My 'K-Files' Bookmark Is Already Packed and It's Only Wednesday UPDATE

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky


So, that's what I dubbed the X bookmark where I started stashing all the Kamala videos, gushing endorsements, and press Bojangling that commenced the second Pelosi officially caved and endorsed her.


What a wealth of hilarity and hypocrisy already. It's like the Aladdin's Cave of Democratic conspiratorial whitewashing, expungement, gaslighting, and frantic, feigned infatuation - only deposited in deep brown piles of steaming opportunism, greed, nullification, and mendacity vice something worthy. I have it all squirreled away safely because there is already so damn much material; my brain could never remember where I saw it nor track it down even hours later if it did.

It is already a textbook-size lesson in conspiratorial machinations. Power brokers moving against what is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth. But because he was, in fact, installed in the most heinous act of anti-American subterfuge ever perpetrated by the combined forces of The Democratic Party, their minions in the press boxes and anchor chairs, their operatives in the states, and deep-pocketed money men, they could take him out as easily as if he was Sonny at a Parkway toll booth.

Only there was no blood. And just as thuggish Santino became a "good boy" when he passed, so Joe Biden is now being rebranded and praised as a selfless patriot - rehabilitated in the press as ceding his candidacy to the higher calling of party and country. The only thing missing now are veladoras with POTATUS' head in a halo.

Everyone knows that couldn't be farther from the truth, but the "truth" is fluid in the hands of this cabal, if it ever surfaces at all.

Such is the case with the cackling albatross they've hung 'round their necks in this clumsy public palace coup.


While Democratic memories are fond of massive memory gaps when convenient - no doubt why the idea of a geriatric dementia patient as president bothered them not in the least to begin with - Kamala Harris is a braying he-haw of a different color.

We are all much too familiar with her.

As I said the other day, there's not enough lipstick in a Revlon factory to schmear on this porcine pick to make Americans see anything but the radical progressive, vacuous, inane, do-nothing, gibberish-spewing poseur we have all seen on a national stage for the past seven years or so.

We are all much too familiar with her, and, for the most part, most people have decided she's pretty awful. Downright unlikable.

The worst thing about this orchestrated Yugo's trip through their media carwash in a blatant attempt to produce a Porsche is that we have receipts.

And can quote Orwell in real time now as we produce them.

We can also track the coordination of the rehabilitation through the entirety of the media.

But they cannot change what they reported earlier. They can try to delete it, but screenshots are forever and only serve to make their sins worse.


What they can't do, either, is scrub the entire innerwebs of their subject's innumerable poetic socialist waxings on everything from illegals to crime.

The "Border Czar" has never been to the border because she was never interested in those people coming over it.

It's, like, not a problem.

Illegals are just fine with her. 

This was circa 2017 - I don't see where anything's

And what the coup's co-conspirators CAN'T erase, manipulate, or consign to "misinformation," they are craven enough to label "incorrect."

Swallow that, suckers.

She's never been big on police as much as she touts her prosecutorial days. She wants to abolish ICE - again, explains the open border. End fracking, drilling - learn to code, y'all - and transition from eating meat products.

All in her words. I don't have to try to remember what she said. It's right here in the K-Files.


Kamala was a pom-pom girl for the BLM rioters that burned through the summer of 2020. I don't think she ever spared a moment for those who perished in flames or violence.

Such a peach.

However, Harris's bail fund for BLM rioters did manage to spring two things who went on to murder people a couple of weeks down the line. You bet I've got that one.

But that's par for her modus operandi when it comes to safeguarding the criminal in the streets as opposed to your everyday American, or - God forbid - defending law enforcement.

Then Harris pretty much does what her #feelz tell her.

...she declared she would not seek the death penalty for gang member cop killer, though that was the penalty for a crime with special circumstances at the time.

Though that was the penalty for the crime, she personally didn't believe in it, though she had just vowed to uphold the laws.

I think those same "uphold the laws and Constitution" were in her VP oath, so you can clearly see how much that sort of thing means to her.


As far as her winning personality and its make-over, I'm not sure if the Secret Service has advised Kamala not to hold outdoor rallies yet.

So far, the maddening crowds she's attracting appear to be manageable size.

Will they swell with the deluge of gushing KAMALA'S MARVELOUS stories now running at a frantic clip through press and networks?

Gosh. Remains to be seen. And we're just a bit cynical about the excitement overload, to be honest...

I might have been wrong about the Revlon factory. They might have to strip the L'Oreal plant, too. Simply not enough lipstick. There's no way they can reform and present this cackling disaster as a brand-new and improved candidate like the previous Kamala never, ever happened. EH-VAH.

And, mind you, this is all based on the supposition she doesn't step in it herself during the next months.

Ron DeSantis asked what the odds are that she faceplants in two weeks, and I am not taking that bet.



The very thought of Kamala Harris in the race, less mind in the Oval Office, is a sign of how far this country has fallen and how degenerate the Democratic Party has become.

I know POTATUS is basically a vegetable being held in a root cellar, but all I have to say is HANG IN THERE, BIG GUY.


It's bad enough having this creature, this total anathema to everything I hold dear, everything this country stands for, as the default cabal choice for a major party's candidate.

 But to have Harris installed as the first woman president of the United States?


I have to stop before the screaming in my brain ruins the day.

Plus, it's been a couple of hours. 

There are no doubt new entries to catalog for the K-Files. 

God knows what they've changed, erased, or realized is inconveniently "incorrect" in the passage of time. 

Which hours they pass. They're time passing.

BEEGE SENDS: Suddenly, EVERYONE is finding "corrections" that need to be made in years' old Harris articles. GovTrack justrealized their error in ranking her the "most liberal senator."

It's a miracle of sloppy journalisming, I tell you.

That it's all being corrected at the same time, not the original reporting.

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