Media corruption is destroying America

AP Photo/Reed Hoffmann

America is under attack from within. It threatens to destroy our civilization.

It is easy to place the blame for the decline of America on the Democrats. Or the academics. Or the raving lunatics who call themselves activists. Or…<insert countless other groups here.>


And all of them deserve their share of the blame for the rampant crime, the breakdown of social order, and the long slide of our society into oblivion.

But honestly, the people who are doing the most damage to America are the Mainstream Media. None of these other groups holds a candle to them when it comes to undermining American society. It’s not even close. 

The MSM works diligently and constantly to destroy Americans’ grasp of reality. It is, they believe, their duty. Without their constant spewing of “The Narrative™,” many more Americans would realize the connection between Leftist ideology and the disaster area that American Blue zones have become. And the disaster that the Left is trying to impose on the rest of us.

Americans know that Biden is a doddering incompetent. Yet he is favored to win next year. This is because the MSM will move mountains to carry him over the finish line, mostly by smearing Republicans.

You see their nefarious influence everywhere if you know to look for it. Crime reporting, for instance, is fundamentally distorted. A crime committed by a member of a disfavored class is hyped; others are memory-holed. Riots are either “mostly peaceful” or “the worst attack on American democracy since the Civil War.” Democrat corruption is swept under the rug; Republican misdemeanors are national crises.

Adam Schiff, Peter Strzok, and James Comey are American heroes; Donald Trump is a Russian spy.

Most Americans understand at some level that they are being gaslighted, but for the most part, the only data they have comes from the MSM. So despite people knowing that they are being told outright lies, they wind up believing them.


I asked a confidant who is a die-hard Democrat what he agreed on with his party, and he couldn’t answer. What then, did he object to in Republican policy? Again silence.

But he will vote Democrat because Republicans are “mean fascists.” He literally agrees with everything Republicans do but buys the MSM line that Republicans are uncompassionate fascists for doing them.

This is the effect of propaganda. The constant repetition of falsehoods works.

This is why independent media is vital to ensure that our country can be reborn. 

The point isn’t that we are always right. How could we be? We often disagree with each other. I’ve even called John a “sweet summer child!” Nicely, of course!

But we are honest with you about what we know and what we think. We actually respect the readers enough to tell the truth as we see it. That is the best you can ask for. We tell you what we think, pour passion into our writing, and know you will make up your own mind because you are rational adults.

The MSM? The New York Times and Washington Post, our two most prestigious newspapers, shared a Pulitzer Prize for covering Russiagate. Almost every word they wrote was fabricated. And still, millions believe that Trump is a Russian spy because they kept on being told that he was. Ask many a NeverTrumper, even, and many of them are still taken in by the lies.

The MSM even goes after parodies these days. Ed just wrote about how NBC assigned two reporters to attack an account that parodies AOC, and The Babylon Bee actually gets fact-checked. This is how deeply corrupt the media is, even censoring unapproved jokes. It is stasi-level stuff.


The coming election will be the most important in our lifetimes–even more important than 1980’s election. In 1980, America was teetering on the brink, but most Democrat politicians still loved America. They were wrong on policy but weren’t committed to the destruction of our country.

Today? The Democrat Party hates America, and if you listen to them, they will tell you so. The MSM itself endlessly repeats how awful average Americans are. They have one goal: turn America into a socialist “paradise” with them, coincidentally, running everything. Funny how that works.

If we lose in 2024, it’s hard to see how America comes back. The deck will be too stacked against us. We’ll keep fighting, but the odds against us get longer. 

Do you want the Pride flag flying at our embassies or the American flag?

That’s why we ask you to join us in the fight to defend America. It’s not because we are rich and greedy and want to be richer and greedier. Not that I don’t want to be rich, but that is not why I do this. If it were, I would be in another line of work. One where I make more money and my fingers wouldn’t hurt from typing so much.

Yes, they actually hurt from typing.

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But honestly, the VIP content is not the reason you should join HotAir’s fast-growing VIP program. You should do it because America deserves diverse voices, and censorship has become a favorite tactic of the Left. They want–they need–us silenced. Republicans aren’t their enemy; free thinkers are.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024