The Science Is Settled: It's Donald Trump's Fault Kamala Won't Do the Debate She Agreed To

AP Photo/Matt Rourke


Ah, the twists and turns of the Harris campaign.

It doesn't help that she's a coy, shy creature. Such fleeting glimpses of her are seen that she's almost mythical - a Kamala in the wild.


Flitting from rare event to event.  Stringently orchestrating venues so Harris only has to stride purposefully from bus to bussed-in crowd.

...Harris held a short rally at a private airport hangar surrounded by supporters -- mostly members of local unions -- who were bussed in for the event, before heading off to two retail stops and a visit to a phone bank before finishing the day at a local Sheetz gas station.

Never can the crowd be too loud, too raucous, too unwieldy, and made up of unknowns - people "of the streets." She might take fright and take flight - spring back into her mode of transport and not be seen again for weeks. Cowering behind the motorcoach couches until the "bad people" are gone.

The "campaign" needs her calm and out in the open for as long as they dare expose her to sunlight. Pose. Wave. Cackle. Emote. Leave.

When she's in public and circumstances are tightly controlled, as are whatever she's to utter, they can almost pretend she's a candidate - not necessarily of "substance," but at least a contender mouthing scripted, joyful platitudes in the flesh.

To keep this fabulist tale of the anointed one motoring along with as few self-induced bumps as possible, the campaign gurus in charge keep an eternal flame lit and at the ready for their gaslighting operation against former President Trump. They shuck at him, he answers, they jive - WHOOSH

You can hear the ignition every time.

The September 10th debate is the latest example of blue flames and the stench of manipulative mercaptan.

That fall date was scheduled and agreed to by the Trump campaign as the second of two debates with President Joe Biden. The dates and terms for both were set almost exclusively by Biden and the Democrats, the thought being they were so restrictive to his natural showmanship that Trump would never agree to them. 


President Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to a pair of presidential debates hosted by television networks, circumventing the schedule and traditional format proposed by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

...The second debate, hosted by ABC News, will be Sept. 10. A location has not yet been announced.

...Biden's campaign also objects to the audiences — which it described as "raucous or disruptive partisans and donors, who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval or jeering."

"As was the case with the original televised debates in 1960, a television studio with just the candidates and moderators is a better, more cost-efficient way to proceed," O'Malley Dillon said. Other terms include having microphones open only when it is the candidates turn to speak.

Final terms were hammered out and agreed upon by both parties prior to the first debate, which included the Trump team's only requests - podiums and no Cliff notes.

...The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time.

Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

Those were the #rulez. When Biden dropped out, and the cabal gave Kamala the crown, her gaslight crew went into action. The anointed one made a fine show of taunting Trump about the 10 September debate date when he reasonably pointed out that a deal had been made with President Biden. Harris was not the nominee, merely the usurper, but boy - was she a big, tough September 10th Debate smack talker in July, or what?


When Trump finally said "okay" to the original ABC debate on the 8th of this month, a snide Harris still couldn't resist taking "chicken" potshots at him.

Former President Donald Trump says he has agreed to an offer from ABC News to debate Vice President Kamala Harris on Sept. 10.

...Harris also confirmed her participation in the debate and told reporters Thursday evening that she's looking forward to the matchup.

"Well, I'm glad that he finally agreed to a debate on Sept. 10. I'm looking forward to it and I hope he shows up," she told reporters on a tarmac in Detroit.

Trump previously said he had been willing to go toe-to-toe with President Joe Biden and agreed to ABC's first invitation issued in May.

...Harris has accused Trump of "running scared" and trying to back out of the debate.

Yes, I'm sure Trump was terrified at the thought of confronting this intellectual heavyweight and wicked quick thinker in front of God and a TV audience.

Kamala made it through her official coming-out party at the DNC in Chicago without damaging faux pas, but she has emerged without any real momentum either. Even liberal media pointed out that Kamala's version of "joy," such as it was, was not a policy position. That her one foray into policy - her economic plan - had been an unmitigated disaster, died a quiet media death, and that she really hadn't made herself available to expand on any of her joyful other plans.


In fact, where the hell is she? 

We're now at 36 days, and I read she's taken a total of 15 questions from media of any description. Period.

Obviously, there's a glitch in the system and Cackles has a debate date in a shade over two weeks.

Did you hear the WHOOSH ? You should have because her team lit the burner.

They want the debate rules changed as of yesterday - the same debate rules that have been in situ since June 15th, the same debate Harris taunted Trump over in mid-July, which he agreed to on the 8th of August, same, same, and same.

They now need to be Kamalized. She wants to sit, and she wants her Cliff notes.

Kamala Harris wants to change the rules of the upcoming, Sept. 10 presidential debate to be held on ABC. Instead of a normal, standing debate, Harris wants the candidates to be seated, and instead of both candidates speaking contemporaneously, drawing on facts and figures they know, she wants to have notes, as though it's some kind of open-book test in a freshman lecture class.

The Trump campaign's Jason Miller spoke to Politico Playbook, saying "Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. The Harris camp, after having already agreed to the CNN rules, asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements. We said no changes to the agreed upon rules."


She also wants an open mic karaoke session because (did you hear that WHOOSH?) Donald Trump is afraid of hot mics.

...Harris has also said she wants "hot mics," which her campaign said was, in essence, to catch Trump saying something off hand, something critical, that she could use against him. "Our understanding is that Trump’s handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don’t think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own," said campaign senior comms adviser Brian Fallon. "We suspect Trump’s team has not even told their boss about this dispute because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don’t think he can handle himself against Vice President Harris without the benefit of a mute button."

If you'll recall, muted mics were a Biden strategy that failed miserably.

Trump's team, as the Harris bunch counted on, is pushing back with a "That's not how this works. We agreed to all the Dem demands the first time." 

The Kamala campaign now asserts they only agreed to the previously scheduled debate, never to the previously set rules of engagement. A desperate press is rushing to cover for them.

...However, as Politico notes, "At the time they accepted ABC’s invitation, the Harris campaign did so while making clear to the network that the rules themselves were up for debate. And if this current snag is any indication, that debate is far from settled."


Sound up

That's a presidential campaign.

It is now (WHOOSH) Donald Trump's fault that a debate format set in stone for five months can't be completely rejiggered to suit one super-weak candidate.


Just the oddest thing that there's no mention of who is responsible for the sudden and very late rules kerfuffle to begin with.

But it's awfully clear who the unreasonable party is, no?


Woof. Charisma ain't what it used to be.

It's so obvious what's going on. Even CNN reporters are outright lying when framing Trump's answers to debate questions as conflicting with his campaign.

I would caution the Harris campaign. I realize they've worked very hard to keep their bubble head under wraps and are doing a bang-up job of twisting the narrative and the facts on a moment's notice - with an impressive assist from the nation's formerly independent and once respected media.


But you can only tie so many knots before you run out of rope, childish chicken squawks aside.

You might get precisely what you're asking for from Donald Trump, and God help her.

It might behoove those carrying Kamala's water flasks to remember that's how she got to be the nominee in the first place.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024