Well, my goodness. What have we here?

I came across a tweet this morning and, before I even read it or watched the video contained IN it (which had auto-started), the flag on the wall behind the desk caught my eye. That sort of thing just jumps out at me now, they way they used to tell photographers to put something red in a photograph to draw a viewer’s eye in.
Mine automatically locks onto those things of their own accord.
So what, right? Looks like a clinic of some sort and could be most anywhere, and no one says you have to take your kids to it.
Turns out you might not take your kids to it, because they’re already there.
It’s something called a “Health and Wellness Clinic” and part of an exciting new innovation the Poudre School District – Fort Collins, CO – started introducing to district schools last year. This video was made at the second one they opened.
Poudre School District officially opened its second Health and Wellness Center — and the 70th in the state of Colorado — on Monday at Lincoln Middle School with a ribbon cutting ceremony and celebration.
The center, which is a nearly-full service doctors office, is operated in partnership with Every Child Pediatrics, the same group that runs the district’s center at Centennial High School.
“Far too many children and adolescents struggle in school and in life because they lack access to basic health care services,” said Merry Hummell, director of the centers, at the ribbon cutting. “School-based health is a nationally recognized best practice model and solution, bringing integrated physical, mental, dental and vision services to where students spend the majority of their time: in school.”
This is that same Ms Hummell giving everyone a guided tour of the facility in the video below. See if it struck you the way it did me.
This is a commercial for my school district’s school-based health centers … in some of our middle & high schools. We have one coming next year to my little town, the same school where they proudly still hold confidential/school sponsored/can’t-opt-your-children-out “art club.”… pic.twitter.com/7aqMZLsv1P
— Erin for Parental Rights (@Erin4Parents) December 14, 2023
Rainbowed to death. I wonder if they filmed it during pride month because it just looks so damn cheerful with all the pastels.
Yet another trans flag was a nice touch for the “in-person behavioral health office” wall, no?
Again, this is the newer middle school center in the video, not the high school. I’m not so sure as a middle school parent I would be all that delighted about the decor. Sure, it’s great a kid could finally get a Motrin or a bandage if they tore up a knee in gym (if they still have it), but would I want my child going room to room to room through this center festooned with trans affirming gee-gaws all over the wall?
Mind you, when I went digging into the district’s Health and Wellness Center’s page, there’s nothing remotely that in-your-face. Even the video on the welcoming page is as sterile as can be.
School-Based Health Centers
Research shows that SBHCs eliminate barriers to positive physical and mental health, lower absenteeism and improve graduation rates. We provide students with high quality, confidential, youth centered services when and where they are needed most; helping students return to the classroom faster, ready and able to learn.SBHCs focus on the health needs of young people; especially those who are at risk and/or with high need.
So, here they are, with a medical facility right in the school – a clinic that says its “focus” is on “at risk and/or high need” students, which could mean a lot of things depending on interpretation. As the director says, they wanted to bring all these services, including mental health care, to where the students “spend the majority of their time.”
Which is where their parents are not. There’s a disclaimer in fine print about the service provided on that same webpage which might make some parents uncomfortable, particularly if they watched Ms Hummel glide through the rainbow laden video tour.
* Minors and Healthcare Services
Colorado HB 19-1120 was signed into law and went into effect on May 16, 2019. HB 19-1120 lowers the age of consent for psychotherapy services from 15 years old to 12 years old or older. Per Colorado Revised Statute 12-43-201 (9)(a) “a minor who is 12 years of age or older, with or without the consent of the minor’s parent or legal guardian,” may consent to receive psychotherapy services “if the mental health professional determines that: (a) the minor is knowingly and voluntarily seeking such services, (b) the provision of psychotherapy services is clinically indicated and necessary to the minor’s well-being.”
Per Colorado Revised Statute 13-22-105, minors can self-refer/consent to the following services: contraceptive services, sexually transmitted infection services, prenatal care and general medical care for the minor’s child. Parental consent is not required in any medical facility in the State of Colorado for these services.
As part of its many services, the Health and Wellness Centers provide fact-based reproductive health/contraception information and counseling, contraception, sexually-transmitted infection counseling and testing and prenatal care. Research shows that teens are much more likely to share important health-related information with trusted adults, including student-based health center staff. The Health and Wellness Center staff strongly encourage adolescents to engage in an open dialogue with their parents/guardians about all aspects of their health care.
Now, the Wellness Center staff is only taking advantage of what CO legislators have done, and that appears to be strip every right to parental notification away from parents, while also lowering the age of consent from an already uber young 15 to a ridiculously immature 12.
You cannot prevent your child from visiting this center and your kid does not – nor does the center – have to tell you he or she went.
GSA is something new to me, but apparently blooming in liberal school systems through the country. It’s also the subject of a new film by a retired CO legislator about the real life experiences of a pair of CO parents.
When her 12-year-old daughter texted about staying after school for “art club,” Colorado mother Erin Lee could never have imagined how her life and the lives of her family were about to be changed forever. It turns out the “art club” was actually a “Gender and Sexuality Alliance” (GSA) meeting focused on confusing children about their gender. Now, the mom is sounding the alarm: Pull your children from public schools immediately!
After that fateful afterschool GSA meeting, despite never having shown any confusion, the daughter began to believe she was actually a boy trapped in a girl’s body. She was told that if she was not comfortable in her body — what pubescent boy or girl is? — that she may be “transgender.” Equally troubling: the teacher claimed parents may not be “safe” and that it was okay to mislead and deceive them.
As if matters could not get more outrageous, when the parents found out and pulled their young daughter from the school, district officials conspired to get “child welfare” services involved. In recent years, more and more education officials and teachers have been deceived into believing that refusal to “affirm” a child’s delusions about gender is dangerous and tantamount to abuse. In the film, the parents explain how the principal visited their home, apparently to do a “wellness check” on their daughter.
They might be handing out Band-Aids and ibuprofen, but what if they’re handing out a whole lot more – subliminally even? Right there in school?
Holy smokes.
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