When MAGA Meets GIGO: The Garbage In, Garbage Out Phase of 2024

AP Photo/Julia Demaree Nikhinson

I must say, I did not have Oscar the Grouch as being the official mascot of the final week of Campaign '24 on my Bingo card. The most remarkably eclectic election season of my lifetime went from appealing to a nation built on the wretched refuse to the dumpster fire of the President of the United States calling half the country actual garbage. 

I am of a vintage that when I grew up, garbage was garbage. It all went into the cans. Now, there's normal trash. There's mixed recycling. We have a greens bin now. Since garage has become part of the political lexicon in the last week of October, it is important to differentiate between the different types of garbage that has now become part of the national rhetoric. 

First, let's talk about Donald Trump's latest edition of Undercover Boss. His Wisconsin press conference from the cab of a white garbage truck complete with a vinyl MAGA wrap on the side was the best troll job I've ever seen on a presidential campaign trail. And that's just a couple weeks removed from the previous best troll job I've ever seen on a presidential campaign trail - the McDonald's drive-thru stunt in a collar county north of Philly. Trump is at his best in this environment. 

The former President took the stage in a packed Green Bay venue, with former Packers Hall of Famer Brett Favre as his warmup act, and gave five minutes of the charming, affable, self-deprecating, and genuine Donald Trump regime media will never let you see. If you haven't watched it online, yet, you owe it to yourself to learn how the garbage truck stunt and the vest came to be. 

There are plenty of people casting a vote for Kamala Harris solely because of their hatred of Donald Trump. And that intractability when casting a vote for president is impossible to overcome. But make no mistake. Donald Trump does have charm and charisma. He does have a human side. He's very obviously not the Hitler regime media and their allies on the left are trying to make him out to be. 

Even one of his surrogates, Vivek Ramaswamy, decided to help take the trash out. 


Compare this with Kamala Harris. Can you name one appearance, one rally, one time where Kamala Harris showed any transparency into her character as a person? You can't. Everything about her is staged. Everything. Even her cooking videos before she was dropped into the middle of the presidential election were scripted, phony, cringe-inducing affairs. She is so determined to project an image she wants you to believe is genuine, one that she doesn't have the capacity to act out with any credibility. She often comes off as a result as nothing short of cartoonish. Here she is yesterday, also in Wisconsin.

The pro-Hamas hecklers have followed her to the Badger State. You notice Trump's rally didn't have any of this nonsense. Trump certainly does have protesters pipe up at times at his rallies, but he's able to handle it a lot better, telling them to go home and cry to their mom. In Kamala's case? She locks up, gets nervous, and her vocal register climbs a couple octaves from the panic. 

The person who aspires to be commander-in-chief cannot command attention at her own rally. She's lost control of it. The crowd is trying to interject on their own, and she's got the look on her face as if to say, "oh, no, it's happening again." Instead of calmly responding and making some lighthearted comment while security takes out the garbage, she gets angry. And while her voice is already in that Hillary Clinton screech zone that causes airplanes to drift off course, she yells at the protester.


She's not up to this. You know it, and I know it. Regime media knows it, but they've made the conscious decision to throw their own credibility into the garbage by offering up garbage analysis. Here's Norah O'Donnell's open on CBS Evening News Wednesday night.

If this isn't an in-kind donation to the Democratic Party, I don't know what is. O'Donnell, who was an active participant in a 3-on-1 debate against J.D. Vance that was supposed to only be a duel with Tim Walz, bemoans the fact that Donald Trump and Republicans have seized and pounced on poor Joe Biden's sincerely-held belief that half the country is garbage, and didn't show him any grace. It goes without saying that grace has not exactly been regime media's strong suit when it comes to covering Donald Trump. 

Politico's Jonathan Lemire jumped on the Joe Biden garbage grenade Tuesday night, trying to add apostrophes, altering the transcript to read in what regime media wanted him to say in order to limit the damage. He coincidentally was rewarded the following morning with a promotion at MSNBC, becoming an official co-host of Morning Joe instead of just being a contributor that is brought on the set every day. 

Politico continued the insanity coverage of Trump's garbage truck presser with this tweet.

