Maybe I’m just so jaded anymore that I’m looking for it before I even start reading.
But, dang it – then I find it, right?
Case in poi…Well. Wait a minute – I tried to find a link to a Richmond Times-Dispatch editorial I’d read this morning that didn’t have a paywall attached, and the oddest thing happened. When I Googled the title, I got these results:

Has some secret message gone out to lefties world-wide? Was the kumbaya screed I read this morning blasted nationally?
It seems it was. What I initially thought was an editorial from the Richmond paper was a regurgitated LA Times editorial, which explains a good bit of what bugged the crap out of me about the pompous moaning.
Editorial: The rising tide of hate crimes can’t be ignored
Like most rational people at the moment, my brain skewed immediately to Jewish-Americans under siege right here at home. Outright hatred expressed, with violence both threatened and visited upon folks who have done nothing but try to go about their lives, or, in rare cases, taken exception to the disgraceful displays in our streets or on college campuses, and said something to that effect.
They have been mobbed, beaten, belongings stolen, driven from the area, or cornered and trapped. Or murdered.
Inexplicably – and perhaps, inevitably – the editorial starts with Trump. DAMN YOU WHITE PEOPLE it seems to warn right off the bat.
It’s hard to remember a time that has felt more tumultuous. We’ve barely arrived on the other side of a pandemic that both put the world on pause and divided our country. A band of mostly white hooligans swarmed our Capitol building, attempting to overthrow a legitimate presidential election on behalf of a man who now is charged with 91 felonies, and yet inexplicably has a chance of being reelected president next year.
And proceeds to skip over the horror of the October 7th invasion. No hint of the rapes, beheadings, baby bakings, hostage takings, the massacre of over a thousand innocents by weapons both fire and fired, bladed or spaded. All at levels of unrestrained barbaric savagery not seen in hundreds of years, recorded for posterity and gloating rights by the very animals as they did so.
The LA Times editors merely describe it as “an attack….”
Contrast that with how put out they are by the Israeli response.
…And on Oct. 7 an attack by Hamas that killed about 1,200 people, including children and the elderly, was followed by ongoing retaliation against Hamas by the Israeli government that has killed more than 10,000 people in Gaza, according to the health ministry there, many of them children and the elderly.
But “hate,” right? Aren’t we supposed to be talking about “hate”?
You get a pretty clear picture of where the hate problem is.
…Every day seems to bring a story of yet another violent or ugly incident. A young Palestinian boy brutally stabbed to death in Illinois. An Arab Muslim student at Stanford University injured by a hit-and-run driver — the same university where Jewish students allege that an instructor made them stand in a corner of the classroom while he berated them about Israel. Swastikas popping up at middle and high schools and synagogues. Threats and harassment against American Muslims are increasing as are antisemitic threats and vandalism. In an ironic twist, a woman was accused of purposely driving her car into the building of an antisemitic group because she mistakenly thought it was a school for Jewish children.
…Horrific things will always happen. But somewhere along the way, we lost the ability to get through them without erupting into hate-fueled incidents against innocent people. Remember the attacks against Asians during the COVID pandemic? Or the virulence unleashed toward Muslims in the wake of 9/11? The FBI reported that anti-Muslim attacks soared from 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001.
…The words and actions of our leaders can either calm or fuel such responses. It’s impossible to ignore the role that former President Trump played in the rise of hate crimes in the U.S. His ugly rhetoric against Muslims, undocumented immigrants and the Black Lives Matter movement accomplished two things: It gave a stamp of approval to those who would flout the norms of civility and paved the way for a disturbing rise in white nationalism. His repeated reference to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” was linked to a near-immediate rise in anti-Asian hashtags and violence against Asians ensued. His refusal to accept the valid results of the 2020 presidential election led to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a mob of white supremacists who felt entitled to try to bring down our way of government.
It’s you, hateful white people. You are especially guilty as charged if you ever had a kind thought about Trump in your head. And I haven’t really left too much out of this abomination. Every other paragraph is filled with “woe unto oppressed and victimized Muslims.” The paragraphs sandwiched between are sprinkled with blacks, LGBwhatevers and the occasional “Jewish” or “antisemitic” to make it all seem inclusive.
And why would it have been so hard to be inclusive considering what the Jews are going through right now? “Muslim” appears 6 times, “Jewish” twice as does “black,” and Asian thrice, but two of those are in reference to Trump’s “China virus.” There are more Muslim mentions if you include the tragic “Palestinian boy” lost to a mindless stabbing.
They bemoan marginalized groups in the best virtue signaling lingo they possess while marginalizing groups. Then have the nerve to appeal for equity? Equality? Something.
… Instead of binding together in threatening times, we have become a society that looks for a group to blame, and then spreads ugly lies and insults about them.
Even as their own rhetoric does the very thing they chastise the rest of us for.
This arrogant, willful blindness is endemic in the press.
Now there has been arrest and charges so worth revisiting how the media treated a Jewish man being killed by an anti-Israel protestor.
The AP actually made the alleged killer’s cooperation with police as the main headline in the story.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 16, 2023
They’re saturated with bias. It is second nature.
There's no fixing this. Either journalists are doing it on purpose or they're too far gone to know the difference. Either way.
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) November 16, 2023
Outlets like the LA Times, CNN, AP, ad nauseum are themselves the experts of blame and masters of lies by omission. Where there are verifiable “ugly lies and insults” that have been spread, yet appear to so rend their consciences in the editorial?
They are the last to correct the record, if at all.
They may consider this an “attack” and I won’t be correcting them if they do.
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