UK's Energy Secretary Net Zero Mania a 'Threat to National Security'

Anthony Devlin/PA via AP

Labor really is trying to destroy what's left of the United Kingdom before they are summarily booted to the crumbling curb, aren't they?

We've covered their latest taxing schemes that will destroy family farms and what's left of the few heavy industries still manufacturing things like vehicles left in the country. That's before you get to the dystopian everyday lives of British citizens who are monitored for speech and thought crimes so closely that a Facebook post or errant thought on X will have the local constabulary banging at your door and interrogating you in your own living room.


Before they haul you off to the hoosgow, be you nine or ninety.

It's a great place.

Part of the ruling Labour Party's charm is its own schizophrenic inconsistency. All these grand machinations, no prior or 'what if' contingency planning, and then quick reversals with no apologies when the Schlitz hits the proverbial fan.

They are being routinely crucified in the papers, particularly when it comes to climate cult issues and their chief lunatic adherent, Energy Secretary Ed Milliband. As the UK is nowhere near meeting these impossible goals, but Milliband is determined they shall, he is indulging his inner socialist fascist to get 'er done.

As ever with cultists, plans are still foggy and invariably horrendously expensive to everyone but the 'money is no object when we're SAVING THE EARTH' crowd.

...As Christmas fast approaches, and we prepare for 2025, it is perhaps worth remembering that there are just 60 months left for the Labour Government to double onshore wind, quadruple offshore wind, and triple solar power. The details of how it might achieve this near impossible goal were set out last week in Miliband’s 138-page Clean Power 2030 Action Plan but, as ever, there is a contradiction at the heart of this Labour “milestone” that has to be addressed – and that’s the increasingly evident human cost.

Miliband, like your average Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil nut, appears to be insisting that the planet must be saved “at all costs” – and despite any sacrifices that may have to be made, personal, economic or otherwise. As he recently insisted: “On climate this transition is unstoppable.” Sorry, unstoppable, even if it causes pensioners to choose between heating and eating?

Before the recent publication of Miliband’s action plan, we had no real idea how he proposed to deliver his maniacal climate goals beyond some guff about creating GB Energya company that will not generate any energy at all but instead “invest in a new generation of renewable energy supply”. No one appears to have bothered modelling the impact on consumer bills of a green plan that, according to the National Energy System Operator (Neso), needs to raise £40 billion in investment a year, most of it from the private sector. Similarly, it has not been explained how we are to magically develop new carbon capture, storage and green hydrogen technologies within five years, or what contingency plan is in place for when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. (Spoiler alert: gas, imported from the US at great cost, because Miliband and Co won’t allow fracking, despite it giving us the “energy security” he craves.)

Labour boasts it will “save £93 billion for UK households”, yet Miliband has already had to back away from his pledge that £300 a year will be shaved off the average energy bill. The sums don’t quite add up, since the UK is currently paying more for energy than most of the rest of Europe – despite deriving 25 per cent more energy from wind, and 3.9 per cent more from solar than a decade ago.

Back then, people had a say over what was built in their back yard, but we now know Miliband’s eco-quest is contingent on riding roughshod over the rights of communities to object to new pylons or wind farms in their neighbourhoods. Nearly 1,000km (620 miles) of new power lines will be required to connect new renewable energy to the grid. Meanwhile, the liberalisation of planning laws will make it easier to progress onshore farms larger than 100MW, which in some cases require hundreds of acres of land (no doubt surrendered by farmers priced out by the inheritance tax hike).


There are also some 30,000 plus North Sea oil workers with a Milliband-held Sword of Damocles hanging over their fossil fuel jobs. Fossil fuels are the enemy in Milliband's world, even as their recovery and benefits drive the UK, ensuring the lights remain on and people can get to jobs to pay for that expensive renewable electricity.

Milliband is on a crusade to rid his island of those pestilent fluids and gases without taking into account, as most Green grifters tend to, the consequences of doing so.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband justifies his dogmatic dash to decarbonise our national electricity grid by claiming it will free us from dependence on the fossil fuels of foreign dictators.

