Michael Moore loves everything about the Democratic Party except for everything

Is Michael Moore the new unofficial leader of the Democratic Party? Perhaps not, but in his own mind he may be. And following the Democrats’ fourth straight goose egg in attempting to unseat Republicans in Georgia this week, he picked up his social media megaphone and let everyone know that he is still a strong supporter of the party. Well… with a few exceptions. Those apparently include the leadership, their platform and their ability to formulate any type of plans for victory.


The Hill took note of this tirade and offered a few possible explanations for it.

Liberal activist Michael Moore lashed out at national Democrats on Wednesday after the party fell short in a special House runoff election in Georgia despite spending tens of millions of dollars on a race that was viewed as a referendum on President Trump.

Moore and others on the left are furious with what they view as a rudderless Democratic Party that has failed to develop a new strategy or message in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s surprising election loss in November.

Moore ripped the Democratic National Committee and its House campaign arm for having “no message, no plan, no leaders.” Democratic leaders “hate the resistance,” Moore said, underscoring the lingering tension between the party’s grassroots base and the establishment in Washington.


Aside from noting that Moore is largely correct in his criticisms about the leadership, I think he may be on to something else when he talks about “The Resistance.” The old guard in the DNC has been around long enough for us to admit that this isn’t their first trip to the rodeo. They know that they can only buck the youthful portion of their base just so far, but they absolutely hate the idea that their current crop of “legendary leaders” in the mold of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and DNC Chair Tom Perez are being constantly “trash talked” by the upstarts who want to run someone like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders for president and wished to see Keith Ellison in charge of the national committee.

But it’s not just the desire to hang on to power driving them. The professional political wranglers among their ranks also very likely know a losing strategy when they see one. Pushing the party too far to the left is going to be not only ineffective, but will cost them otherwise winnable races. But they’re dealing with a very angry base at the moment which seeks to hold them accountable for recent losses and move the needle further in the direction of socialism. And it doesn’t help when they’ve got Sanders out there giving speeches where he talks about how the party’s “Third Way” centrism has been an absolute failure.


If I were in the business of giving helpful advice to Democrats I’d probably tell them to re-learn the lesson that all politics is local and ignore Michael Moore because he’s setting them up for a rolling disaster next year. But under the circumstances, I’d rather advise them to put Moore in at the head of the DNC. It would certainly be amusing to watch the ensuing implosion.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024