JK Rowling compares her online haters to the Death Eaters in her books

(Andrew Matthews/Pool via AP)

JK Rowling is speaking out about the controversy created when she publicly expressed her opinion on the transgender agenda. In the latest episode of her podcast, The Witch Trials of JK Rowling, she said that despite the huge backlash to the 2019 tweet that started it all, there are a ton of Harry Potter fans who are grateful for what she said. She compares the online hate brigade to the Death Eaters in her books who dedicate their lives to serving the villain, Lord Voldemort.


Rowling makes an interesting comparison. The movement to normalize transgender activism which has turned into a huge financial windfall for the medical community that participates in the mutilation of young people is evil.

‘The Death Eaters claimed, “We have been made to live in secret, and now is our time, and any who stand in our way must be destroyed. If you disagree with us, you must die,”‘ she argued.

‘They demonised and dehumanised those who were not like them.’

The exploitation of children, beginning with normalizing story hours with drag queens for toddlers and continuing into almost cult-like behavior of teens convinced that they are not the gender that they were born is destroying the next generation. It is a small but growing population, yet to listen to media reports it would seem that it is the norm, not the exception. It’s borderline fad behavior, to be honest. Transgender is all the rage now. Anyone who stands up and says, hey, wait a minute, is canceled on social media.

Fortunately for JK Rowling, she is fabulously wealthy and independent. She is free to express herself however she likes and she does. She mentioned that many fans are grateful that she spoke out about transgenderism. She said she will continue to fight the ‘powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement, that has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society. I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless, so I’m afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threats of loss of livelihood and threats to their safety,’ she added.


One case, in particular, was the topic of discussion on the podcast. In 2019, a tax expert named Maya Forstater was fired from her job after she claimed that people cannot change their biological sex. She said, “Biological sex is real.” Follow the science, right? Wrong. She was canned and Rowling showed support for her honesty. That began Rowling’s time in the barrel for her own opinions about the transgender issue.

Maya posted a series of tweets in 2018 that expressed opposition to UK Government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act. It would allow people to identify as the opposite sex. Maya said, “the truth is that men cannot change into women.” To most of us, that is obvious. To transgender activists, it’s heresy.

A hashtag was created by Maya’s supporters on Twitter. #IStandWithMaya was used by supporters, including Rowling. Rowling posted her own tweet in solidarity with Maya.

The tax expert’s visiting fellowship at the Centre for Global Development (CGD) was not renewed in March 2019 following the tweets, and she was not offered an employment contract due to them. She initiated legal proceedings against the CGD and won on appeal.

Following her comments, a group of supporters wrote posts using the hashtag #IStandWithMaya, including Rowling, to express their solidarity.

‘Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you,’ Rowling wrote at the time. ‘Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?’


Live and let live, just don’t shove an agenda down the throats of others. It’s pretty simple.

What brought about the comparison to Death Eaters was when the tweet was posted, Rowling said she knew it would create problems for her. She didn’t care. She warned her management team about the tweet before she posted it. However, she told the team that “You cannot argue me out of this.” We know what happened – the online haters went scorched earth on Rowling. One Potter fan told her she had become the “evil you taught so many of us to stand up to.”

‘I am constantly told I don’t understand my own books and I am constantly told that I have betrayed my own books,’ she said.

‘My position is that I am absolutely upholding the positions I took in Potter.

‘My position is that this activist movement in the form it is currently taking echoes the very thing I was warning against in Harry Potter.’

Rowling further compared her online haters to the Death Eaters in her books who had dedicated their lives to serving villainous Lord Voldemort.

Fans are grateful to Rowling.

The author noted that many fans were ‘grateful’ that she has spoken out about controversial gender issues and said she will continue to fight the ‘powerful, insidious, misogynistic movement, that has gained huge purchase in very influential areas of society.’

‘I do not see this particular movement as either benign or powerless, so I’m afraid I stand with the women who are fighting to be heard against threats of loss of livelihood and threats to their safety,’ she added.


Rowling is right. The trans movement harms biological women the most. Look at what is happening in women’s sports. It shoves out biological women and puts them in competition with biological males. It’s unfair and will lead to the end of women’s sports. Where are all the feminists? Is this what the feminist movement that began decades ago was fighting for? Suddenly they are all very quiet. Cowards. They could take a page from JK Rowling.

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