Looks Like 'The Border Bill' Looks Pretty Craptastic

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Why does everyone despise the current, slimy Senate GOP leadership? Pretty much because of precisely what is happening now.

The country is under invasion, there are immediate measures that could be taken – in fact, were in place and removed the tragic day POTATUS took office – that could bring the invasion to a screeching halt. Americans are clamoring for something to be done, like, yesterday, and what is that august body’s minority leader Mitch McConnell’s response?


Somebody needs to send Mitch home to Kentucky. He’s not working for us – he’s working for the Global Collective.

…“President Biden’s campaign promise to welcome illegal aliens at the border overwhelmed a broken asylum system that unified Republican government had tried desperately to fix in the face of Democrat obstruction. His Administration took away critical tools like ‘Remain in Mexico’ and strong enforcement priorities that CBP and ICE had relied on to stem the tide of illegal arrivals.

“The Biden Administration’s refusal to secure the border created an unprecedented crisis, and the urgent humanitarian and security consequences affect every state. It is time to force the President to start cleaning up his mess and equip future leaders with a system that works and new emergency tools to restore order.

…“America’s sovereignty is being tested here at home, and our credibility is being tested by emboldened adversaries around the world. The challenges we face will not resolve themselves, nor will our adversaries wait for America to muster the resolve to meet them. The Senate must carefully consider the opportunity in front of us and prepare to act.”

The snippets that are coming out do seem to support Sen Mike Lee’s assessment of this disaster.


Take, for instance, that “5000 encounters a day” limit we all heard about last week which caused such a ruckus. You know, the one where that number of “encounters” would trigger a big effort to then shut the border crossings down (as if ANY number of illegals crossing should be considered “okey dokey”, but that’s another argument)? Weeellll…

It turns out there’s a wee bit of fine print that goes along with determining just what and who constitutes that threshold, as Rep Dan Bishop found to his amazement when he had a chance to finally parse what is in this monstrosity.

The “5000” only count if they are Canadians or Mexicans breaching our border. That’s right. Everyone else and their mothers can just keep pouring across until there are 5000, say, total MEXICANS on a given day…and then they supposedly put the brakes on. Although, with the way Trudeau is going and they hear about this, 5000 Canadians a day could happen and maybe save us.

I Schlitz you not. It’s right here:

I’ve got to hand it to them – that’s some manipulative razzle-dazzle.

It also changes the asylum claim threshold standard from “significant possibility” to “reasonable possibility.” Perhaps my grasp of the English language isn’t what it used to be, but I do believe that’s a good deal lower bar to meet, no? Sort of the difference between calling 911 because a guy’s trying to break your door down or insisting there’s a monster under the bed so you can’t put your bare feet on the floor.

It’s ludicrous. This is an improvement? For border jumpers, yeah. For what’s left of America? Not so much. And Republicans were helping to write this.


There is, of course, big money for NGOs and legal assistance for illegals involved.

I hope somebody primaries Lankford and takes him out. What a turncoat. I want that whole Mitch McConnell/Mitt Romney/Murkowski etc establishment cadre wiped from the Senate.

There has been a Congressional shot across McConnell's bow. I hope to God they mean to stick to it.

I know there are regional differences between Republicans – I grew up in New Jersey, hello. I have always been a firm believer in Reagan’s “80% friend is not a 20% enemy” – there are going to be differences on issues, and there has to be, simply by virtue of regional tilts. A mid-Atlantic REP is not a Mid-West, is not a CA, is not a Southern Republican, but there is a common core in the center.

Or there used to be.


Our national sovereignty used to be one of the sacrosanct values that made up that core.

A-M-E-R-I-C-A, dammit.

We are in the midst of the greatest threat to our country’s integrity I honestly think we’ve ever faced short of the Civil War itself – the Biden administration. And to have REPUBLICAN senators enable and abet – literally join in writing legislation sanctioning and validating this anti-American, anti-freedom, unconstitutional cabal bent on destroying her in real time?

Holy smokes.

This legislation needs to meet a swift, decisive, irreversible demise.

And any GOP senator who has the stink of it on their hands needs to find themselves learning to code.

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