The European Fuel Follies Continue

Swedish Coast Guard via AP

The state of reliable energy in Europe reminds me of the old HeeHaw song, only in real life and self-induced.

Once the industrial and economic engine of Europe and the bully power that drove European Union policy, the Germans have now fallen on harder times than even simpler, smaller neighbors like Italy. Most of it is directly linked to Angela Merkel and her fanatical drive for a complete transition to unreliable, mostly untested renewable energy sources. All while depending on frenemies for the fossil fuels necessary to bridge the gap as the German government waded into the wholesale dismantling and destruction of the reliable energy sources that had served them so well and were still doing so.


The German government was aided and abetted in this effort by a rousing chorus of climate cultists and true believers who were reinforced by the German and European press at nearly every turn.

The world was on fire, and only a windmill and eliminating cow farts could stop it. The constant droning and hysterical doomsday shrieking were so pervasive and persuasive to a malleable German public, that they bought in on the propaganda of burning down the house to prevent the world burning whole cloth.

Twenty years later, what do they have to show for themselves, and what has their pain brought them?

Well...they're miserable.

The press that previously sold them a Green fairy tale when it was really a Grimm Brothers' nightmare story has pulled a volte-face.

"Hey, you know what?" the formerly ardent climate crusaders of German media discovered.



Do tell.

Germany Emerging as the Sick Man of Europe, With Growth Projected at a Tenth of a Percentage Point This Year

The global economy may be on solid footing, according to the latest numbers from  the OECD, an economic policy forum. The data, though, also reflect a broader, deep-set malaise in the heart of Europe — Germany.

America leads the OECD’s projection of member country economies, with 2.6 percent growth anticipated for 2024, while the Euro area as a whole is likely to enjoy a more modest 0.7 percent. Real GDP projected growth rates for the world as a whole are 3.2 percent for both 2024 and 2025, thanks in part to improving consumer confidence worldwide.

Even the Russian economy, despite being under one of the world’s most constrictive international sanction regimes following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, is projected to grow by 3.7 percent this year.

...The OECD’s mandarins say Germany will grow a piddling 0.1 percent this year, and a = modest 1 percent for 2025, a startling prediction for the world’s no. 4 economy and the largest in Europe.

Germany, it seems, is being left behind. Of the 100 largest companies worldwide, just two are German: a software company, SAP, and a technology conglomerate, Siemens.

It was awkward for the Germans after the Russians invaded Ukraine, with them depending for their very energy lives on that Russian pipeline, that Nord Stream thing. And then when the Ukrainians or Chinese or Russians or US or whoever blew it up?


That hurt even worse, not just because of the financial and fuel shortage pain but because someone they deeply despised had told them not to do it, to begin with.

Nothing stings quite as badly as "I told you so" from someone you really hate.

The scramble has been on to replace the pipeline's supply since the first bubbles came burping and boiling up out of the Baltic, signaling a disaster afoot. 

But the Germans kept destroying what they had left because of "the schedule." Out of commission went working nuclear plants  as well as coal-fired.

A card-carrying member of the renewable energy, Green scheme, and climate change cult is going to have to explain this to me like I was 5 years old, and, even then, I probably won’t understand, because it is simply incomprehensible.

And pretty unforgivable.

I’m going to present it in graphic form first because it’s boatloads more powerful than all the rantin’ I am fixing to do.

Please watch as Germany self-immolates. The green lights extinguishing are the remaining nuclear power plants in the country shutting down permanently this weekend.

Not because they’re BROKEN or anything.

Just because.

Electricity is through the roof, scarce and expensive, but, by Gott, windmills!

One tends to start to believe it could be all part of the plan if you step back and look at it from a WEF point of view.


And then you watch a flailing German government trying to assure their citizens they have a plan to fix all this.

Well. They did have - a spiffy hydrogen pipeline (!) running from Denmark - until the Danes ran the renewable math again and realized it would be unprofitable to produce the electricity amount they had forecast.

Denmark slashes forecast for H2 power demand by 2035 in half

The agency said the main reason for the revision was a change in the methodology used to model electrolyser demand. It had previously expected 5,000 production hours a year in the domestic market, but had now modelled lower utilisation rates after 2032 due to the emergence of a European market in which there are more hours in which it will be unprofitable to produce hydrogen.

The agency expects electrolyser capacity of roughly 5 GW in 2030 and 9 GW in 2035, which is in line with national targets and last year’s forecasts but disputed by some market analysts, amid recent cancellations and terminations of key projects.

So they're delaying the project by THREE YEARS.


Somewhere in this climate cultist clown show, you would think even a blind man could find a moral to the story, and learn a lesson.

But you'd be wrong. Oh, SO wrong.


People talk about COVID being a fraud exploited for nefarious purposes?

The Green virus is far more transmissible and much, MUCH deadlier.

And no one has to wear a mask who has it.

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