Nobody's Buying Cow Farts in These Parts

AP Photo/Eric Gay

For all the joy being peddled by Cacklin' Kamala and the Fascist Fabulist, they're not really all that "fun." For all the rewriting of contemporary history to wipe away those unsightly burps in their resumes that either frighten voters, anger them immensely, or cause such fits of hilarity that take some time to subside, Americans are all-too familiar with who Ms Harris is. And are constantly bewildered by the kaleidoscopic web of background stories available as her running mate's biography fills out...and out.


They are both pretty nasty, shallow pieces of work who have gotten away with skating by on the mediocrity of their beings for so long that they would rather we didn't dwell on such trifles.

There are pretty new facades being erected for us to ooh and ah at.

What I mean by that is the shift we've seen in Harris's evolving positions, and not from years ago - some from as late as this past spring. You'll remember the 87K new IRS agents the Biden-HARRIS administration hired after Harris's tiebreaking vote in the Senate? Part of the justification for those bazillions of new agents was to go after people who weren't reporting tips.


Not now.

...It's not working, though, and no doubt that's what led the Harris campaign to clumsily glom onto a months-old Trump tax-free tips proposal. When you already have bupkiss to offer and then try to recycle stolen goods as your campaign's first idea from a guy who draws over a billion viewers to a fireside chat, you get called out pretty quickly.

No one's falling for the tips in the tailpipe trick.

She was/wasn't border czarina. She was/wasn't involved in #Bidenomics. Etc. Ad nauseum. 


When she and her media toadies don't have a whitewash brush out, she's just ducking behind a bush.

Her running mate can't even keep his stories straight whether he's a war hero Command Sergeant Major, or stolen valor scumbag, and the powers that be at the DNC weren't helping matters - leaning in on the showier side of the story, of course. That controversy serves its purpose in camouflaging Walz's own, very real fascist tendencies when it comes to governing...make that ruling with an iron fist...the citizens of his state. He's gotten to indulge a laundry list of uber-progressive diktats that would make anyone but Gavin Newsom gasp in horror.

So the media is writing furious copy, making like Walz is everybody's best next-door neighbor. He's basically Norm from Cheers but on crack.

Shoot. They're doing it to everyone associated with the Harris-Walz trainwreck. It's a fresh new day.

Look at the make-over the guy who knocked up the nanny got this weekend:


...of bull Schlitz. It's all a big Botox cuddle party, now with a "lethal military" thrown in as a bonus, and prepare for incoming if you point out the obvious.

There is one kind of glaring omission in all the revamped joyful evangelicalization of the Harris message that's missing, and even the Doug Emhoff groupies at the WaPo noticed.


I thought we were boiling? Isn't that still a big deal?

After casting the tiebreaking vote for the biggest climate bill in U.S. history, Vice President Kamala Harris would seem to have some environmental bragging rights.

Yet Harris and other top Democrats have not highlighted climate change or the environment in recent stump speeches, including keynote remarks at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week. Former president Donald Trump, by contrast, has continued to attack Harris for her alleged “war on American energy,” and several speakers at last month’s Republican National Convention lambasted gasoline prices under President Joe Biden.

The split-screen approach suggests that Democrats see talking about the environment as a lose-lose proposition. If they call for curbing fossil fuel production to fight global warming, they risk alienating voters in Pennsylvania, a pivotal swing state where natural gas powers the economy. But if they tout record U.S. oil production that has helped lower energy costs, they risk angering young voters, a crucial constituency for Democrats.

There is no doubt that climate change has fueled extreme weather this summer, bringing longer and more extreme heat waves to wide swaths of the country. But with most voters ranking other issues as more important, and with Democrats wanting to paint a rosy picture of the future, party leaders appear to have calculated that climate silence is the safest strategy.



That's a winning message there.

And trust democrats, lunatic fanatics for control that they are, NOT to take the hint from the electorate that their climate policies are overreaching insanity based on pseudo-science and Green grifting fever-dreams.

No, oh, Heavens, no.

What Democrats and progressives take from those warning signals are to curl into fetal balls and hope the storm passes by, so they can emerge and inflict more pain on the country should they prevail in November.

Oh, if they can only keep their yaps shut for another 70 days or so.

Well, their partners in the grift aren't helping things one bit.

It's not bad enough that the Eat the Bugs cabal is still agitating to take the meat off of your plate. As they can't do that immediately, in the interim, the same people who spaz about genetically modified grains want to genetically dicker with cattle so they don't fart.

Jeezoo. Can they not leave things UH-LONE?

Scientists may have found a radical solution for making your hamburger less bad for the planet

Researchers in California are working to genetically engineer the cow microbiome -- and in the process, eliminate methane emissions.

...The 125-pound calf belongs to the first wave of a multiyear, approximately $30 million experiment by scientists at the University of California at Davis and the Innovative Genomics Institute to change the inner workings of the cow stomach. Cattle, one of the most-consumed creatures on the planet, produce enormous amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that is responsible for 30 percent of global warming.

Using tools that snip and transfer DNA, researchers plan to genetically engineer microbes in the cow stomach to eliminate those emissions. If they succeed, they could wipe out the world’s largest human-made source of methane and help change the trajectory of planetary warming.

“It’s completely out of the box,” said Ermias Kebreab, a professor of animal science at UC-Davis. “Nobody has done it before.”


Maybe "nobody has done it before" for a reason, dude.

And maybe, just schmaybe, insanity like this, costing *checks notes* tens of millions of dollars a pop, is why Democrats are too chicken Schlitz to talk about their plans to save the non-boiling planet.

The progressive Democrat Party, and cultish silence on the matter are fooling no one in the electorate, as we see the results of their machinations spiraling into failure everywhere around us already. In some instances, the Green Dreams are causing sincere reductions in citizens' quality of life already - from skyrocketing utility prices to rolling blackouts. In others, unreachable, unreasonable mandates and the detritus of broken blades and promises washing ashore.

It's not only shards of fiberglass that will slice you to ribbons.

We of the knuckle-dragging class might live simpler lives, but we actually do have far more important things to worry about. 

And would expect our cattle to remain as God intended - unadulterated and medium rare.

As far as reasons for global boiling goes, nobody's buying cow farts in these parts.


Y'all'd best move along with that nonsense.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024