befuddled by the perfidy of those who surround them and are clueless who might have pulled off a heist of this magnitude.

I mean, these were supplies meant for the children…or someone.


Strangely enough, for all the sputtering in the UN’s tweets, they won’t out and out lay the blame on anyone for the theft. But they sure know who to blame for allowing the theft to happen to begin with.

You’ll never guess whose fault it is.

Okay – guess.

I-S-R-A-E-L’s HAH! Because they made the UNRWA people skitter out of Dodge like roaches evacuate to begin with, and then the mofos broke the cameras and gates with bombs and stuff.

Ergo this is Israel’s fault – Israel did this to helpless Palestinians.

Certain elements across the board were immediately skeptical of the “we was robbed” story and took to X for some cynical questioning…

…and chastising of the UNRWA for their account of the purloined goods disappearance. To quite few people, it just didn’t have the ring of truth to it, and was entirely too convenient.

Everyone and their mothers know the UNRWA is full of Schlitz, and there isn’t a soul who was ready to play polite patty-fingers with them this time.


Things got even worse for the fumbling international relief arm when the heat obviously became too much and they deleted their tweet.

UNRWA Deletes Statement Accusing Hamas of Stealing Humanitarian Aid From Gaza Compound
The UN agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees said Sunday that it is no longer able to provide humanitarian assistance, warning that Gaza is running out of food, water and medicine

It was dogpile time.

Nobody was buying what the UNRWA was selling and I don’t think the aid group realizes how their sad, contrived little narrative played right into the universal condemnation Hamas finds itself in after the massacre.

Of course, Hamas stole relief supplies. They butcher babies, don’t they?

…Before IDF, Israel’s Energy Minister Israel Katz shared the deleted posts on X and said, “Hamas is robbing the “humanitarian aid” to the Palestinian people. There’s no reason to give them anything until we eliminate Nazi Hamas.”

Besides getting a bit of a chuckle over the pompous anti-Semites at the UN getting caught red-handed and with egg schmeared on their faces, the entire incident sounded vaguely familiar – a déjà vu “I’ve heard this song before” moment. So I went digging and voilà!


Either the thousands spent on memory supplements are paying off or these Stone Age savages only have one playbook with 3 pages in it.

To my credit, I DID remember that they have done exactly the same crap over and over again.

You betcha – we have seen this movie before.

HOLY SMOKES They can’t even come up with something new to phrase their outrage in. The UN “strongly condemned” in 2009 and and they still do exactly the same in 2023.

Consistency used to be a virtue. It can be overrated.

UN aid disappearing in Gaza is consistent.

As for the “Palestinian genocide” activists keep squawking about every time Hamas has to be retributively driven back underground because of some barbaric savagery they’ve perpetrated against innocent people, it seems, for all their fury, that the Israelis are doing a terrible job, even in Gaza.

…The U.S. Census Bureau International Database data estimates that Gaza’s Palestinian population increased from only 265,800 in 1960 to 342,700 in 1970, 431,600 in 1980, 645,100 in 1990, 1,1 million in 2000, 1.5 million in 2010, and 2.1 million in 2023 and that it will rise to 2.4 million, 2.9 million in 2040, and 3.2 million, It shows that Gaza already has a population density of 5,839 per square kilometer, most of which is under 14 years of age and well over half of which is under 19.

Has anyone ever wondered how 2+M people in a 12mi by 5mi third world hellhole are still in utter squalorous misery, while gobbling up such YUGE amounts of cash decade after decade? Has anyone looked – and I mean LOOKED – into this?


They should. They should start by asking Hamas and their local bank branch, the UNRWA.

As of Dec 2021:

Here’s a look at the main forms of international aid to Gaza:

— From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza, including $600 million in 2020 alone. More than 80% of that funding is channeled through the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, who make up three-fourths of Gaza’s population. Some 280,000 children in Gaza attend schools run by UNRWA, which also provides health services and food aid.

— Qatar has provided $1.3 billion in aid to Gaza since 2012 for construction, health services and agriculture. That includes $360 million pledged in January for 2021 and another $500 million pledged for reconstruction after the war in May. Qatar’s aid also goes to needy families and to help pay Hamas government salaries.

— The Palestinian Authority says it will spend $1.7 billion on Gaza this year, mainly on salaries for tens of thousands of civil servants who stopped working when Hamas took over in 2007.

— Egypt pledged $500 million in aid after the May war, but it’s unclear how much has materialized. It sent construction crews to clear rubble over the summer.

Germany and other European countries will spend nearly 70 million euros ($80 million) on water projects in Gaza this year, in addition to their contributions to UNRWA.

— The U.S. has spent at least $5.5 million in Gaza this year on cash assistance and health care, in addition to contributing $90 million to UNRWA operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

— Israel is granting work permits to 10,000 Gazans who undergo security vetting, providing a crucial source of income for families with no known connection to Hamas.


€70M on WATER PROJECTS in one year alone! And you’ll notice a recurring theme again – the UNRWA handles the biggest money along with what funnels in from major contributions via the other G-7 countries.

But POOF! Stuff – and money -goes missing, and the UNRWA hasn’t a clue how or where.

Bad enough Israel has to fight Hamas who fights dirty. But they also have to fight a UN cloaked in holier-than-thou blue peace robes through Hamas. All while everyone pretends this is the first time any of this has happened.

And they’re shocked.

That’s even dirtier.

If I ran the zoo,

The first thing I would do,

Is cut off the funding

To the bagmen in Blue.

~ Apologies to Dr Suess

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