Euro 'Democracy' Update: Banning AfD BEFORE Snap Elections & Declaring Le Pen Ineligible

Sven Hoppe/dpa via AP

'What a difference a day makes' is an old truism, but goldang - never more so than today as far as the spectacle - and it IS a spectacle - of European 'democracy' goes (I use the term lightly and in quotation marks purposefully as the definition seems pret-tee fluid depending on who claims to be doing it.).


Only yesterday, in my post about the collapse of the ruling German coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, I mentioned efforts in Germany (which I've documented) over the course of the past year to get the country's second most popular (and populist) political party - the Alternative for Germany (AfD) - banned outright before the start of next fall's national election season. 

Scholz is being forced into a December confidence vote that he is pretty much assured of losing. Thereby triggering early February national elections, which, I posited, could well wreak havoc with plans to strip a goodly portion of citizens of both their civil rights as AfD members and their right to choice going to the polls.

I figured Scholz and Co. wouldn't have time to pull off the heist.

Holy crap - do I ever look naive.

Desperate times for desperate fascists, I guess. What some people won't do to cling to power, huh?

It's amazing how fast stodgy, rule-obsessed Germans can move when they want to defend 'democracy' to keep themselves in the catbird's seat.

A group of 113 German lawmakers from various factions have signed an application to initiate proceedings to ban the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, public broadcaster ZDF reported on Wednesday.

Marco Wanderwitz, a conservative lawmaker from the center-right CDU, said their application has been submitted to the German parliament’s President Barbel Bas. He emphasized the urgency of the matter, citing the upcoming new election as a critical factor in the timing of this action.

The primary objective is to submit and vote on the application during the current legislative period, potentially enabling the Federal Constitutional Court to commence proceedings, according to the lawmaker.

However, it remains uncertain whether or when the application will be formally addressed on the parliamentary agenda.


If you look at the numbers, it's blazingly obvious why the rush is on to shut down AfD's rise to power.

...The AfD party has significantly increased its vote share in recent years by campaigning against migration, stoking fears of Muslims and immigrants. The party has also benefited from widespread dissatisfaction with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his coalition government, and fears of an economic downturn.

A poll published by Forsa Institute on Tuesday found 17% of Germans plan to vote for the AfD, making it the second-strongest party after the conservative CDU/CSU bloc (33%).

The latest poll showed Scholz's Social Democrat Party (SPD) at 16%, while its coalition partner, the Greens was at 11%. The liberal Free Democrats (FDP), which quit the coalition government last week, were polled at 4%, falling short of the 5% threshold required to enter parliament.

While legislators begin their assault at the judicial level, the ruling coalition literally has their stormtroopers kicking in doors of 'right-wing hate crime' offenders. Wait until you hear what will qualify you for a midnight visit from a tag team of Polizei just itching to toss your house before they lock you up.

In yesterday's post, I was kind of giggling about Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck. Besides being the Finance Minister of an economy in significant distress and an obnoxious climate cultist with an Olympic god complex, he is also thinking of running for chancellor himself as the Green Party candidate. 

Habeck seems unaware of his miserable standing with the voting German public, who would be delighted to reject him. Tellingly, when a German citizen pokes gentle fun at this truly deserving living embodiment of a Bond villain, well...let me just say I am glad I'm not in Germany.



...On Tuesday, police officers were deployed across Germany "for the day of action against hate postings."  

"In over 90 investigations, more than 50 homes were searched, and there were 127 police actions in total," according to the Federal Police. 

When the police are at the door, every perpetrator realizes that hate crimes have consequences,” far-left German Interior Minister Faeser wrote on X.

German authorities had police beat on an old man's door at dawn for calling an elected government official a dummy. 

In a Xtweet.

A man in Bavaria had his house raided by police after retweeting a meme mocking German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck of the Greens party.

On November 12, at 6 am, the 64-year-old poster was woken by two police officers with the Schweinfurt force in Bavaria after the local court in Bamberg had ordered his home and car be searched for mobile phones and other digital devices.

