Will a migrant surge at the southern border lead to a fentanyl vaccine?

Twitter/Port Director Michael W. Humphries

If you think the migrant surge underway now that Title 42 is about to end at the southern border is bad, just wait. It’s going to get a lot worse. That was the message delivered by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) on the Senate floor Thursday. Cornyn sent out a press release about the United States v. Texas Supreme Court case. He stressed that DHS Secretary Mayorkas does not have the authority to cherry-pick which laws he enforces.


“The case that I listened to oral arguments in hit very close to home because the style of the case was United States v. Texas, and it centers on a memo issued by the Department of Homeland and Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, which he released last fall. In it, he provided specific confirmation – indeed, actually, direction – to our Border Patrol agents that they would no longer have any hard-and-fast rules when it comes to removing illegal entry into the United States, particularly by those who commit serious crimes.”

“It defies all common sense to instruct a law enforcement officer to turn a blind eye when they encounter individuals who came here illegally and committed other crimes just because those crimes aren’t, in the opinion of Secretary Mayorkas, serious enough or because of the age of the individual or how long they have actually resided here in the United States.”

“The state of Texas… is disproportionately affected because we have a 1,200 mile common border with Mexico, and we’re seeing the bulk of this wave of humanity and the drugs coming across the border, and it’s imposed a significant burden on our border communities and on our state. But I believe that the state provided a strong case that the Justices should vacate this dangerous and illegal memo once and for all.”

“The Secretary just simply doesn’t have the authority to cherry-pick which laws he wants to enforce and which ones he doesn’t.”

“Unfortunately we’ve seen time and time again, not for days, not for weeks, but for months and even now years, the Biden administration has simply failed to clear this very low bar: enforce the law.”

“Just last month, the D.C. District Court Judge vacated the Center for Disease Control’s Title 42 order, and the Judge granted a five-week stay, which will expire here in less than three weeks.”

“We have not heard any plan out of the Biden administration for how they’re going to do the job without that authority because they simply refuse to use any other authorities, like expedited removal, in order to discourage people from illegally entering the country.”

“Once Title 42 is gone, that will all change, and the consequences will be dire.”

“If you think this is bad – and two-thirds of the voters believe we are headed in the wrong direction – just get ready because it’s about to get worse.”


The reason there is a five week waiting period – the five-week stay – before the judge’s ruling goes into effect and Title 42 ends is because everyone knows the additional chaos that will be created at the border. It has already begun.

The new fiscal year began on October 1. Since then, there have been 400,000 encounters at the border. CBP sources report that the number does not include the 73,000 gotaways. There are two to three large groups every day of 100 or more migrants that travel across the border. Every day.

It is the new norm. Americans have grown numb to the unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants and no longer are shocked by the monthly statistics. That’s intentional, in my opinion. Joe Biden and his administration set about to normalize illegal immigration and a very porous border. They lie that it is secure and not open but the numbers tell a different story.

The Biden border crisis has created the fentanyl crisis in America. Drug cartels run roughshod over parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. Throughout our country, people are dying everyday due to the fentanyl crisis – it isn’t limited to the southern border communities. Every community in America is a border community now. The problems and biproducts of an open border span our country. The buck stops at Joe Biden’s desk.


A University of Houston research team has developed a vaccine targeting fentanyl. The vaccine will eventually be offered to people trying to quit opioids and prevent relapses.

“We have medications, we have psychotherapy techniques, we have other therapies that may work for some people but not others. The unfortunate fact is nothing has helped,” said Colin Haile, research associate professor at University of Houston and lead author of the study. “I believe this will.”

The vaccine is being manufactured for human clinical trials to begin within the year, Haile said.

It sounds odd. I know. A vaccine to treat addiction? It may work, though. Haile’s vaccine studies were conducted in rats and there were no adverse side effects. It produces anti-fentanyl antibodies. These antibodies bind to the drug when it enters the patient’s system and prevents it from entering the brain. The drug is eliminated from the body through the kidneys so the patient never gets a euphoric high. And, the vaccine also blocks outcomes associated with fentanyl overdoses like depressed blood oxygen levels, heart rates, and breathing.

The researcher said that the vaccine’s antibodies only bind to fentanyl, so other medications taken for Opioid Use Disorder, including buprenorphine and naltrexone, would still be needed.


It all certainly sounds hopeful. “This is an opportunity to really make a difference,” he said. “This is the closest that we have come to making a product and the world needs this.”

The tested vaccine contains a substance derived from E. coli that modifies immune response, developed by collaborators at the Tulane University School of Medicine. Other Houston researchers from UH, the Baylor College of Medicine and Michael E. DeBakey Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center are also on Haile’s research team.

The Department of Defense funded the vaccine study through about $1.5 million in grants, Haile said.

The Department of Defense? Hmm. The vaccine will not likely be available to the public for another couple of years.

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