Kamala's 'Day 1' Is Too Late for the Biden-HARRIS Economic Damage Being Done Right Now

AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, file

Part of the Herculean job of remaking Kamala Harris into a figurehead resembling a marginally rational human being is pretending that she was never part of the administration that proudly gave us #Bidenomics. And when I say proudly, I mean just that - they thought it was the greatest thing going since sliced organic whole wheat bread.


A mere year ago, her rhetoric was chockful of "when President Biden and I took office, WE decided..." The "we's" and the "I's" abound through this brag session. She made sure that her tandem ownership of whatever economic mileage was to be squeezed out of #Bidenomics was stamped on it for all to see. This wasn't Joe's solo show at work and there was no way she was letting the old geezer get credit for the whole thing - oh, no.


 She was stable and steady as she went on claiming the #Bidenomics miracle for herself.

Until she didn't.

Because whatever Kamala was reading off the teleprompter a year ago, no matter how many times she read it, the scuffed paws and dirty fingernails of the knuckle-dragging classes in the hinterlands seemed unable to comprehend their good fortune. The working class of this country has remained stubbornly unreceptive to changing their opinion that financially, things generally suck.

As the complete degeneration of the four partially functioning brain cells POTATUS had left became ever more apparent, the terrifying prospect started to emerge that this silly, vacuous goose might be the nominee or even, God forbid, the president should POTATUS suddenly keel over completely. 

In light of that ghastly realization, Democratic mainstream media and press toadies began their not-so-stealthy renovation project. Last month, I told you how they were working on 6 degrees of separation between Kamala and #Bidenomics as if the above video evidence and her three years of being vice president were players in the final episode of Newhart.


The media tried to smack the public with a knockout golf ball to the noggin...

As much as the media is trying to induce a collective case of Border Czar amnesia on Americans who clearly remember Kamala Harris being tapped as such, they are out in full defense of her having NUSSINK to do with the wonders of #Bidenomics.

Or, practically nothing.

Are we clear on that?

On Economic Policy, Harris Has Played Limited Role

...Current and former administration officials, progressive leaders outside the White House and allies of Ms. Harris roundly agree that the vice president, who is now the leading candidate to secure the Democratic presidential nomination, did not play a major role in the creation of the sweeping economic legislation that has defined President Biden’s time in office.

Ms. Harris was rarely a loud voice in major economic debates, like the ones over how to counter soaring inflation in 2021 and 2022. She did sometimes attend economic briefings, but was not always a big contributor in them. One attendee recalled her coming to an economic briefing, but simply listening to the presentation while Mr. Biden asked questions.

...and next thing you know, the country was supposed to accept waking up in bed with this complete stranger who will only get to play White House economics next year. On her "Day 1."



Over 1260 days (and counting) of being the current incumbent vice president wiped, or so they all hoped.

It's not working, though, and no doubt that's what led the Harris campaign to clumsily glom onto a months-old Trump tax-free tips proposal. When you already have bupkiss to offer and then try to recycle stolen goods as your campaign's first idea from a guy who draws over a billion viewers to a fireside chat, you get called out pretty quickly.

No one's falling for the tips in the tailpipe trick.

And if the interviews the major networks are doing with regular voters in swing states are any indication, Harris's Day 1 will be spent watching the Trump inauguration because her plans will arrive too late to help the people the Biden-Harris administration has already financially devastated.

There have been rare cases of journalisming lately. NBC News had a truly heart-rending segment with black voters in Philadelphia. One dear lady literally used the phrase, "They're killing us without killing us," referring to the toll inflation is taking on just trying to get by.

major dad and I looked at each other in astonishment last night when this segment on the devastating effects of a Tyson pork factory's closure aired on the CBS Evening News. OMG, you'd have to have a heart of stone not to be sick listening to the young man trying to hold back tears as he talks to the reporter. And he's one of the lucky ones - he's found work. 


So many others will not, and he is terrified for his neighbors. What's to become of them?

What's to become of the place he loves?

It's not a matter of inconvenience or cutting back - it's a matter of survival.

There's no hope to be had in Harris. The struggling American family knows who she is and what part she's played in the misery they are facing. There's no reboot here for voters sliding further into the #Bidenomics abyss or families suddenly facing it through layoffs.

It is the untold story of how inflation affects America’s households: credit card debt. 

When hikes in basic food, clothing, energy, utility, and insurance costs started to hit families three years ago, many families who lived paycheck to paycheck across the United States had to make a decision: “Go without” or go into debt to take care of their basic needs.

To put this in perspective: A whopping 65% of respondents indicated that they live paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent “Your Money International Financial Security Survey” by CNBC and SurveyMonkey, which polled 498 U.S. adults. 

...Last Tuesday, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said that U.S. residents as a whole owe $1.14 trillion on their credit cards, with the average balance being over $6,000. That’s not all. With more people depending on credit cards to purchase their food, pay their utility bills, fill up at the gas pump, and pay their skyrocketing home and care insurance premiums, delinquencies are up, too, jumping 7% in the second quarter. And car loan delinquencies are at the highest number in 14 years.

Our country’s growing debt problem spares no one. Young people, married people, single people, and our growing retired population are all struggling to make ends meet, falling deeper into debt and finding no way out. 

All this is happening while current absentee President Joe Biden is snoozing at the beach and Vice President Kamala Harris pretends she had no hand in supporting or promoting Bidenomics while the national press are unwilling to call Harris out on it.


No, the pliant press isn't willing to "call her out on it."

But Americans didn't fall off the cabbage truck yesterday. They pay attention to little things like an incumbent vice president pretending she's never seen the current administration she is second-in-command of in her life.

They also understand the cumulative effects of continually rising inflation, even if the rate of the rise has moderated. Overall, prices are up 20.2% under Biden-HARRIS.

Real wage growth is declining. Inflation is still going up.

All the nervous cackling in the world can't hide the incline.

Nor can all the lipstick in the world hide the fact...

...she helped build this pig.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024