Why Are Democrats Routinely Such Exhibitionist Freaks?

AP Photo/Steve Helber

This is a short one, but it is a question I cannot answer that routinely begs for some explanation. Any explanation.

And I know we’ve got our own pieces of work – Boebert in the theater springs immediately to mind – but holy smokes.


Today’s example just blows the mind and I…man.

Okay, background.

Back in September I told you Virginia’s legislature was hanging in the balance and could go either way by just a couple of seats. It’s not only a concern for government affairs like laws, taxes, etc. but also because the legislature elects judges in the state. The conservative and moderates on the bench now could easily be replaced by progressive nightmares should the Democrats be successful in winning control of the body. The possibility has Republicans in the state very worried as “moderate” Democrats are a vanishing breed.

Democrats are slightly favored to win control of Virginia’s legislature in this year’s election, although the election will be very close. If they take over, the legislature will become much softer on crime than it is now, because incoming Democratic leaders are more left-wing than their mainstream liberal predecessors. For example, if Democrats win control of the House of Delegates, the Speaker of the House will be Democratic leader Don Scott, a convicted felon, not his mainstream liberal predecessor, Eileen Filler-Corn.

Back in 2020, Don Scott proposed radical legislation that would release dangerous criminals from prison, even if prison and parole officials had proof of their continuing dangerousness. It failed to pass back then, because Scott was a junior legislator, and Democrats were more mainstream liberal, and less left-wing, than they are now. The only moderate Democrats in the Virginia legislature are either retiring — such as state senator Lynwood Lewis — or were defeated in the Spring 2023 Democratic primary. Some mainstream liberals are also leaving the legislature, like George Barker, who was defeated in a primary by a candidate to his left, and Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, who is retiring.


Virginia Dems are doing the math, as well, and game planning like mad.

They profess not to be at all concerned that Gov Glenn Youngkin has taken a page out of their own book and seriously beefed up the GOPs early voting numbers. The question will be can he bring it home with new Republican and independent voters at the polls on Nov 7?

The house race with the most early votes in already happens to be house District (HD) 71 which contains the city of Williamsburg.

…This is the first time a full General Assembly election has had a 45-day early voting period and no-excuse absentee mail ballot rule.

New laws made voting easier in 2021, and the number of absentee ballots has increased in recent elections. It’s hard to draw specific conclusions about overall turnout based on early votes, because law changes make a direct comparison impossible.

…The House District 71 race between Del. Amanda Batten, R-James City, and Democratic challenger Jessica Anderson shows the most early votes. Just over 7,000 early votes have been cast in the leans Republican district, based on Oct. 18 VPAP numbers.

It also happens to be the impetus for my post. The Republican is sort-of an incumbent, having previously served two terms as the delegate for HD-96, part of which became HD-71 when the lines were redrawn during redistricting in 2020.


Her Democratic opponent is the same Jessica Andersen pictured in the tweet above, and a mom of 3 cute girls.

Who also does incomprehensible, classless stuff like this.


I don’t get them. At all.

Why can these narcissists not learn when to just put the camera down?

Better yet, not to pick it up.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025