Lord knows it can’t have been easy for them, and LORD KNOWS I’ve tried to do my part chronicling their miserable, horrible, awful, not-so-very-nice year here for you all to share.
Gentle, controlling souls that they are, they seem to be able to take only so much before feeling utterly deflated. Green gifting “optimism,” it appears, is in short supply.
Anti-green backlash hovers over @COP28_UAE climate talks: War, a fossil fuel boom and populist revolts are sapping optimism from climate agenda. https://t.co/nlIxKiSmun pic.twitter.com/xppn2rYmu6
— Net Zero Watch (@NetZeroWatch) November 21, 2023
It sure doesn’t help when your hard charging guidon waver and enforcer of mandates has fallen flat on their face. Germany’s insistence on everyone else remaining on target – economic torpedoes be damned – is ringing a little hollow this year.
Germany and the European Union are hoping to convince other countries to raise their climate targets at the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai. But this may be a tough task, considering Berlin’s waning credibility as a climate leader.
Germany, the world’s third-biggest economy, is an important player in global climate diplomacy. The annual Petersberg Climate Conference in Bonn, founded by former Chancellor Angela Merkel, is an important step in the run-up to the end-of-year COP meetings convened under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Heading into COP28, Germany has a clear goal. “We want the COP to formally decide to at least triple the expansion of renewable energies globally by 2030 and to double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency,” said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who handles her country’s climate diplomacy.
WE WANT WE WANT WE WANT when you can’t you can’t you can’t yourself?
No one’s going to be shoved around by those Teutonic bullies anymore when they can’t even walk their own talk.
…But the situation at home has at the very least damaged Germany’s shine as a a global climate leader.
“If we are told that you, as industrialised countries, have not achieved your own climate targets, then it is not quite as credible to remind others of theirs,” conceded Baerbock.
Reality checks are quite a comedown.
Where would moaning about world affairs with mutual consolations among the gathered WEF illuminati over the impending worldwide Green schemes collapse be without a sideways swipe at a boogieman who had nothing to do with it? Talk about over-compensating for over-reaching arrogance.
Of course Trump will ruin everything.
Anti-green backlash hovers over COP climate talks
War, a fossil fuel boom and populist revolts are sapping the optimism from the fight against climate change. And then there’s Trump.
…The air of gloom among many supporters of global climate action is hard to miss, as is the sense that global warming will not be the sole topic on leaders’ minds when they huddle in back rooms.
“It’s getting away from us,” Tim Benton, director of the Chatham House environment and society center, said during a markedly downbeat discussion among climate experts at the think tank’s lodgings on St James’ Square in London earlier this month. “Where is the political space to drive the ambition that we need?”
War, pestilence, inflation, natural disasters…ORANGE MAN BAD.
…Yet even more dire consequences await if Trump wins back the presidency next year.
Somebody roll a keg into the room. These people need to lighten up.
Or at least they could use a good, bracing quaff, because the climate cult industry news between now and their private jet jaunt to the luxury conference in Dubai isn’t improving at all. It’s uniformly dismal.
The Germans, who were supposed to be bailing out turbine manufacturer Siemens Gamesa, are now in a subsidy pickle thanks to their fiscal situation. Siemens was already in trouble, and wound up pulling the plug on a big US project a little over a week ago.
Siemens Gamesa has discontinued its plans to build and operate an offshore wind turbine blade manufacturing plant in Virginia, US.
The company’s USD 200 million (about EUR 187 million) manufacturing plant was planned to be built at the Port of Virginia’s Portsmouth Marine Terminal. It was intended to support major US offshore wind projects, including Dominion Energy’s 2.6 GW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project.
First announced in October 2021, the facility, which covered more than 80 acres, was expected to support approximately 300 jobs once fully operational.
However, Siemens Gamesa said it cancelled plans to build and operate the blade manufacturing plant in Virginia, as development milestones to establish the facility could not be met.
Now, the company was planning to manufacture the blades for the turbines here in the States for the VA off-shore wind project – you would think that would be a money saving enterprise, right? But it didn’t work out, and it leaves one wondering what the status of the entire wind farm is at the moment.
Even locals are asking what the gameplan is – particularly after watching the New Jersey projects go blade-tips-up. “Hope floats” say industry reps.
…Hampton Roads isn’t alone in weathering industry setbacks as the U.S. offshore wind industry faces rising costs and scheduling delays. Most significantly, on Oct. 31, Danish wind giant Ørsted announced it was canceling two offshore wind projects off the coast of New Jersey because of rising financing and capital costs.
Still, Hampton Roads sees the advancement of Dominion’s project as an example that while the industry may be struggling, its hopes are still afloat.
…Joel Rubin, director of the offshore wind advocacy group WINDSdays, said the two turbines Dominion already has out at sea and the advancement of CVOW are signs that Hampton Roads is still “in a great position in this industry.”
“I think we just need the economy to be in better shape for these companies,” Rubin said.
They’ve got a whoppin’ two turbines out in the Atlantic. Two. Going gang busters. I would not bet the farm on this thing without massive state and federal bailouts, and sticking it to Dominion rate payers.
The Wall Street Journal had a good article on Ørsted’s crash and burn…
…Ørsted might need to cancel more projects, sell parts of existing wind farms, or cut its dividend or issue stock to shore up its balance sheet, analysts and investors say. Any turnaround will come under a new-look C-suite after the chief financial officer and chief operating officer stepped down last week.
Ørsted’s stock has plunged more than 75% from its high in 2021, including a roughly 19% drop this quarter.
…but what really caught my eye – and should have proponents at COP28 sprinkling salty tears in their welcome flute of Veuve Clicquot – was a chart of where US off-shore wind projects stood. It’s a giggler.

Holy smokes. For all the money and talk and heartaches and dead horseshoe crabs and whales?
They got bupkiss.
Well. Technically, taxpayers got hosed for bupkiss. What’s frightening the Globalist cabal and adding to their sense of #doom is that we know we’ve been hosed.
And we’re over it.
More ominous auguries abound for the COP28 sad sacks to dwell upon. On Wall Street, ESG suddenly stand for “Evaporating Social Grifting.” The term is vaporizing from funds.
Wall Street is quietly scrubbing terms like “sustainable,” “global impact,” and “carbon transformation” from fund names or closing ESG investment products altogether as investors continue to cash out.
How do the WEF/COP28 types force Climate Change driven policies and renewable mandates on recalcitrant corporations and smaller companies if they can’t use financing blackmail to do it?
Well…the short answer is, they can’t.
Oh, that sense of save-the-world optimism – fading fast, no?
As for Climate Czar John Kerry’s fighting cow farts and crusading to do away with farmers because excessive CO2 emissions are going to kill every chance of survival…he might want to put a sock in it.
Shocked the greenies didn't try to burn the corn fields and blame arson, on the climate, again. #ClimateScam
— Climate Scam (@ClimateScam) November 11, 2023
Wrong again, Lurch.
Don’t you love the sound of Lurch’s frustrated tears in the morning?

They sound like VICTORY.
I’ll drink to that.
Slàinte Mhaith!
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