Judging by the Harlem Hamas Brouhaha Last Night I Don't Think There's a DNC Protest Truce in Place

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

Well, shiver me timbers - and not because I'm worried. More because the anticipation is killing me.

What the heck is Chicago gonna look like come Monday and the start of the Democratic National Convention?


Mayor Brandon Johnson's general unsuitability for any job more onerous than lavatory attendant had already lent this looming auspicious gathering an element of suspense. Particularly considering the tug o' war between Johnson's fragile but big-city-mayorish-size ego and a Democratic National Committee frantic not to have a '68 convention redux. Who would handle the evil clowns when they came to town, I wondered back in May. Everyone else kinda had the same question.

Maybe I should rephrase that question in light of who and what we're dealing with. Politico certainly seems to have its doubts.

The DNC Is Preparing for the Worst in Chicago — Without the Help of the City’s Mayor

As Democrats plan their convention, they’ll have to address the elephant in the room: How to mitigate the threat of disruptions and work with a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with the protesters.

The temperature seemed to simmer down some for a bit. Or, maybe it was just the chaos of the Democratic Party's own non-democratic implosion happening in real-time that moved their anti-Semitic stormtroopers and ill-behaved Hamas-lovers out of the news for a cycle. 

Not to mention, school was out for the summer. So college campuses, the most fertile ground for protest footage, ne'er do well gatherings, and fomenting the next revolution were void of the usual suspects, ergo a few quiet months. If miscreants wanted to continue rampaging in their usual spirit, they would have to do so on city streets and actually risk arrest instead of being coddled storming buildings while having access to bathrooms and catered food provided by sympathetic administrations. 


They're evil and crazy but not stupid.

They have, though, spent the time planning for this summer's ultimate social event, their own version of a DNC Debutante Ball for the worse elements of that decaying party.

The anointment of Kamala Harris as the party's queen bee, a woman already known for her fervent support of radicals and their misdeeds, helped soothe worries concerning possible unsightly Chicago eruptions. And her choice of fellow progressive lunatic Tim Walz on the 6th of August, who personally allowed the conflagration and destruction that gave rise to the "fiery but peaceful" of legend, had to send a sigh of relief through the ranks of those planning the convention. 

There are no demonstrably friendlier politicians to unfriendly, anti-American cultures, actions, and sentiments in this country than the Harris-Walz.

Hopes were high.

I mean, even Gazans love Kamala. Come on!

In an orderly start to the festivities, the various terrorist sympathizers, Antifa organizations, BLM fringe elements (how smoking mad they must be that they squandered their prominence), plus what looks to be a sprinkling of anarchists have filed the required paperwork to protest and parade. 

As I noted a week ago, it all seemed to be going well, with the city of Chicago even being kind enough to diss the Jews who wanted to hold their own happy little rally. It would lead one to believe it was yet another opportunity to mollify the foaming mad Jew-haters who were coming to town, but surely it was just a paperwork error...right?



...What's going to give the city of Chicago, its befuddled OBE (overcome by events) mayor, and the DNC itself more fuel for the anti-Semitic reputation they are rapidly working overtime to wrap themselves in like a Columbia student in a watermelon flag is the protest permit process.

If you love Hamas and hate Israel, you have a permit in your hand almost as soon as you apply, whatever your group claims to stand for - annihilation of Jews, Gaza, doesn't matter. Natch, your permit staging also allows you to be close to the center of the action.

Here you go - stamped for stomping where everyone and the broadcast cameras can see you.

Not so much if you're just happy Jews who want to rally with friends of Israel. If you're offered something weeks later, it's in a park down by the lake, under the overpass...on the last night of the party.

All the elements were in place to have as well-organized a DNC as possible considering the volatility of the participants. The city bent over to favor anti-Semitic, Palestinian protesters, sent the Jews into the protesting desert, the party had installed two Israel-skeptic (to be kind), Muslim-appeasing (to be sure) figureheads as nominees, and city crews were working overtime to spruce the place up.

The violence and controversy-free RNC Lovefest was going to be a thing of distant memory if Democrats could do anything about it.

Four days.

How's that going?


There are indicators that the folks coming to town are seeing things...differently and planning accordingly.


Dozens of attorneys have volunteered to represent those who are taken into custody during protests at the Democratic National Convention—and many will be wearing green hats to witness what happens in real time.

In fact, favorable paperwork, granting groups access, and making sure Jews are excluded from the main street venues don't seem to have been as successful in pacifying their party's evil clowns as perhaps the city and organizers could have wished. 

I can't imagine why they thought it would have - these people are never satisfied (ask any university president whose campus was trashed after giving them everything they wanted).

And, gosh - here they are, two days ago, true to form - cranky af and demanding concessions.


Federal judge refuses to grant changes to DNC protest route requested by pro-Palestinian organizers

Organizers would not say whether they would or would not abide by the city's established protest route if their appeal fails.

Leaders for the Coalition to March on the DNC said Tuesday they will appeal U.S. District Judge Andrea Wood's decision to deny their request for a preliminary injunction.

Wood's decision kept the alternative parade route that the city proposed a few weeks ago as the final version for protesters to use on Monday. In her decision, the judge said the plaintiffs' arguments fell well short of proving a First Amendment violation.

As the Democratic National Convention gets underway on Monday, tens of thousands of protesters are expected to converge on Union Park. From there, they will begin their march towards the vicinity of the United Center, where they will be able to protest within "sight and sound" of the delegates and officials inside at yet another park: Park 578, which is located at Maypole and Walcott.


The city is putting "outrageous" conditions on permits, you know.

So, these clowns are already agitating in Chicago and have stated they won't promise to abide by a judge's decision. 

Capital starts and bodes ever so well.

Well, at least there's a sense of comfort knowing that Harris-Walz campaign has been pretty immune to Hamas sympathizers disturb...oh.

The energy and size of an ebullient rally of elected New York Democrats hyped for Kamala Harris’ candidacy met a massive crowd of pro-Palestinian demonstrators chanting, banging drums and waving banners Wednesday night.

The Democrats’ rally was interrupted repeatedly by the protesters — a reminder of one of the party’s biggest internal divisions.

But like the vice president has on the campaign trail, the speakers took the brief disruptions in stride.

Well, hello.

After watching petulant progressive children harass Republican officials nearly to death with impunity, I find it hard to get worked up about this, particularly when these are their own homegrown stormtroops disturbing the party.



Yeah. Chicago's going to be lit af.

I am concerned about one thing that came out of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' mouth. Now, granted, he's another lackluster big-city chief executive who has proven to be completely OBE (overcome by events) throughout much of whatever life in NYC throws at him. He sputters, he poses, and he whines for help. That's the sum of his governance capacity.

But this sentence...imagine if a Republican shouted that to a rampaging mob of anti-Semites who had already shot off smoke bombs before storming his event.

...“I don’t mind you being across the street. I don’t mind that you want to raise your voice,” he said, referring to the protesters. But the election is “the real fight,” Adams said. “Hold onto all of that anger until after November. November you need to be laser-focused on one thing.”

Are we allowed to speculate what, if anything, Democrats have planned for "AFTER NOVEMBER"? What is the mayor suggesting these thugs do with "all of that anger" after November?

Democrats and media would sure as hell be asking on every broadcast and every front page in America right now had that question been posited by a low-level staffer in an obscure GOP office somewhere in bumflock South Dakota.

The mayor of NYC shouted it to a mob storming an event in Harlem.



Next week might not be a '68 redux but a preview of coming attractions.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024