Always With the Knives - As If Islamic 'Immigrants' Are Taunting Germans With Blood Before Elections

AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi

I've done an awful lot of posts on the state of both the German economy and Olaf Scholz's collapsed coalition, which bears primary responsibility for it.

I've also done report after report on the unrestricted waves of immigrants that have flooded the country over the years under the auspices of Angela Merkel, which have never been impeded in any significant fashion but have changed the face of many German communities. In some of them, darn near erasing the very 'German' character of the places.


There are always knives. Lots of knives.

...This is 2022.

German police crime statistics presented in April grossly undercounted the number of knife attacks perpetrated in the country. The statistics presented by the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) Holger Münch and the Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) counted 8,160 knife attacks. Official figures from Germany’s federal states and state criminal investigation offices have revealed that the real number of knife attacks is significantly higher.

If one takes into account figures recorded and published by the state criminal police offices in Germany’s 16 federal states, the total number of knife attacks across the entire country exceeded 21,000 in 2022, which amounts to a staggering 60 attacks every single day, the German online magazine Tichy’s Einblick reports.

 And in larger cities, it's been lending an unwelcome air of foreign menace to seasonal gatherings that used to be internationally recognized as the essence of Germany. Gatherings where thousands of people could spend an evening wandering, looking at pop-up shops, listening to Christmas music, ooh-ing and aah-ing at glittering decorations, and enjoying the seasonal music. 

The German Christmas markets are rightly so famous. Yet now, most are like armed camps to enter.

And Germans are still not safe within the security perimeter from the killer ideology they have welcomed into their country.

Addressing the crisis of immigration changing the very nature of Germany and threatening what is intrinsically 'German' - besides being torn apart by the internal argument about 'Do Germans even have a right to be GERMAN and what does that mean?' - is another piece of what helped bring down Scholz's coalition and has contributed mightily to the rise of the populist, anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party led by Alice Weidel.


Germans tired of knives, tired of 'immigrants' running amok in their formerly well-ordered cities, tired of kid-glove and politically correct handling of 'immigrants' while German citizens are roughed up (even as they are attacked themselves) or arrested for speaking out against immigration are drawn to the AfDs message of returning some sense of balance to the country. 

Returning Germany to Germans.

That message and its appeal have been terrifying the formerly comfortably ruling parties, who have done their best to maneuver AfD through means fair and foul back into banned obscurity.

It hasn't worked.

In fact, as Obi Wan says, every time they try to strike AfD down, they become more powerful. Either through the electoral process - taking pluralities in regional after regional legislatures - strengthening broadly in general polling, or in the worse case scenarios as they seem to be playing out - having resident Islamic terrorists prove the AfD point in blood. 

Such was the case only a month after Olaf Scholz started losing control of the government this past November.  Forced to call a no-confidence-vote on 15 December, Scholz lost in a landslide of 'nays'. He then made the obligatory visit to Germany's president to formally ask for the Bundestag to be dissolved and new elections called for February, all the while desperately ignoring the AfD elephant in the room as plans were made.

A Saudi Arabian psychiatrist (wanted for extradition by that country) who had claimed asylum in Germany for years plowed his Mercedes through the happy throngs at the Magdeburg Christmas Market five days later.


...Let's talk turkey for a moment. What effect is this ghastly event going to have, if any, on the upcoming German elections?

Scholz, having failed the confidence vote, is a lame duck going up against another one of his former coalition partners. All of the mainstream coalition parties are responsible for the sad state of the country and, in effect, for what happened at the market hours ago.

German authorities announced last Monday they will not be prosecuting it as a 'terrorist attack.' Their desperate attempt to smear the rampage as right-wing failing almost as soon as it was floated, a flailing government settled for 'he was personally frustrated' and 'so confused' as the reason for the murders and mayhem.

A car-ramming attack on a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg — which left six people dead shortly before Christmas — will not be investigated as a terrorist attack, the country's Federal Prosecutor General Jens Rommel told regional channel SWR.

...In the aftermath of the tragedy, Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said it was clear that the suspect held "Islamophobic" views but added it was too early to draw a link between his views and a motivation for the attack.

German authorities came under fire after it emerged that the suspect had been the subject of numerous tip-offs over the years since as early as 2013, including several from the Saudi government. Police in the state of Saxony-Anhalt concluded any threat of violence was "too unspecific" after an investigation.