The more our electricity is generated by renewables like wind turbines and solar panels, his argument goes, the less we'll need to rely on oil and gas from autocratic regimes who control supply (and, to a lesser extent, price) in their own interests.

It is a beguiling assertion – nice if it was true. It is regularly peddled by the growing army of green grifters with an axe to grind and a begging bowl to rattle as they top up on the billions in subsidies, doled out at our expense, to those providing the renewables, at little financial risk to themselves.

In reality – as with almost everything Miliband touches in his zealous pursuit of Net Zero – it is so full of stuff and nonsense that it's hard to know where to start unpicking it.

Milliband's intransigence in issuing new oil and gas permits is leaving the UK open to a different sort of danger.


...In fact, far from freeing us from the need to cosy up to nasty autocrats to keep our homes warm and our appliances running, Miliband's dash to decarbonise the grid by 2030 will put us in hock to the biggest dictatorship of all: China.

Miliband aims to treble solar power capacity before the end of the decade, which will involve carpeting 180 square miles (about 30 square miles bigger than the Isle of Wight) with solar panels.

He has already approved three huge new solar farms in eastern England, despite the official planning inspectorate concluding that one in particular would involve an unacceptable loss of productive farmland.

But when it comes to Miliband's Net Zero mission, nothing is allowed to get in the way, not even food security. Or British jobs for that matter. For, when it comes to paving the countryside with solar panels, there will be precious few jobs for British workers. All the panels will come from China.

...For all his enthusiasm for freeing us from the clutches of dictators, when it comes to fossil fuels Miliband seems strangely unconcerned about tying us to yet another Chinese supply chain – one that uses slave labour – provided it furthers his green agenda.

But then the Labour Government regularly indicates it is in the market for appeasing China if it can see some kind of economic advantage (like cheap solar panels). This is a risk to national security which I fear Keir Starmer does not appreciate. China has mounted a massive programme of infiltration and influence-peddling in most major democracies, nowhere more so than Britain.

Its tentacles spread into our universities, businesses and public life. Ken McCallum, head of MI5, has called it a 'sustained campaign on a pretty epic scale'. Its aim, over time, is to undermine our resolve, cohesion and power. It is, in MI5's view, the biggest threat the UK now faces.


Milliband's emphasis on supporting the Chinese economy is being absolutely savaged online.

The Chinese are also ahead in Milliband's choice of vehicle for the British driving public. Well, those lucky few who will be driving after the mandates take effect.

And Labour ministers have made sure to strip out any compromise with those edicts, too, even though sales of EVs have fallen way below projected levels, and are now in danger of costing manufacturers significant cha-ching thanks to fines for not meeting mandated EV sales quotas. Admittedly hard to meet when there are no sales, even when said manufacturers are giving away the farm in attempts to entice buyers to purchase said EVs.

The British government has just decided to also ban the best-selling hybrids after the crackdown in 2030 rolls around.

They're not good enough for the cultists, you see.

Some of Britain’s best-selling hybrid cars will be banned from sale after 2030 under a net zero crackdown proposed by ministers.

The Government favours a strict limit on CO2 emissions that would mean popular new hybrids made by Range Rover, Ford, VW and Nissan could no longer be sold.

In consultation documents published the day before Christmas, the Government confirmed plans to allow some new hybrids to remain on the market for five years after a ban on pure petrol and diesel cars comes into force.

However, the proposed emissions limits are stricter than expected and would mean that swathes of popular vehicles have to come off the market.


Lucky car makers! They finally had compromise vehicles that were selling without massive inducements, and Labour pulled the rug out from under them.

Manufacturers made polite noises about being 'fully committed', but what happens to the industry in the UK remains to be seen. I already detailed Stellantis's plans to close a plant in England and import cars to avoid arbitrary UK manufacturing mandates in November. There is more than one way for a business to skin a cat before it closes up shop for good.

What the public does is another thing entirely.

Many British people are already making the government anti-farm movement and solar farm connection.

They don't like it one bit.

I don't know what it's going to take for the collective lights to come on permanently.

But the whole 'covering England in solar panels' is kind of a hoot. No place better.

Should work great.


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