Pointing the Fickle Finger of Blame: Why Did Elon Musk Cause All That Trouble in Ireland?

AP Photo/Peter Morrisson

I tell you what – if there is a supernatural power in the flesh on Earth, it has to be Elon Musk. He seems to be the origin of and responsible for damn near every calamity and misfortune that befalls the plans of our betters.


If that’s true, I hope he lives forever, because he’s doing great.

This week our soft-spoken hero has been exposed as the instigator of the mini-Irish uprising a week and a half ago. You might be a little confused about this, as was I, considering the Irish government looked to be doing pretty well on its own – stomping all over its citizens rights (the few they’ve left them), packing the small country with immigrants from cultures diametrically opposed to Western values, and then valuing the new faces over the native ones when push-came-to-shoving people out of limited resources and the public square.

But you’d be wrong.

It had nothing to do with a fascistic Irish government and everything to do with Elon Musk.

The CBS report – which lays the blame squarely on the shoulders of Elon Musk and X (basically one is an extension of the other) – relies heavily on the opinion of Experts™, so it must be sound and unbiased reporting. Why, my goodness – it’s even in the headline (emphasis mine):

Elon Musk’s X platform fueled far-right riots in Ireland, experts say


Well, maybe if CBS hadn’t begun covering facts with a blanket almost immediately in their Musky smear job, I might have been inclined to lend an ear. But when you begin with an already debunked, blatant falsehood, claiming a falsehood that had been previously and unsuccessfully floated by the BBC in order to mitigate the knife assailant’s “immigrant” angle, wellll…gosh. To my cynical eye, this seems to be shaping up to be a propaganda piece from the get-go.


Here’s the offending CBS sentence:

False reports circulating on social media had suggested the stabbings were carried out by an illegal immigrant. The alleged assailant was in fact a naturalized Irish citizen originally from Algeria, the Irish Times reported.

FALSE REPORTS. None of the reports I saw ever suggested the assailant was “illegal.” None. But they did immediately note that the slasher damn sure wasn’t native Irish – how he arrived at citizenship (if he even was one) was immaterial at the time.

The reports were true.

This was the BBC’s dishonest attempt to smother the controversyNOTHING TO SEE HERE, JUST ANOTHER CITIZEN – a week ago.

Screencap BBC.com

Now, it predates CBS’s, but it sure sounds like the network cribbed the lingo almost verbatim, no?

Then CBS moves into the blaming part – you know, where the “RIGHT-wing, mis-information/dis-information actors” do all of their organizing on X because Elon turned it into a haven for Nazis and “anti-immigration activists.” Which is the difference between a quiet little protest and a riot.

If RIGHT-wing extremists can tweet at each other, CBS and Experts™ insist, Katy bar the door.

…Eileen Culloty, a deputy director of the Institute for Media, Democracy and Society at Dublin City University, told CBS News the riots had been plotted by “a core group” of prominent right-wing influencers on X who “have a relatively high profile within that kind of alternative, right-wing world. Some of them will be alternative media outlets, some of them are right-wing anti-immigration activists.”

“They went into overdrive in the lead-up to the riots,” Culloty told CBS News. “They were posting lots of public messages on Twitter [X], but also on Telegram and other platforms from lunchtime onwards and urging people to act. A lot of the hashtags they used were promoting this ethno-nationalist idea that Ireland is full, that Ireland belongs to the Irish.”

A study conducted by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an independent nonprofit think-tank that studies and offers policy advice on extremism and disinformation, just days before the riots in Ireland had also found that Twitter (X) is “used by virtually all of the most prominent actors in the Irish mis- and disinformation ecosystem.”


The implication being nobody but bad right-wing actors use X for anything nefarious and Elon lets them. He allows this. Previously banned Twitter accounts have been reinstated by Elon!!

You can see where they’re going with this.

…Crucially, according to Culloty, with respect to the violence in Dublin, the core group of far-right accounts suspected of inciting the violence had previously been removed from the platform for violating the company’s safety policies, but were reinstated following Musk’s takeover of the company.

“They were able to move back to X and a lot of people who had been banned were able to come back,” she said. “It’s notable that there are more people not trying to conceal their identity [in the aftermath of Musk’s takeover.] So they now feel quite comfortable making these incendiary statements.”

Right up to…yup.

Elon didn’t do anything to help” when bricks started flying in Dublin while all the other collusive and subservient social media platforms did.

…Speaking to the Irish parliament last week, Justice Minister Helen McEntee said X had refused to comply with requests from the Garda Síochána, Ireland’s national police force, to take down inflammatory posts in real time as violence flared in Dublin.

McEntee said she’d spoken with a detective “who was actively engaged with the social media companies” throughout the evening of the riots, Irish state broadcaster RTÉ reported.

Other social media companies including TikTok and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, “were responding, they were engaging with gardaí and they were taking down these vile posts as they came up,” McEntee said.

X were not. They didn’t engage. They did not fulfill their own community standards.”


Keep in mind this same, totalitarian “justice minister” is the one now seeking to strip what remaining freedom the Irish have. Do you think she might just have a reason to stretch the truth – perhaps exaggerate the situation a little to advance her iron-fisted control agenda? Play to the cameras in Brussels and her own parliament, schmaybe?

Maybe she’s even willing flat-out lie about X’s cooperation with authorities during the riot.

Oh, she’s willing enough, because she did.

If Justice Minister McEntee thought X and Elon would let that pass to keep a lid on things, that was yet another arrogant error in judgement on her part.

This is inaccurate. We have proactively taken action on more than 1,230 pieces of content under our rules relating to the riots.

We met with the Coimisiún na Meán on November 24 to discuss our response. The Gardai did not make any formal requests to us until late Monday 27th November. We responded promptly.

The only appeal we have received from the Gardai relating to the enforcement of our rules is for a single post.

We hope the Minister will clarify her remarks.



The Europeans do not appreciate Musk’s casual dismissal of their intrusive and repressive rules for social engagement. Even as they work feverishly to increase the amount of control they have over any platform on the innerwebs, Musk and X stand pretty much alone as the last bastion of social media freedom. He politely forces these autocrats to cleave to the regulations on the books now when they issue imperious demands – not the visions of future dominance dancing in their heads.

He has no problem telling the EU/WEF crowd to suck a freedom and transparency stone.

This is badly done on CBS’s part, but exposes, yet again, the access to free dissemination of information that mainstream media stands athwart. They are the regime mouthpieces – the globalist regime – hell bent on bulldozing and destroying those last outposts still transmitting “The Signal.”

You can bet CBS has coordinated in some fashion with the repressive Irish government to target a substantial obstacle in the path of their goose stepping all over their citizens and what remains of fragile Irish constitutional rights.

Elon’s “F**k You” to that cabal was for – and from – all of us.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024