Joe Biden's garbage gaffe was enormously damaging to Kamala Harris down the stretch. Media knows it. Politico didn't just make a mistake here, mis-identifying Trump's garbage truck as a dump truck. And by the way, a brief aside, where's the outrage from the truck classification-fluid community? Shouldn't they be offended that Politico is mis-identifying Trump's truck? But I digress.

Politico knows full well it was a garbage truck. They called it a dump truck in their story, because if you don't use the word garbage in the story, you don't draw attention to what Biden called half the country, something Politico is signaling they know is damaging. 

Now we come to another type of political garbage this time of year - the suppression polls. 

Yesterday, there was movement in Michigan and Wisconsin that caused Kamala Harris to retake the lead in the respective Real Clear Politics Battleground polls. CNN/SSRS issued three polls, covering Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. They show the Keystone State as tied, but supposedly, all of a sudden, Kamala Harris is up five in Michigan, and up six in Wisconsin. Color me skeptical. Here's why. 

Two other polls in Wisconsin were also released Wednesday. Tom Bevan, one of the principal contributors of Real Clear Politics, puts it into perspective.


So Marquette, which last released a survey in Wisconsin in mid-September, shows movement away from Harris towards Trump. Atlas Intel, which last dropped a Wisconsin poll 10 days ago, showed movement towards Trump by a point. And yet, we're supposed to pay attention to a poll by CNN/SSRS, which has not polled Wisconsin at all in this cycle until now? 

How did CNN/SSRS do in 2020? They missed in the six states they polled, including Wisconsin, by an average of 7.3%. They were as bad as Quinnipiac in that cycle, and only Monmouth was worse. 

For this poll, the obvious question that has to be asked is what is the methodology? What is the makeup of Democrats, Republicans, and independents in their sample? CNN, in their print story, does not say. If a poll at this stage of the game will not give you the methodology behind it, it's in all likelihood a voter suppression poll. Polls have to have transparency behind them, especially when they're released in the last week. There is none of that in the CNN poll. 

Here's what we do know about the poll, at least as reported by CNN

Interviews were conducted October 23-28, 2024, online and by telephone with registered voters, including 726 voters in Michigan, 819 in Pennsylvania and 736 in Wisconsin. Likely voters include all registered voters in the poll weighted for their predicted likelihood of voting in this year’s election. Results among likely voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points; it is 4.8 points among likely voters in Wisconsin.

So the sample size of Wisconsin is 736 registered voters. And of that subset of registered voters, an unspecified smaller number of people were given weight based upon what CNN/SSRS believes is their predicted likelihood of showing up next Tuesday. We don't know out of which orifice they're pulling that prediction out of, but the sample size is somewhere around what, 400? 450? 

And then look at the error rate. Kamala is up 6! (and in the very last paragraph of the story, we're telling you that the margin of error is 4.9%. Why don't they just go ahead and say she's up 10 with a MOE of 9 while they're at it? 

There is a similar poll from Susquehanna in Michigan showing Harris up 5. It has a likely voter sample of 400 and a margin of error of 4.9%. They're garbage polls.  

Amid the constant stream of litter filtering into your newsfeed every day, ask yourself the following questions to help you decide who's winning and who's losing.

When's the last time Kamala Harris, at least politically, won the day against Donald Trump? When was her last honestly good day? You'd be hard-pressed to name one positive day for her on the campaign trail since her debate with Donald Trump. And that didn't even move the needle for her very much, and not for very long. 

Has the right track/wrong track number moved at all towards parity? By a margin of 64-27%, Americans believe the country is moving in the wrong direction, a spread of 37 points. That's electoral death for the incumbent party. That number has not moved significantly in the last two years, and Kamala Harris has offered nothing rhetorically to persuade people she'll be an improvement. 

120 hours of time left before we get down to business on Tuesday. None of this garbage is worth anything unless you turn out to vote. And while the very least you can do is vote, with most of you, there's more you can and should do. There are plenty of places, including Americans For Prosperity, that can use your help where you are to help with the final voter turnout drive. Please don't leave anything on the table. Do you part, and you'll be able take even greater satisfaction in the results Tuesday night. 


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