Pretty Soon It's Going to Be Easier to List the Groups Dems Haven't Insulted

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

They used to call Republicans "The Stupid Party" for obvious reasons, and to a certain extent, that sobriquet still applies. I mean, we have people you can count on to cause the cringe or have you throwing your hands in the air in yet another "WTF?!" gesture of disgusted futility. It's kind of like being a Notre Dame fan (don't you judge me) - it comes with the territory and the eternal, resigned optimism that "there's always next year."


*le sigh*

But we also realize we are mostly good-humored and warm-natured to our core and have no problems admitting, "Yeah - that was a bone-headed move." We mean those thoughts and prayers we offer and have no hesitation jumping on those among us who act like cretins on occasion.

This is what I believe separates us from the hectoring, righteous scolds across the aisle.

For example, I don't believe the government has a right to force you to take a jab, particularly an unproven, experimental, in cahoots with a big pharma brand new chemical experiment. Being a "guinea pig" is supposed to be optional in a democratic republic.

Our snarling Democratic progressive opposition openly expressed the opinion (and were bereft they could not completely enforce it) that anyone vaccine skeptic should die alone on a sheetless gurney isolated in a hospital basement and as quickly as possible if they couldn't be imprisoned first.

Our worldviews are diametrically opposed, you might say.

Where we know rights are inherent and codified as such for safety's sake in the Constitution, the Left wants them doled out - and retracted - as government privileges.

While the Right honors and reveres our military, it does not do so blindly. Yes, we make up the majority of those offering our children as sacrifices to the nation's defense, but we also demand accountability for those entrusted with our most precious treasure and that most sacred trust.

Democrats, particularly progressive ones, seem to view the military in a different light. As just another hammer in the belt, another department in the cabinet, a workforce free of the normal workplace encumberments and impediments, like union protections and labor laws. A body free to be molded to progressive whimsy and specifications because, as Commander in Chief, "it" belongs to them.


To Democrats, the military is not individual lives to be safeguarded - it's a tool with many parts. 

This is why Biden can check his watch as caskets come off a transport.

And then forget entirely he got anyone killed at all.

And why, even as she runs for commander in chief, Kamala Harris thinks nothing  of brushing off the everyday dangers our military faces serving during the Biden-HARRIS administration with a breezy:

...“As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century,” Ms. Harris dissembled.  

What an insult to our uniformed members. In the eyes of Kamala Harris, unless it has "War" after it, it isn't combat.

Because, honestly, what does she know?

In just the week's stretch from the second to the ninth of this month, the US ships on patrol in the Red Sea were under constant attack - and protecting other vessels from being attacked - from Iranian-backed Houthi militia drones, missiles, and small boats.

...Her message is an invitation to Iran for further escalation. If Tehran can nearly shut down the Suez Canal, rain thousands of missiles, rockets, and drones on Israel, and also attack American ships and bases in Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, and Ms. Harris doesn’t even consider it a war zone, what does Ayatollah Khamenei have to do to get her attention? Use a nuclear weapon? Sink an aircraft carrier?

Ms Harris may not realize it, but all it takes is one getting through for disaster aboard a ship...or hitting your watch tower in the desert.


And it's not only the incoming fire that takes lives.

...The American soldiers, sailors, and airmen killed in the war on Ms. Harris’s watch this year include Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Christopher Chambers, 37, and Navy Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class Nathan Ingram, 27.  They were lost in a boarding action in the Arabian Sea. They include reservists like Sergeant William Jerome Rivers of Carrollton, Georgia; Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders of Waycross, Georgia; and Specialist Breonna Alexsondria Moffett of Savannah, Georgia, all killed in a drone attack at Tower 22 in Jordan near the Syrian border.

It might not be "war,' VP Harris, but those American servicemembers were killed - not "died," but KILLED - on your watch in enemy actions.

Harris could at least act as if she had some sense of the responsibility she holds for the danger those lives face every day.

If only they meant something more to her and the vegetable-in-chief than manipulated soundbites and photo ops.

The illegals Harris has let into the country have caused no end of suffering that never should have happened. Their very presence is a crime - what more they do once here only compounds the insult and the injury.

Democrats, even those who represent border counties, are as callous as Biden-Harris and in complete, shameless cahoots.

A Texas congresswoman named Veronica Escobar perfectly illustrates the revolting, flagrantly un-American side of the Democrats' illegal immigration favoritism.

Representing the 16th Congressional District since 2019 and based in El Paso...yeah.


THIS El Paso.

Anyways, Rep Escobar has had her dirty little fingers busy flouting American law and helping illegals cross the border since basically the day she took office.


A Washington Examiner report claims that a Texas Democratic congresswoman has plans to send her staff into Mexico to help asylum seekers get into the U.S.

Isn't she great?


Fast forward five years and the delightful Congresswoman Escobar still has her seat in her overrun-with-illegals district. She also has the moral authority to publically imply that family members who have lost loved ones to horrifically violent acts at the hands of illegal immigrants are simple dupes and "political tools" for speaking of their losses at a Congressional hearing. 

These stories tear your heart out and even more so because they should never have happened.

During her allotted committee hearing time, Rep Escobar - vile, disgusting, inhuman prog tool that she is - after a litany of "Ah feel yo pain" introductory pablum, did this.

...One of the sharpest moments of the hearing came when Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX-16) suggested that Republicans were “exploiting people’s pain for political purposes,” which drew a sharp response from Aguirre.

“It’s insulting that you would say that to these families, that you would make an assumption that they’re being used or exploited in any way,” said a visibly frustrated Aguirre.

Not one time when [Nungary’s) daughter was murdered and I was helping her navigate the criminal justice system, did one Democrat call me to offer their assistance. It was only Republicans, and I’m Independent, I vote both ways.”

Aguirre also excoriated Escobar for attempting to interrupt her.


Aren't progressive Democrats wonderful people? 

But she picked the wrong pigeon going after advocate April Aguirre

Congressional reps live in gated communities. They have security. 

But Aguirre and the families are the ignorant, unwitting political dupes for speaking out about the brutalization of their loved ones at the hands of illegals.

AKA "destroying the Democratic narrative."

I really don't know who's left for the progs and Dems at large to piss off. It's been white men, black men, victims' families, the military, people who paid back their student loans, any Jewish person with half a goes on and on.

Honestly - it's not that hard to be a decent human being. 

Then again, maybe it is if you're of a particular political persuasion.

If that pisses someone off because it hits too close to home, maybe that's something they should work on.

If they aren't too far gone already, I mean. Most of them seem to be.


I am also delighted to see the fearless April Aguirres of the world unafraid to fire back.

"Excuse me, I have the floor." 

I love the new rules.

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