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Kay Hagan
Hagan bows out of 2016 Senate challenge to Burr
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | June 24, 2015
Barack Obama: ‘Stand with me’ and vote Kay Hagan
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | November 04, 2014
The early voting in North Carolina is looking pretty gray
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | November 04, 2014
Last minute surprise: North Carolina investigating Kay Hagan over ‘conflict of interest’
Noah Rothman
8:01 PM | November 03, 2014
Sunday Smiles
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
The Death of Europe
Kay Hagan scolded over hypocrisy… by PBS anchor Gwen Ifill?
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | October 31, 2014
Video: The Elbert Guillory anti-Hagan ad
8:31 PM | October 27, 2014
Video: Hagan skipping debate inexcusable, says ... Rachel Maddow
Ed Morrissey
12:31 PM | October 22, 2014
Liberals warn vulnerable Dems that they should rethink distancing themselves from Obama
Noah Rothman
1:21 PM | October 21, 2014
Hawaii Democrat backs travel ban, denounces politicization of the issue
Noah Rothman
10:41 AM | October 21, 2014
Subtle: Pro-Kay Hagan fliers warns GOP victory with lynching images
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | October 21, 2014
Obama: Hey, all these red-state Democrats running away from me are strong supporters who vote with me!
Mary Katharine Ham
9:21 PM | October 20, 2014
Is Kay Hagan losing her lead in North Carolina?
Noah Rothman
4:21 PM | October 13, 2014
Morning Joe mounts unconvincing defense of Kay Hagan for missing ISIS hearings
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | October 10, 2014
Beltway: Senate attendance attacks are dumb; there's no way they could attend all those meetings!
Mary Katharine Ham
9:31 PM | October 09, 2014
In NC Senate race, Charlotte Observer hides political affiliation of "non-partisan" group
Jazz Shaw
8:41 AM | October 08, 2014
Hagan: Yeah, I skipped an Armed Services meeting for a fundraiser
Ed Morrissey
2:21 AM | October 08, 2014
Democrats: yo, single women, don't forget to vote
Matt Vespa
10:01 AM | October 06, 2014
NC SEN: Is the race 'tight as a tick?'
Matt Vespa
9:21 PM | October 01, 2014
Good news for Republicans in weekend polls
Noah Rothman
2:01 PM | September 28, 2014
Politico: Hagan's family directly profited from stimulus she voted to enact
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | September 27, 2014
Election forecasters bearish on GOP? Senate models looking more Democratic by the day
Noah Rothman
7:01 PM | September 16, 2014
Born-again amnesty hawk Mary Landrieu attacks opponent over border fence she called "dumb" last year
Guy Benson
12:01 PM | September 11, 2014
Mutiny: Senate Democrats urge Obama to get hawkish on the ISIS threat
Noah Rothman
12:01 PM | September 04, 2014
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Kay Hagan lose the 'war on women' for Democrats
Noah Rothman
8:41 AM | September 04, 2014
Sen. Kay Hagan doubling down on the bogus claim that her top opponent supports ObamaCare as North Carolina primaries begin
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | May 06, 2014
It's come to this: Kay Hagan falsely accuses Republican opponent of ... supporting ObamaCare
4:41 PM | April 22, 2014
ObamaCare questions not getting any less awkward for Sen. Hagan in North Carolina
Erika Johnsen
8:11 PM | February 27, 2014
Reid stops minimum-wage hike bill after Dems balk
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | February 26, 2014
Obama to Senate Dems: I'll stay away from your re-election campaigns
Ed Morrissey
3:01 PM | February 06, 2014
NC news anchor: Will President Obama help or hurt your campaign? Sen. Hagan: Well, you see, it's like this...
Erika Johnsen
8:01 PM | February 03, 2014
Sabotage: Obama thanks red-state Democrat Kay Hagan publicly after she refuses to appear with him
4:01 PM | January 15, 2014
Sen. Kay Hagan now trailing all of her Republican challengers in North Carolina
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | January 15, 2014
Video: Bloomberg giving up on gun control?
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | January 08, 2014
Video: "Special Interest Kay" Hagan now owns Obamacare
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | January 04, 2014
Kay Hagan reaches for the panic button
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | November 16, 2013
Democratic gay-marriage pool update: North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan endorses SSM
12:41 PM | March 27, 2013
Manchin backpedals on gun control after constitutents confront him
Ed Morrissey
8:31 AM | January 24, 2013
Government to the rescue: Saving young women from low self body image
Tina Korbe
7:15 PM | July 13, 2011