Panicky Dems wonder: "How do we get Grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?"

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

If one person tells you you’re drunk, you can ignore him. If three or more people tell you you’re drunk, maybe you should consider giving up your keys. So what does it mean when 59% of Americans have major concerns about your “mental health” and potential senility?


Perhaps someone should take the nuclear football away? Seems a bit more dangerous than a Corvette convertible, but YMMV.

Joe Biden may not care much about polling these days, but his fellow Democrats sure seem to worry about it — and about Biden’s compos mentis status, too. The Wall Street Journal reports this morning Democrats’ “fears are growing” that voters may not buy their spin that Joe Biden is mentally competent enough for this term, let alone another. And they wonder how — and if — they can pull the plug to salvage the 2024 electoral cycle:

Conversations with more than a dozen leading Democrats revealed the pervasive, but mostly private, sense of worry that hangs over the race. Some compare this moment to the 2016 cycle when many top Democrats brushed aside Hillary Clinton’s vulnerabilities only to watch her ultimately lose to Trump. But this is in many ways a different case—a sitting president facing clear frustration from voters, including those within his own party.

“It is a little bit like your grandfather running the company and you know that he’s at a point now where the heirs could suffer value if we don’t change management at the top,” said Philip Levine, a former Democratic mayor of Miami Beach, Fla., who has expressed support for No Labels, a centrist group that has suggested it may run a third-party candidate. “And this is very difficult. How do we get grandpa to relinquish the CEO role?”

Other Democrats would only echo those sentiments in private. Said one member of the Democratic National Committee: “It would be irresponsible for us to not be concerned at this point. People can be hopeful about what the result is going to be. But we don’t have any evidence as to why we should be hopeful. The polling is bad. The approval ratings are bad. We know about concerns about both the president’s age and about the vice president if she were to take over.”


Ah yes, Joe Biden’s impeachment insurance — and the very first evidence of his bad judgment in his presidential phase. To remove Biden would be to force Kamala Harris into the Oval Office, and that would be just as bad only without age as an excuse. Harris’ approval numbers are worse than Biden’s, and for good reason: Biden can occasionally succeed at public speaking. Harris is an utter disaster, and had been even before Biden picked her for the ticket.

And there is no way around the Kamala Konundrum, either. There had been fanciful predictions that Harris would accept an appointment to the Senate from Gavin Newsom and resign as VP so that Biden could appoint Newsom to replace her. That would have solved the Kamala Konundrum, but only in fantasy. In the first place, the House has to confirm a VP appointment in mid-term, along with the Senate, under the terms of succession laid out in the 25th Amendment. Does anyone think for a moment that the GOP-controlled House would have played along with that move? And for that matter, who believes that the Congressional Black Caucus would have stood silently by while Biden demoted the first black and female VP in favor of a white male?

Democrats stuck us with the Inept Duo, and now they’re stuck with them as well, as long as Biden refuses to give up the keys. Even if he did, though, time has almost ran out for a real primary fight, as state deadlines for filing are already passing by. That means they’re even more stuck with Harris. What progressive smoke-filled back room would demote Harris in favor of Newson, Roy Cooper, Jared Polis, or any other alternative with a modicum of both national recognition and real competitiveness?


Besides, these Democrats are still refusing to grasp the full message of the polling. Joe Biden isn’t just getting low marks on mental health, but on the full range of policy under his leadership. The approval rating on the economy is particularly bad, for instance. And yet Democrats think that “Bidenism” is still a winner:

The DNC member added: “I want to see Bidenism continue but I think the best way to make sure that happens is to perhaps have a different candidate than Joe Biden.”

Really? The same polls that tell these Democrats that Grandpa needs a minder also makes clear that “Bidenism” is a flop, too. Here are the RCP averages for Biden’s approval numbers on policy:

  • Economy: 36.6/60.4
  • Foreign policy (Biden’s supposed specialty): 40/57
  • Immigration: 33.6/62.8
  • Inflation: 32.4/65
  • Crime: 35.7/57
  • Russia/Ukraine: 43.5/52.8

The only positive marks Biden gets is on COVID, and only barely at 48.7/43.7, and that’s likely because so few polls ask about it any longer. If Biden tries reimposing restrictions like mask and vaccine/booster mandates, those numbers will head south in a hurry.

If Democrat leaders think that “Bidenism” will still sell, maybe they need a political Breathalyzer as well.

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