Knew It: The Real Problem? POTATUS Is Just Too Gosh Darn Energetic for His Own Geriatric Good

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

You heard it here first.

And I heard it from them.


I’ll lay money you were just as surprised as I was that the fellow carefully clomping his way across the White House lawn was a creature in perpetual motion. As opposed to what our lying eyes see, which is an aged, dementia-ridden shadow of a man evincing barely enough energy to set one foot in front of the other, and only a heartbeat away from toppling over at any given moment like a sack of potatoes set on end.

Why it matters: Current and former aides say Biden is extraordinarily energetic for his age. But his repeated insistence that he feels so young can draw eye rolls: Some current and former aides believe Biden doesn’t realize how old he can come across.

In conversations with aides and friends, Biden frequently says some version of: “I feel so much younger than my age.”

Of course he does – why, he’s fit as a fiddle.

Who writes this tripe? Worse, who believes it?

Zoom in: Current and former Biden aides say he often pushes to do more travel and events than they think he should.

Biden pushing up against his limits sometimes creates a cycle in which he wears himself out, then appears fatigued during public events — which can increase concerns about his age, even when he’s taking on a rigorous schedule.

Their definition of “rigorous” is certainly different from any I’ve ever heard before. They must be using one of those online dictionaries.

In swoops saintly Dr Jill Biden, protecting her husband from his own driven nature, and proclivity for working so hard that she worries he’s going to kill himself.


Romantic, isn’t it? And has historical precedent, as the earnest author points out to those too dense to see the parallel.


“Joe’s working too hard,” Jill would tell Biden’s then-chief of staff, Steve Ricchetti, Joe Biden recalled in his memoir, “Promise Me, Dad.” “He’s exhausted. He’s not sleeping. It’s going to kill him.”

Jill’s influence on the president’s calendar is unusual but has some precedent. Nancy Reagan would closely watch Ronald Reagan’s schedule — even occasionally consulting an astrologist.

At 69, Ronald Reagan was the oldest person to be elected U.S. president until Donald Trump, who was 70. Biden topped that: He was 77 when he was elected in 2020.

See, you hateful naysayers, especially Republicans? POTATUS and Dr. Jill are just like your sainted Reagans, only much cooler.

What a dynamo. Little did we guess. Work around the clock?

What they’re saying: “Since he first ran for Senate, President Biden has always been a hard worker who is eager to do more than any schedule could accommodate,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Axios.

That commitment “has continued to show itself in the White House,” Bates added. “Like when he became the first president to visit two war zones not controlled by the U.S. military, [his] late-night discussions with members of Congress as he passed the most groundbreaking legislative agenda in modern history, or this past week as he continued to work around the clock on critical national security priorities long after House Republicans stopped trying to keep up and left Washington on vacation.”


I had no idea. We all thought he was off to Delaware again.

As of August, Dr Jill has been doing a pretty decent job of convincing POTATUS to…um… pace himself (Try as I might, I have yet to convince Ed that I would creatively flourish with the same schedule, but now that I know I can invoke the Gipper, well, Katy bar the door.). In fact, compared to your average working stiff with far less compensation for commensurate responsibilities in their job description, Biden’s “pace” has been about the same as his clomping across the lawn – slow as molasses in January.

He’s the American Idle.

The 24/7 grind of the White House has been anything but for President Biden, who has devoted more days to downtime than any of his recent predecessors, according to an analysis of press-pool reports.

…As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief, according to data calculated by the Republican National Committee and confirmed by The Post using White House reports of Biden’s movements.

They seem to be doing their level best to put lipstick on this pig, whitewash defense (pun intended), giftwrap a 50 lb sack of potatoes, invent this romanticized, fictional Dark Brandon – whatever analogy is apropos – but whatever brainstorming they do for whatever reason they are doing it (And Ed will have something on that later this evening), what they can’t change is the audio and video of THE BIG GUY the world sees when he has to make an appearance.


Our lying eyes and ears have consistently told us the exact opposite of the permanently fractured fairy tale currently being spun. The emperor having “no clothes” is the least of Biden’s problems.

He’s not remotely well and the country is in a truly frightening place with this dried out husk propped behind the Resolute desk.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024