New Jersey: Hola and Adios, Muchachos - Shame You Gotta Go

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

New Jersey’s verminous Governor Phil Murphy ordinarily strikes one as your run-of-the-mill ROUS (Rodent of Unusual Size) when it comes to Democratic slimeballs in charge of a bluer-than-blue state. But, honest as I am, there are times I have to give credit where credit is due, and this is one of them.


He is the utter and complete king of dog-faced lying pony soldier Democratic rodents.

At one time in the distant past, the man with the snaggle-toothed, single pair of continuously growing incisors was able to straight-faced and un-ironically say something like this:

Murphy Says New Jersey Would Welcome Immigrant Flights with Open Arms

…Murphy criticized DeSantis after just 50 migrants were flown to Martha’s Vineyard last week and said he would gladly welcome immigrant flights from Texas and Florida with open arms.

I am outraged at Governor DeSantis’ heartless attempt to exploit vulnerable Venezuelan migrants in a political stunt designed only to improve his standing among his right-wing followers. It is sad to see him joining Texas Governor Abbott in this callous race to the bottom. This act cries out for Congress to work together on comprehensive immigration reform which treats everyone who wishes to be part of our family with rightful respect and dignity.”

Aw, see? Gov Phil wanted everyone to know they are welcome in his little feathered rodential nest.


*makes heart shape with thumbs and index fingers*

…“New Jersey stands by our nation’s values which welcome those seeking a better life with not just open arms but, even more importantly, with open hearts,” the governor said this week.

If America is the melting pot of the world, New Jersey has always been the engine that powered that melting pot. Since the earliest days of America, immigrants have settled in New Jersey, making it one of the most diverse states in America.

Most don’t know this, but the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island are located in New Jersey state waters, not New York.


The Statue of Liberty’s a Jersey girl.

Trump was president when he was campaigning for governor, and Gov Phil did get a little carried away with emotion, pledging to make NJ a “Sanctuary State” in response to Trump’s pugnaciously unwelcoming attitude.

As Donald Trump vowed in 2017 to build a wall along the nation’s southwestern border, Phil Murphy, then the Democratic candidate for governor, pledged to make New Jersey a safe haven for undocumented immigrants.

“We will stand up to this president,” Murphy said during a debate that year. “If need be, we will be a sanctuary not just city but state. This is America. The America I know is the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty.”

There’s that Jersey Girl again.

In fact, once he got elected, Gov “Full of #Feelingz” Phil was working on the sanctuary concept, even way back in 2018. He and the legislature made sure to hamstring ICE from being able to track and apprehend illegals aka the kinder, gentler “migrants” of today’s border hordes. They are people, intoned the gov, not pawns.

…“I would just repeat: Let’s not play politics with people’s lives, using them as pawns. Enough of that,” the Democratic governor said Wednesday after an unrelated event in Trenton.

…In 2018, Murphy’s administration created limits to what police in New Jersey can share with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE, to help protect immigrants.

New Jersey, considered one of the nation’s most diverse states, is home to more than 475,000 undocumented immigrants.


But “sanctuary” hit a wall during the elections in 2020. Democrats in NJ got, what was for them, a shellacking – literally, the scare of a lifetime, including the governor himself. Phil kept his seat by a whisker.

The vermin has turned.

Whatever mushy sentiments about people and pawns Murphy was mouthing for the cameras about DeSantis and Venezuelans in Martha’s Vineyard last year?


That’s so much water under the GW Bridge you could dump a corpse in concrete shoes in, and it’d sink in a Secaucus second.

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City really started this ball rolling with his declaration that the city was, like, “full,” and buses from Texas could only arrive if previously scheduled and during certain hours.

So Gov Greg Abbott of Texas kept sending buses, but started routing them to? New Jersey commuter train stations.

What happened next?

Say hello to my new friend, Gov “Get-the-F**k-Out” Phil:

New Jersey officials are making sure the Big Apple doesn’t dump the out-of-control migrant mess on the Garden State — and are even deploying cops to usher asylum seekers from the US border onto Manhattan-bound NJ Transit trains as soon as they get off their buses.

…“New Jersey just said, f–k this,” one source close to the situation told The Post on Wednesday. “New Jersey Transit cops were waiting for them in Secaucus to show them how to get on the train to New York.”

…At a press conference Wednesday, Murphy told reporters that his state would continue to push migrants to Manhattan because “NYC is where there is federal support and resources available.


Why, the lying, dog-faced pony sanctuary soldier turncoat!

As buses arrive at Secaucus train stations, NJ transit cops are meeting them, handing the illegals who step off tickets for the next train into the city, and making sure they all get on their way. There’s little to no flow of illegals out of the station into NJ.


~ Gov “Get-the-F**k-Out” Phil Murphy (D)

Some NJ mayors are taking a different tack, like Mayor Sam Joshi of Edison. He’s turning the buses around and sending them back to the Mexican border. Edison is a community of about 45% immigrants (20% identify as Indian-American), and the mayor himself is the son of immigrants, but he says the town is behind him.

Edison welcomes legal immigration. There’s a concept.

There are also more and more pissed off – and sweating – NJ mayors. Also worried that they don’t have train stations to turn arrivals around quickly should buses pull into their towns. But, ho, boy – the Democratic infighting is fun:


…Democrats criticize each other

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who has taken a more conciliatory tone about the buses, told The Gothamist that his city has been putting up migrants in motels for months but did not disclose details about their arrival. Fulop earlier retweeted Joshi’s comments and accused the mayor of looking for a “political sound bite.”

Seth Kaper-Dale, pastor of the Reformed Church of Highland Park and a former Green Party candidate for governor, told CBS New York that most of those on the buses are not in the U.S. illegally and have good reason to stay in the country,

“The fact that a local mayor in the state that has one of the largest immigrant populations in this country was not prepared to more lovingly answer that question is very disturbing,” he told CBS New York.

Ah, Dems – it’s all sanctuary and kumbaya until the buses hit the station…then the hypocrisy meter goes off the scale.

Is “STUNNING and unexpected” like “stunning and brave”? People who don’t speak social virtue signaling woke want to know.

Oh, well. Shame they can’t stay.

“Vaya con Dios, muchachos.” ~ Gov “Get-the-F**k-Out” Phil Murphy (D)


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