Latest Democrat Collective Amnesia Salvo: Trump Is Old and Weird

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The effort to rehabilitate Kamala Harris is not the only memory holing being done on the Democratic side. And by "Democratic side," I'm not referring to their compliant press or media toadies or fawning mouthpieces in Hollywood on TikTok.


No, nope, nyet.

The official Democratic Party is utterly beclowning itself, pretending what once was never was and what now is is always what has been.

You'll understand the Kamala word salad the second you watch this.

This is an odd line of attack from a party whose titular figurehead JUST YESTERDAY looked like this in an official White House meeting with the head of a foreign ally:

It's a particularly bizarre flex from an admittedly bizarre party whose titular head was UNCEREMONIOUSLY DUMPED as their nominee thanks to real-life moments like this:

Then there is - not was, but is - his continual shutting down in real-time. Biden's repeated pattern of sliding into a bout of gib gib gib gibbering when the two functioning cells in his brain short-circuit and just say "We're outta here."


But now, in the official Democrat rewritten history version, none of this has ever happened. There was never a decrepit Joe Biden as candidate, even as president, and Trump is the demonstrably old, "weird" one.

 Yeah - like that's gonna fly. He might be older, but good luck tagging Trump as the weird one left in the race.

Trump always knows precisely what he's saying, whether he's deadly serious, complimentary, or tearing someone a new asterisk. Neither of the two bozos in the White House could ever make that claim, and the word salad queen that's been left standing...yowsahs.

I saw another resurfaced video of hers today, where she's arguing for defunding the police - again, something that, in her new and improved biography, she's never, ever done. And even in a serious segment, you get the echoes of "unburdened by what has been" if your ear is attuned to her nonsense by now.

It's really truly striking how vacuous her communicative skills are when she's ad-libbing.




But Trump's the weirdo?

Just shoot me now that they believe anyone can fall for such a stinker. I can't even begin to fathom how they could push such tripe out when it seems to me they have much more serious problems on their hands.

It's a measure of how desperate, completely delusional, and infinitely lazy the Democrats and their voters are that this embarrassing, hypocritical tripe makes it to the airwaves. 

But Dems are throwing all the former taboos against the wall to see who will stick with them.

What happened to "white dudes are an existential threat"? I thought we were supposed to be frightened out of our wits about whites.

I'm hoping these white dupes in Kamala hats get special passes if they attend other Democratic events. Things can get spicy if the unfriendlier, radical, more prone to violence elements of the base - which is, if we're being honest, most of them - haven't gotten the word that Dems need these "white dudes" now. So we don't need anybody hurt, capiche?


It seems expedience has wiped that old racist bromide from collective memory banks about the same way Kamala was never the border czar.


Disappeared down a Democratic black hole as fast as their last glimpse of a discarded, geriatric, dementia-riddled animatronic cadaver rescued by the Easter Bunny.


What old man you talkin' about, Willis?

There's only ever been one in this race, and he's weird.

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