The UN Is a Huge Part of the Problem

(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Did you know that the UN runs the school system in Gaza?

All told, the UNRWA, which exists solely to benefit Palestinian “refugees,” educates over half a million Palestinian students in the region. 300,000 of them are in the Gaza Strip.


It’s a big operation and is a key part of the governance of the Gaza Strip. In addition to education, the UNRWA provides a multitude of services and aid in the region.

You might think that it is better to have the UN run the schools than Hamas, but you misunderstand: the UN basically runs the schools with Hamas. It serves as something of a propaganda arm within the Gaza Strip for the ruling clique. How could it be otherwise, given how Hamas will happily kill anyone who they see as a threat, and how the terrorists require a steady stream of “martyrs” to further their evil goals.

The UNRWA is basically an internationally funded Hamas front, and the largest contributor to the organization is the United States of America. Trump had cut off funding, but Joe Biden opened the spigots once again.

The United Nations may not be Israel’s #1 enemy, but it tries hard to be in the running. And the UNRWA is a key part of its strategy to keep the production of potential “martyrs” going fast enough to replace the ones Hamas keeps getting killed.


So what sort of thing happens in UNRWA schools? Are they focused on reading, writing, and arithmetic? Uh, well, maybe there is some of that going on, although if you are training to be a martyr you probably don’t need those skills so much. Especially when your government has no desire to have a viable economy in which jobs are plentiful and skills beyond bombmaking are useful.

So we see a lot of this:

and this:

What Americans and other Westerners can’t seem to grasp is the extent to which Hamas, like ISIS and al Qaeda, is a death cult. We are not talking about an oppressed group of people who are just carving out a better life for themselves. In fact, the whole idea that Palestinians in Gaza are “refugees” is in itself absurd. No group of people can be refugees for generations without end. The State of Israel is over 70 years old, and if your family is still considered “refugees” after 70 years of inhabiting a place you are doing something wrong.


Gaza is, or was, self-governed, and if the powers that be wanted to do something besides build rockets and kill people you can build a society. They simply aren’t interested, so they train their kids to hate and become killers.

With the help of the UNRWA.

To give you an idea of just how corrupt the UN is and how deceptive their portrayal of the war in Gaza, look at the propaganda the World Heath Organization–another branch of the UN–puts out. In their portrayal Gaza is a warm fuzzy place with rainbows and unicorns, but meanie Israel is committing genocide.

That the US started funding the UNRWA again, after Trump made the obvious and right move to cut off US funds, is an example of just how awful the Biden policies have been. It is US dollars that have been funding Hamas, both directly and through our opening the spigot of dollars to Iran.


In a very real sense, Joe Biden (and Barack Obama, the man who started these insane Iran policies) is responsible for this war. Just as he handed over Afghanistan to the death cultists, he is funding another batch in the Middle East.

The United Nations is evil. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Cut off every dime blow up the UN building and build apartments there, or a monument to all the people the UN has gotten killed.

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