The Most Devastating Campaign Ad of the Cycle?

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Perhaps we should add the qualifier, so far. And it comes not from Team Trump, but from Republican senatorial candidate Dave McCormick. This 90-second ad delivers a series of body blows to Kamala Harris and Bob Casey, McCormick's opponent in the US Senate election in Pennsylvania, but this may just scratch the surface of material Republicans have on the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee. 


Some of this hits specifically on Pennsylvania voters, but much of this will hammer Harris on top national priorities too:

Three days ago, McCormick released a 25-second clip of Harris endorsing a fracking ban during the 2019 debate season. Needless to say, that will concern a great many voters in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, where fracking and its increased production of oil and natural gas have become an important part of the state's economy. That's also true of Ohio, upstate New York, and to a certain extent Indiana, the Dakotas, and so on, although Democrats probably don't plan to compete very hard in those states. 

Pennsylvania would be a death blow to Democrats' White House hopes if they lose the state, however. They have no path to Electoral College victory without it, which means McCormick had better buy 90-second blocks of time on all Keystone State media platforms for this ad -- or Team Trump should edit it to run it themselves in full.

Besides fracking, the ad effectively paints Harris as a radical on:

  • The filibuster
  • Green New Deal
  • Offshore drilling
  • Illegal immigration
  • Abolishing immigration enforcement
  • Defunding the police
  • Opposing red meat (seriously!)
  • Allowing convicts to vote from prison
  • Forcible gun confiscation
  • Eliminating private health insurance and imposing socialized medicine
  • Free health care for illegal immigrants

What makes this interesting is how well all of this aligns with the hard-Left progressives who just forced Joe Biden out of the election and anointed Harris as the party nominee. That's even true of the politically inept criticism of red-meat consumption, which springs from that Green New Deal agenda that thrills Academia-driven progressives but sounds absurd to voters outside that bubble. 

So none of these are gaffes or misspeaking under pressure. As I argued yesterday, all of this represents exactly what the Democrat Party has become over the last two decades: a party of elites that actively seeks to eliminate personal choices and liberty while destroying the existing institutions that undergird both. The Democrat Party doesn't even respect democracy any longer, opting to have the Academia cognoscenti appoint a nominee and then tell its voters to support it. 

The more this gets exposed, the better Republicans will do in the election. That's true up and down the ballot, as McCormick recognizes. Any Senate Dem running for re-election in a competitive state should have to see this ad or a version of it running in their state and get forced to explain why they endorse someone this radical. 

Of course, Harris also has issues with coherence as well as radicalism. The Washington Free Beacon has a cornucopia of examples in their running video series, Veep Thoughts with Kamala Harris. They have fourteen episodes already in their archive, but they published a "special edition" of Harris' lowlights today:


These aren't necessarily campaign-ad clips, but they contribute to the accurate perception that Harris is not just radical but an intellectual lightweight. And when Harris has to climb out of the White House bubble to campaign openly and engage reporters, the media can only do so much to prevent that reality from being recognized and internalized by voters. 

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024