Germany's Justice Minister Volker Wissing told Funke media group that, despite investigations into the suspect's threatening comments, his political statements were "so confused that none of the security authorities' patterns fitted him."


Six dead, and three hundred injured, some horrifically, by a 'confused' person.

Do Scholz, Friedrich Merz, and the rest of the party elites not believe the German people are watching this?

As if for emphasis, two days later - this past Wednesday - the knives came out again. In the city of Aschaffenburg, the almost-common-place, unthinkably brutal happened again.

Parks are too dangerous for people in Germany.

He came from Afghanistan through Bulgaria, where he had registered his claim for asylum. In 2022, he travelled through the EU’s open borders to Germany where he settled in the north-western Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg. Last Wednesday, the man, now 28 years old, walked into a park in the city centre where he knifed a two-year-old boy to death, injured two other children, and then killed the 41-year-old man who had tried to stop him. He was finally intercepted by the police at a nearby rail track after a short chase.

The shocking attack has reignited the debate about immigration only weeks before the German federal elections on February 23, and exposed the weakness of its political elites. Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU opposition and front-runner in the race to be chancellor, will propose legislation this week to permanently end free movement across all of Germany’s borders. Radical enough in itself, such a change would signal the end of the political firewall, or Brandmauer, his party had erected against the far-Right Alternative for Germany. The firewall is a pledge among the mainstream parties that there would be no co-operation with the AfD under any circumstances — no coalition, no confidence and supply agreement, and no joint legislation at federal level.


An Afghan refugee attacked a KINDERGARTEN group with a knife, exposing the 'weakness' of the German elites. The reaction and response exposes it further.

...Herrmann said the suspect had entered Germany in 2022. His asylum claim was unsuccessful and he was supposed to have left the country late last year.

The suspect had a history of violent behavior and was undergoing psychiatric treatment by the time his asylum case was denied.

The suspect's accommodation at an asylum center was searched. Investigators found psychiatric medication but no "evidence of a radical Islamist attitude."

He wasn't a terrorist illegal immigrant, you see, fellow Germans. He was just crazy. Makes it all better, ja?


...Security in Germany's public spaces is a major topic of debate ahead of the snap German election on February 23.  

Do tell.

If it wasn't for X and platforms like it, information about these slaughters and the German government's excuses for them would never see the light of day.

Speaking of which, just TODAY, it sounds as if they managed to snag another 'crazy Afghan' before he could use what he had stowed in his home on kindergartners or whomever.


The new 'immigrant' kids are not alright, either.

And there are demonstrations beginning that mourn the GERMAN victims, who say they will no longer stand for them being treated as second-class.

Christian Democrat (CDU) leader Merz is rattled enough to know which way the populist wind is blowing and, in the face of these continuing horrific crimes and public opinion turning very dark, has broached the once unthinkable - working with Weidel and AfD.

...Get ready to hear talk of the Barbados coalition – black (CDU/CSU), yellow (FDP), and blue (AfD).

 That’s because Merz says he will tolerate AfD votes in favor of his motions, something he and other CDU/CSU leaders had previously ruled out. It doesn’t matter that he still rules out creating a coalition with the conservative populist party – once informal, mutual support arrangements are considered acceptable, there are many paths open to creating a post-election, de facto coalition.

AfD leader Alice Weidel clearly grasps this. She has proclaimed that Merz’s decision means the longstanding cordon sanitaire preventing any of the traditional parties from cooperating with AfD has now crumbled. She is clearly right.

If Merz follows through on his promise, any future action he takes will be viewed through the new paradigm. Every new proposal will elicit the same question from Germans: Will cooperation with AfD on this bill be permissible? 

Merz can call it whatever he wants, but he can’t re-establish a firewall against cooperation with AfD once he permits it in this instance. Cooperation with AfD is now possible; only the terms and instances will be negotiable.

His decision is an indication of the very difficult political position the continued violent attacks by refugees and other immigrants has placed him in. They have pushed migration policy to the top of voter concerns, according to the most recent poll for the ARD public television network.


The continuous, unrelenting, vicious attacks by foreigners who have been given everything while citizens went without have done their bloody work all too well.

They have sliced Angela Merkel's halcyon dream of a diverse Germany into ribbons, one two-year-old at a time.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025