Turns out, regular Germans not so hep on unicorn farts

Frank Augstein

Another entry for the “Whoda Thunk It?” file has emerged.

Two weeks ago, Germany shut down the last 3 of its remaining nuclear reactors, just “because.” They were older, yes, but while functioning perfectly and providing a much-needed, stable source of that increasingly rare thing known as “affordable, reliable electricity,” they were a daily affront to the sensibilities of the enviro-whackos populating the continent and the ruling German Green Party in particular. Killing them off had been a priority for decades.


Victory at last for the Gods of the Renewables and Greens!

But for all that Greenpeace members cavorted with dead T-Rexs and French lesbians celebrated the reactors’ demise by equating it to sex, it may be a Pyrrhic victory at best. It turns out that the average Jörg, Frieda, and Ludwig of the German Straße (street) aren’t all that keen on the Green way things have been going. They are just about over it.

The Wurm might be turning – actually more like whipping back around to take a chunk out of someone’s Arschbacken (do I have to translate…?).

Support for Germany’s ruling green party has reportedly collapsed after the country rushed to shut down all remaining nuclear power plants, and ruled against gas central heating from next year.

Germany’s Greens are no longer one of the top three most popular political parties in Germany, with ongoing environmentalist-driven scandals over nuclear power and home heating pushing the party below 15 per cent support.

The deterioration of the party’s popularity stands in stark contrast to the populist Alternative for Germany, which has now risen to a near-all-time high of 16 per cent, making it the third most popular party in the country behind the traditional centre-left and centre-right offerings.

The citizenry has had enough of the deprivation, the erosion of their standard of living, and the blatant hypocrisy in implementing insane, unachievable goals while destroying their lives.

They’ve watched as their Gaia-defending leaders – including Economics Minister Robert Habeck – close off energy resources in the name of protecting the climate from further harm, but use rationale that doesn’t begin to pass the muster test.


…Even on the question of nuclear energy, Habeck and his circle are alienating vast swathes of the German public. While the Government opposes nuclear at every turn, the population has shown more pragmatism on the issue, with 65% supporting its continued use. On a visit to Kyiv last week, Habeck said during an interview that the Ukrainian nuclear power plants should continue to operate — “after all, they have already been built,” he said.

But then why is Germany planning to take its last remaining reactors offline next week, despite them all being in top condition?

Germans have also noticed the disparity in who gets the ugly windmills – that are so “desperately” needed to save the planet – built next to their homes.

The Bavarians should build their own wind turbines. They want to keep their oh so beautiful nature and environment at the expense of the North. Windmills look just as ugly in the north as they do in the south, and the wind blows in the mountains as it does on the flat country.”

~ Dieter, 84 years old, district of Leipzig

Screencap MDR.de

They can also smell a rat. The Green Party, with the complete support of the European Union, has sold the German people out in the name of climate change.

But the Greens’ partners said the eco-party was itself to blame, accusing it of losing touch with reality. An example often cited is the plan initiated by Robert Habeck, the Green economy minister, to phase out oil and gas in the heating of homes.

A new bill dictates that, from next year, every newly installed heating system must be 65 per cent powered by renewables. But the bill triggered panic when some details were revealed last month, with homeowners fearing they would be forced to rip out their boilers and replace them with expensive heat pumps.


The heat pump dictate is pernicious. In the first place, electricity prices had gone through the roof in Germany already when rates jumped another 45% the night before they shut down the reactors! Now they’ve decreed that not only must systems being replaced use heat pumps – no more gas, coal or oil furnaces…

…The fall from popular favour began when Habeck refused to make concessions that from January 2024 all new heating systems in Germany must be 65% renewable, which basically means mandatory heat pumps. Most Germans do not believe that renewables will suffice to cover the country’s electricity needs in the future, so these plans are extremely unpopular. The same is true for the Green push to end the internal combustion engine, to which two-thirds of the German population are opposed. Evidently, the party has ignored the pride, not to mention employment, that the car industry generates for the Germans and their economy.

…but Habeck and company have signed on to an EU dictate that imposes an obligation to “refurbish” existing residential buildings that are determined not to be “energy efficient” within the next seven to ten years. Outraged Germans are asking, “And who’s paying for THAT?!”

…In addition to modernizing the heating system, many homeowners could face another renovation task in the next few years: According to plans by the EU Parliament, the buildings with the worst energy performance must be upgraded to a better efficiency class over the next seven to ten years . According to estimates, more than seven million homes and 7.2 million apartments could be affected in Germany.


There’s another, more insidious reason to force as many Germans into heat pumps – and New Yorkers, Californians, North Carolinians? Y’all better be watching closely.

The government now has control of your thermostat, car charger, et al..

…In order to help combat such an overload, the government agency in charge of Germany’s national grid has announced a plan for authorities to be given remote control of every household’s heat pumps and car chargers so that they can enforce rationing if and when it becomes necessary.

In effect, while possibly helping to alleviate blackouts, the measure would effectively hand the government the power to decide whether or not citizens are able to fuel their cars, as well as heat their homes, and by how much.

While this has shocked many across the nation, the government agency has insisted that Germans must now accept “necessary comfort restrictions” in order to facilitate the green transition technologies.

For the greater good, right? Nothing belongs to you anymore, not your house, not control of the temperature or lights in that home, not the vehicle you drive, not even your children. There will be no independence – you will be a ward of the state, by God. Say it’s not even an energy availability question – say it’s just that you’ve made the local Bürgermeister mad. For not following the party line or if your social credit score comes in a little low that week? Can he switch your heat off? Kill your car?


Big Brother is alive and well, and yet another reason I will NEVER have a “smart” thermostat in my home.

This is an interesting 2 minutes on the German situation, with a very, VERY telling line in it. I hope you’ll take a moment to listen.

In the last decades,the economic expansion and the globalization under U.S. and Germany was so comfortable and ran so well that we could afford to have very unrealistic politicians and elect them into office. And with the Greens in Germany, that is the case. But now we have kind of a reassertion of reality.

We are the beneficiaries of FAT, DUMB, AND HAPPY and have allowed ourselves to be the complacent victims, too.

Waking up in time is going to be a neat trick if we can pull it off. The Germans finally seem to be rousing themselves to do just that.

Do they have time to reverse course if they manage to do so?


Or are they too far gone to save themselves?

We must wake up.

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