Did Masked Bandit and Lone Newsroom Survivor Taylor Lorenz Finally - FINALLY - Step In It?

Townhall Media


The woman is SUCH an unholy freak. How the entire Washington Post newsroom, from the executive editors on down, has been shown the door, given their pink slips and walking papers, while she of the paranoid hypochondriacal mask freakouts and stalking-while-doxxing adventures is still EMPLOYED has remained a mystery second only to, say, how skeevy Pete Davidson keeps scoring these amazing-looking women.


The disconnect between what our normal eyes perceive and the subject's apparent value to...compromised parties (maybe?)...is so yuge it defies rational description. She's got to have something on somebody to have outlasted everyone.

Lorenz has been a constant, and not at-all laudatory, burr under the Wahington Post saddle for years now. This isn't a case of the...well, shoot. No one still knows how old she is...

UPDATE (March 31, 2022):

New information has come to light! Lorenz, who recently joined the Washington Post to do Chinese spyware advocacy and cultivate her personal brand, revealed on Twitter that she is 43 years old. The stunning announcement has called into question the results of our previous investigation, which determined that Lorenz was born Oct. 21, 1984, and is therefore 37½ years old.

It would also mean that Lorenz was at least 41 years old when Fortune magazine named her to its "40 Under 40" list in September 2020. Her recently updated Wikipedia page now states that Lorenz was "born c. 1978–1987." The Washington Free Beacon will not rest until we find the (long-form) birth certificate. Stay tuned!

...just that she's a complete freakazoid (claiming to be a lizard-person defending her odd personal habits), is thoroughly despised by her peers (she doesn't believe she has any, so that makes little impression), and has personally patented the drama-queen act.

The big picture: Lorenz has implied she regularly lies about her age for attention. She claims to suffer from "severe PTSD" and has a long history of courting controversy.

• In the month of October alone, she berated a colleague at the Post, peddled an anti-vaccine conspiracy, and admitted to multiple crimes.

• "I am a lizard person," Lorenz revealed in May following a Free Beacon investigation into her unusual habit of drinking "about three gallons of water daily" and keeping the temperature in her Los Angeles apartment at 87 degrees.

• Lorenz complained in 2021 that Times reporter Maggie Haberman was a "bitch" for challenging her weird obsession with a teenager's social media posts. She left the Times for the Post several months later.

• She has been called "literally worse than [Vladimir] Putin," among other things.


Yeah. Calling her "worse than Putin" is pretty tame, considering what I've been seeing.

Taylor's victims are coming out of the woodwork, and, Lord - they are legion. This Lorenz victim has a whole thread on the hanky panky she and the WaPo pulled on him.

There's another lady who had all of 8 hours to reply to a complicated Lorenz NYT hit piece, consequently lost her business and wound up suing both of them for defamation.

It goes on and on, but most of those were under the radar for the rest of us. Who ever heard of "Oculus" or paid much attention to a management agency for 16-year-old TikTokers?

We just didn't.

We got to know La Lorenz when she made the mistake of trying to crawl up and into Chaya Raichik's family business in an effort to expose and dox her online 'Libs of TikTok' persona. When Lorenz's unscrupulous actions - of which Raichik's aunts, etc had videos - and the hit job hit the news, Lorenz made the big time for being a big slime, earning herself the "America's Toxic Girlfriend" sobriquet.


What do toxic girlfriends do when they're busted?

Become the victim.

And copious public crocodile tears.

None of this was the end for Lorenz in the WaPo newsroom, nor any of her ensuing daffy behavior post-COVID, with a constant mask on her face and berating everyone for being death-bringers who refused to wear them.

She became an enabled, entitled caricature - a running joke free to wreak havoc and getting paid for each ever-more outrageous publicity stunt, as the few real "journalists" and working newspeople were cast aside.

But Taylor may have finally - FINALLY - stuck her masked nasal orifice over the line into the unacceptable zone.

She'd been invited to the White House's hokey-bokey butt-kissing creator event. And please take note of her selfie in the mask with Biden in the background.


Why? Because when she had a chance, Lorenz did a little Instagram caption magic to the picture...

...and then proceeded to lie about it after she got busted by the New York Post's Jon Levine.


Oh, dear.

‘Washington Post’ reviews star columnist Taylor Lorenz's 'war criminal' jab at Biden

Senior editors at the Washington Post are reviewing a prominent tech columnist’s private story on social media, which appears to label President Biden a “war criminal” in a photo.

The Post’s Taylor Lorenz attended a White House event for digital influencers on Wednesday. In the photo she shared with a circle of friends on Instagram, Biden appears over her shoulder; the damning caption rests just below him, accompanied by a text frowny face.

After the New York Post’s Jon Levine — a frequent critic of hers — revealed the Instagram photo caption yesterday in a tweet, Lorenz wrote back at him: “You people will fall for any dumbass edit someone makes.”

A fact-check appended to Levine’s tweet cited her apparent denial. (The contextual note to the tweet says, “Taylor Lorenz says this is a digital manipulation which has added a false caption.”) Lorenz told her editors that someone else had added the caption to the photo.

NPR has obtained a screengrab of Lorenz’s actual post, which contained that caption. It was not shared with her wider Instagram audience of 143,000 followers.

Four people with direct knowledge of the private Instagram story confirmed its authenticity to NPR. They spoke to NPR on condition they not be identified due to the professional sensitivity of the situation for Lorenz.



Lorenz's employer at the WaPo may want to take a step back until she gets her stories straight as to what happened with the mean Instagram before they move forward with their "investigation." She seems a little rattled as to her timeline.


Maybe, just schmaybe, this could be the opening the WaPo's been waiting for to solve the problem of their troublesome 'PTSD' plagued 'star' reporter.

"How do you solve a problem like a Lorenz?

How do they bring their space cadet back down?

How do they find the words to fire Taylor?

A liability risk? Hypochondriac? A clown?

Oh, what is the WaPo gonna do with Taylor?

The rational world is wondering out loud."

 ~ Apologies to The Sound of Music

Can't wait for the update!


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