What keeps Barack Obama up at night? Asked no one except one CBS reporter

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Barack Obama sat down for an interview with Nate Burleson, co-host of CBS Mornings. Burleson asked the former president what keeps him up at night. His answer? A divided press. I know.


Really? Of all the information the former president has processed and been briefed on, the fact that the press no longer solely carries his water is what keeps him up at night? How shallow and arrogant can he be? He spoke affectionally of the old days when there was only “three tv stations” and they all read the same stories. He was plugging the Obama Foundation and its agenda on, say, what he calls gun violence.

Burleson: “I’m a optimistic man, but I find myself falling into this space where I have concern about the country that they will inherit once I’m gone. Post-presidency, what about this country keeps you up at night?”

Obama: “The thing that I’m most worried about is the degree to which we’ve, we now have a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media, right? So, I’m much older than you, Nate.”

Burleson: “You don’t look it, though.”

Obama: “That’s what I was fishing for. Um, but when I was coming up, you had three TV stations. And people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not. Today, what I’m most concerned about is the fact that, because of the splintering of the media, we almost occupy different realities. If something happens, in the past, everybody could say, ‘All right, we may disagree on how to solve it, but at least we all agree that, yeah, that’s an issue.’ Now, people’ll say, ‘Well, that didn’t happen,’ or ‘I don’t believe that.’ And one of, I think, the goals of the Obama Foundation and one of the goals of my post-presidency is, how do we return to that conversation? How can we have a common set of facts? We may disagree on gun violence, in terms of what the best prescriptions are, but we can’t deny the data that says the United States has levels of gun violence that are 5, 10, 15 times more than other countries.”


Poor guy. He doesn’t like it when a news organization veers off the Democrat talking points. We knew that, though, because during his presidency he advised a boycott of Fox News. An American president told people to boycott Fox News, apparently because they would run stories that were not complimentary to him and his presidency. He frequently whined about the treatment the press gave him which was hilarious to those of us who saw what cultish behavior the press gave him. He could do no wrong, even when he did. And, if anyone dared to criticize him, well, that person was racist.

The Obama administration spied on people who reported for conservative-leaning media organizations. There was James Rosen when he worked for Fox and there was Sharyl Attkisson. Those are just the ones we know of. Remember when the administration was trying to get Obamacare passed and Valerie Jarrett wanted to set up a hotline-type of system where people could tattle on critics of the plan on social media? Good times, good times.

He rarely called on journalists for conservative-leaning outlets during press conferences. That’s was just the reality. This is why it was always just a joke that Democrats and their cohorts in the media acted all insulted when Trump would berate the press or say things like “fake news.” The American public knew what he was talking about. Generally speaking, the media doesn’t have the respect or trust of its consumers. Trump just said it out loud.


With the arrival of social media and online media outlets, it became harder for authoritarian progressives like Obama to control the narrative during news cycles. The left hates it that everyone has the chance to get a message out today. For them, the First Amendment only goes for one side of the aisle. Now we are being told that Barack Obama loses sleep at night worrying about free speech for everyone. C’mon, man. Give me a break.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024