Bernie Sanders: I'll get around to releasing my tax returns ... one of these days

What’s a Socialist millionaire to do when the little people demand to take a look at his tax returns? Punt. That’s what 2020 Democrat/Socialist Bernie Sanders is doing.


Sanders may or may not be releasing 10 years of tax returns on April 15, the federal deadline for filing tax returns. Sanders pledged to do so just six weeks ago, but when questioned Thursday about making good on his pledge, he told CNN that the returns “will be released soon.” His excuse is that he wants to make sure “all of them are together.” Hmm.

“Do you know what April 15th is? It’s Tax Day,” Sanders told CNN on Capitol Hill when asked if there was an issue to release his taxes. “So, I think we want to make sure we have all of them together and as I said, they will be released soon.”

When asked if that meant he would not necessarily release his tax returns on April 15, Sanders responded, “That’s it. Thank you very much.”

Then an aide stepped in front of the CNN reporter to stymie the reporter’s reasonable follow-up question, which was: did Sanders’ response mean he may not necessarily meet his own deadline? However, Bernie wanted to change the subject in a hurry to focus on the House’s action in passing the Yemen War Powers Resolution. “Today let’s worry about the starving children in Yemen.”

Could it be that Bernie and his campaign is just waiting for the right time to release his tax returns when the document dump won’t garner too much media attention? That would be a foolish exercise. Sanders has traveled from coast to coast on a political message of a man operating within a humble grassroots campaign to get his message out as an economic populist. How will it look when all those BernieBros discover that he and his wife, Jane, have earned more than a million dollars annually over the last few years? Or that they own homes in Burlington, VT, Washington, D.C. and in 2016 purchased a lake-front home in Vermont?


VTDigger reported in May that he made more than $1 million in 2017 — $885,767 of which came from cash advances and royalties for his book, “Our Revolution” on his failed 2016 presidential bid. It’s the second time he made roughly that amount, making more than a million in 2016 also.

Wait. Isn’t climate change a top issue for Bernie? Owning and running three homes seems like a large carbon footprint, doesn’t it? And, then there’s Bernie’s love of air travel to get to campaign events. He endorsed the Green New Deal, you know, and that silly, unrealistic wish list calls for the elimination of air travel. Maybe his campaign thought buying some carbon offsets would cover his rear end. (Fox News)

But other parts of his lifestyle are also drawing scrutiny, specifically when compared to his calls to limit environmental pollution and also to redistribute the wealth of the “millionaires and billionaires.”

In October, he spent nearly $300,000 on air travel so he could speak to audiences in nine battleground states before the November midterms. This from a candidate who has endorsed a Green New Deal that seeks to dramatically reduce (if not eliminate entirely) air travel.

Sanders’ team reportedly purchased nearly $5,000 in carbon offsets to balance out the emissions produced from the travel, according to VTDigger. A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions to compensate for emissions elsewhere.

The same day his campaign paid the jet company, Sanders called climate change a “planetary crisis” in a tweet.


Bernie from Brooklyn is living pretty large like the other swamp creatures as he rails against them. Thursday night Sanders was a guest on The Daily Show. After host Trevor Noah asked if maybe it’s just time for the old white guy to step aside and let others run for president, He quickly changed the subject.

“What we need to do is focus on a progressive agenda and I’m proud of the fact that I have been a leader in fighting for that agenda for a long time.”

Tere is something that is happening with Bernie Sanders on April 15, whether he fulfills his pledge on tax returns or not. Noah also asked about his upcoming town hall on Fox News Channel with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, given that Democrats had already announced they would boycott the network. Sanders quickly tried to make a distinction between the Trump-friendly network and Trump voters in general.

Trust me, I know FOX News. I know who they are and I know what role they are playing.

However, in the last campaign, I did a town meeting with a fellow named Bret Baier, who did it very fairly. He did it straightforwardly. Believe me, we went over the ground rules beforehand and they kept their word.

To me, it is important to distinguish “FOX News” from the many millions of people who watch Fox News. And I think it is important to talk to those people and say, you know what? I know that many of you voted for Donald Trump, but he lied to you. He told you, for example, he was going to provide health care to all people, now he wants to throw 30 million people off the health care that they had. He told you that he was going to give tax reform that would not benefit the wealthy. 83% of the benefits go to the top 1%.

I think it is important to talk to Trump supporters and explain to them to what degree he has betrayed the working class of this country and lied during his campaign.


Nice try there, Bernie. Trump voters won’t be going to the polls to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020, should he receive the Democrat nomination. Trump has fulfilled most of his campaign promises and the economy is booming. Most importantly, he is replacing liberal judges with conservative judges at the federal level across the country, not to mention the Supreme Court and that is very important to conservative voters. Bernie’s living much more like a capitalist than he is a socialist. He’s the worst kind of limousine liberal. The April 15 deadline is one he imposed on himself. He is trying to keep pace with the other candidates who have released their tax documents. Never mind the average voter, the other candidates can’t wait to get their eyes on his tax reports.

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