Police confiscated the man’s tablet. His daughter, who reportedly has Down’s syndrome, was there at the time.

The court had decided that the man had published an image on X in June 2024 that showed an image of Habeck above a slogan reading: “Professional moron”.

...According to the court document, the public prosecutor stated “public interest” in pressing criminal charges as the retweet was “punishable as an insult against people of political life”. It potentially constituted “incitement of the people”.

Publicly insulting a politician has been a criminal offence in Germany since 2021 when a set of laws “against hate and hate speech” were passed under then-chancellor Angela Merkel.


And they're bragging about it. "Day of action against internet criminality.

In the meantime, while cops are chasing down Xweeters, how many knife crimes and rapes happened thanks to their immigrant-laden streets?

Now you see why our progressives are so enamored with "hate speech" laws, and you'll also notice that Merkel - the globalist movement's poster Katzenfrau - is again at the center of this abomination.

'Democracy,' my keester. Parliamentary or otherwise.

The French are a little better as they are not quite at the 'kicking doors in on Xweeters' stage yet, though I have faith they will sometime soon.

French prosecutors have spent over a decade digging around into Marine Le Pen's party finances and couldn't be bothered to find a thing to pin on her until a year ago, when their sudden willingness to charge her with embezzlement coincided with a surge in popular support for her National Rally party. In fact, they've garnered such a following among French voters that there was a better-than-even chance that Le Pen was going to be the person to beat for President in the 2027 elections.

'Was' being the operative word if French prosecutors have their way. Mind you - this trial is still ongoing, but the authorities have made it clear they want Le Pen sidelined.

They've asked for some severe penalties even before there's a verdict, essentially assuring Le Pen is personally banned as a political force for the next elections.

I feel like we've seen this movie before.

The Paris prosecutor on Wednesday requested a five-year prison sentence and a five-year ban from public office against far-right leader Marine Le Pen, at a trial where she and 24 others are accused of embezzling European Union funds.
The trial, which comes almost a decade after initial investigations started, threatens to undermine her party's efforts to polish its image ahead of a 2027 presidential vote many believe she can win.

On Wednesday, the Paris prosecutor requested a 300,000-euro ($316,860) fine, five years in prison and an ineligibility sentence against Marine Le Pen, with provisional execution. If the court finds her guilty of the charges with this provisional execution, Le Pen will not be able to run in elections even if she appeals the judgment.

 Even rivals are aghast at the overt shamelessness of the prosecutors' maneuver.

...Speaking to journalists after the hearing, Le Pen claimed this was an attack on democracy and an attempt by the prosecutor to bar her from the political scene: “The only thing that interested the prosecution was ‘Marine Le Pen’… asking once again for her exclusion from political life and to deprive the French… of the ability to vote for whoever they want.”

...Meanwhile, the severity of the proposed sentence prompted RN to launch the hashtag #jesoutiensmarine (“I am behind Marine”) on X that party officials have used with a photo of themselves with Le Pen.

The far-right leader also received support from her political allies and elsewhere. Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who wrote on X that the prosecutors’ move was an attempt to “stop the popular will and the democratic wind of change.”

A more unexpected supporter of Le Pen was former French interior minister Gerald Darmanin who wrote on X that that it would be “deeply shocking” if she was deemed ineligible. “Fighting Madame Le Pen is done at the ballot box, not elsewhere,” Darmanin added.

Despite the support, an ineligibility sentence – if confirmed by the court decision – could be very bad news for Le Pen, who is seen as a prime contender in France’s next presidential elections in 2027.

If she's guilty and loses the appeals - ah, well, justice will be served. But until when and if she's proven (Do they do it that way?) guilty?

One would think 'democracy' would rule the day.


Especially from Brussels Brahmin Euro-democracy scolds so quick to point fingers and wag them censoriously at us, but who are then so dang fond of police raids to confiscate phones and 'devices' because hurt #feelingz.

Give it a rest, already.

Or I'll figure out how to put Habeck's head on a post-turtle and taunt you a second time.


And for God's sake, citizens - stand up for yourselves before that boot at your door comes down completely on your throats.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025