
I'm unmasking my last nerve here on the blankety-blank masks

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Dr. Jill Biden, a four-time recipient of the jab that we were told keeps us from contracting COVID, has COVID for the second time. Joe Biden, who allegedly does not have COVID, has been told he’s following the COVID protocols. Except for all the times when he’s not.

Remember the height of the pandemic scare, when we were so worried about this invisible virus killing us all that whenever we did walk outside, we were afraid to touch anything? And we looked at everything – living or not, as a potential hiding spot for the little bugs. My wife and I had recently purchased e-bikes, because we’re both over 50, and having that little boost of power going up hills makes bike riding a heck of a lot more fun. And while everyone was told to stay indoors, exceptions were made for the bike paths, because instinctively, exhaling while riding 15 miles per hour was not going to infect someone half a mile away inside their home, so we didn’t have to wear masks. Yet the masking Nazis were always out there yelling at us, saying we were committing genocide by not covering up our faces.

I never bought into the mask hysteria. I wore them when I absolutely had to, but complained bitterly ever step of the way. I cheated with my nose slipping out over the top of its artificial bra, and ripped the darn thing off my face the second I wasn’t mandated to wear it. It wasn’t too hard to understand that the physical diameter of a COVID virus cell was about a third the size of the size of a hole in an N95 mask, and about four hundred times smaller than the holes in a cloth or paper mask. ‘The Science’ pushed back early on in the pandemic, making the case that virus cells clump together, and tied to the water vapor in your breath (which is also the leading greenhouse gas, by the way), will easily be collected by the mesh in the mask you’re wearing.

The bottom line of the argument was, and still is, this. Masks, if they work, keep you from giving the virus to someone else. They do not necessarily prevent you from contracting the virus. It was always a tool deployed to keep you from becoming Typhoid Mary and infecting other people with your contagion. Except ‘The Science’, like life, still finds a way, even with mercurial despots and authoritarians using The Science as a means for controlling the actions of the populace.

The Cochrane Library published in February a major study that showed that masks really don’t do a thing to slow or arrest the spread of the virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who originally was worried about a supply shortage of masks and a resulting nationwide panic from people desperately trying to obtain the things, lied openly about their efficaciousness. Remember this one?

So masks don’t really work, huh? But was he really lying then? Did he know then, like he knew he was also funding the deadly virus research at the Wuhan lab with U.S. taxpayer dollars, that masks really don’t work? Or did he believe they really do work and was trying not to create a panic? You see, that’s the thing about Dr. Fauci. I’ve often said he’s the Magic 8 Ball of health advisors. If you don’t like the answer he gives you, shake him a bit, and a different answer will come out.

But we now have actual data from ‘The Science’ that says masks really don’t work. Maybe Fauci actually was prescient and prophetic without realizing it. Nope.

Fauci this week told CNN’s Michael Smerconish:

“When you’re talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong,” he admitted.

“But there are other studies, Michael, that show at an individual level, for individuals,” they might be protective, he said.

No, Doc, it’s not that the data are less strong, the data are not there. So if you can’t point to data that supports the macro use of masking, you’re trying to invent micro-targeting, hoping for a perverse pay it forward kind of thinking in order to stop the next wave of the virus? Notice that even when advocating for the micro individual-use level of masking, he sneaks the qualifying word “might” in there. Masks at the individual level ‘might’ be protective.

We’ve had about four years now of time that has lapsed to study the micro and the macro. We have the wherewithal in this country to get past the “might” stage by now. Fauci might be right. Masks might help at the micro level. They also might not. Masking kids en masse again in schools, a thing which is actually beginning to take place again, might keep kids from spreading the virus. It might keep them from being hospitalized. It might keep them from dying. It might allow them to go on and live a life of religious fulfillment. Sorry, channeled Dr. Rumack there for a second.

On the other hand, kids might not spread the disease even without the masks. They might not get sick. They might not die. In fact, the track record to date of this virus is the odds are much higher that they won’t get sick or die from this virus.

So given that the COVID Chicken Littles are back out there clearing their collectivist throats, how is that COVID protocol policy, whatever it is, taking place at the White House, where Dr. Jill Biden, four-time recipient of the jab that prevents you from getting the virus, or so we were told, now has COVID for the second time? About what you’d expect from anything coming out of the Biden administration – chaotic, haphazard, inconsistent.

Biden showed up this week in the East Room to award a Congressional Medal of Honor onto a genuine American hero – 81-year old retired Army Captain Larry Taylor. Here’s Joe Biden beginning the ceremony.

Notice that Biden and Captain Taylor are the only ones wearing a mask in the room. The only ones. Now presumably, if you are trying to follow the protocols, Joe Biden is exposed to the virus because Dr. Jill Biden, four-time recipient of the jab that prevents you from getting the virus, has COVID for the second time. Joe has not as of yet tested positive, nor does he show signs of infection. He shows signs of a whole host of other maladies, but that’s a different column for a different day. But according to ‘The Science’, at least the left-wing authoritarian science, you’re supposed to isolate and mask up for ten days after being exposed. Biden is masking, along with Captain Taylor, purportedly in order for Biden not to spread something nobody knows for sure he has in the first place. So far, so good.

The mask came off at the opening prayer, and stayed off for the duration of Biden’s stay at the ceremony. His stay, curiously, did not coincide with the conclusion of the ceremony itself. Joe took his mask off, Captain Taylor took his mask off, both of them were in each other’s personal space, and Biden hung the hardware around his neck. Being Captain Taylor was neither underage nor a female, neck sniffing did not take place. But he was close enough to the President’s piehole to breach the COVID protocols.

The ceremony continued, except Grandpa Joe thought he had a train to catch or something, and wandered out of the room, maskless, flashing that toothy grin, spreading Dr. Jill Biden’s potential COVID transferred viral cells, Dr. Jill Biden of course being a four-time recipient of the jab that prevents you from getting the virus, or so we’re told, who has COVID for the second time. It was like Biden was the star of his own super spreader event.

Okay, that’s a one-off, you say. He’s just Joe. He thought it was later in the day, had a Hunter phone call he had to take, and forgot to mask back up. We’ll forgive him his lapse of judgment and total mockery of whatever the COVID protocols are supposed to be.

Except that Wednesday, nothing much had changed.

Joe is asking the media, an outfit with which he clearly has shown he holds in the highest regard, to not report the fact that he walked in without wearing a mask. Okay, Joe, we won’t tell them. Who’s going to break the news to Dr. Fauci that his favorite president is not setting the example at the micro level on how masks ‘might’ prevent the spreading of the disease?

Here’s the deal. If I’m going into my oncologist’s office for a follow-up visit or scan, and the office houses a load of patients in there who are immuno-suppressed and are taking chemo, I’m perfectly fine masking up. But that’s a choice I’m making. I don’t have to go to that office for the visit. I’ve already beaten cancer, thank God. I can make my own micro case for when the logical time is or is not to wear a mask for the greater good of people around me. My trust that the government can be the arbiters of ‘The Science’ is at Absolute Zero on the Kelvin scale.

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