Harvard Jew-Haters Finding Out the New #Rulez Suck

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Holy SMOKES, this is a thing of schadenfreudlig beauty.

Poor entitled, not-overly-bright, Jew-hating Harvard students are having a hard time coming to grips with the big, fuzzy, wet camel’s nose of reality bustin’ through the side of their privilege tent. They thought those walls were sacrosanct and like BatFink’s shield of steel wings – nothing and nobody to get at them through them, no matter what the over-indulged little vermin did or said.


As I wrote last week, the first rip in the fabric came with the rescission of a six-figure job offer that had once been in the grasp of an avowed and proud Harvard Hamas supporter.

Over thirty student groups were the next to line up, signing a missive to the world proclaiming Israel’s culpability for the slaughter of its own people. Everything those Israelis got, the open letter said, they had coming to them.


Which was all cool and edgy and stuff, until people outside of Harvard read that same letter and began voicing their opinions. The panicked retreat was as fast and fabulous

At least five Harvard University student associations are back-pedaling on their support for a joint letter blaming Israel for the Hamas attack.

Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups released a joint statement Sunday, which has since been deleted. It said the students “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” and added “the apartheid regime is the only one to blame” for the surprise attacks by Hamas militants.

Several Harvard University students have since said they were unaware their associations were signing a letter that held Israel accountable for the Hamas attacks on Saturday.

…as the blazing speed of the flip from resistance fighters to victims of right wing oppression when the fury of public outrage hit the campus.


Screencap New Yorker

A panel truck even began parking on campus, emblazoned on the sides with the publicly available names and faces of the anti-Semitic, Jew-hating lead signatories of the vile letter.

Everyone rushed to protect the poor “doxxed” darlings. The Harvard Crimson student newspaper went into apoplexy at the nerve of the truck gangsters, The New Yorker wrote their weepy piece bemoaning the state of youthful discourse and protest, and even Harvard administration came sailing into the fray. Not to chastise the bloodthirsty Hamas supporters who had graduated from letters and chanting at gatherings into actual laying of the hands – physical assaults on Israeli students.

Harvard administrators are actively doing anything they can do to protect Hamas supporters and violent ones at that.

Harvard University has pulled down the biography of a graduate student and freshman proctor who was captured on video accosting an Israeli student last week at a campus protest. The move came as the school announced the formation of a task force to assist student protesters whose names were publicized after they blamed Israel for Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist rampage.

The Dean of Students Office no longer includes a biography for Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a divinity school student who lives with university undergraduates in a supervisory role. Tettey-Tamaklo and others were captured on video pushing and shoving an Israeli student during a pro-Palestinian protest, video of the incident shows. The Israeli student was shoved as keffiyeh-clad attendees surrounded him, shouting, “SHAME!”


From removing videos of their crimes, to forming a protective task force to literally shield verminous Hamas supporting students from any consequences for their words and actions, Harvard is scrambling to protect those 6 figure job entitlements the grads have come to expect with that diploma. Harvard privilege on full display.

Harvard will establish a task force to support students experiencing doxxing, harassment, and online security issues following backlash against students allegedly affiliated with a statement that held Israel “entirely responsible” for violence in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The new task force will be in operation until Nov. 3, at which point the task force will reassess its efforts to ensure that its work meets student needs, according to an email obtained by The Crimson. The message, dated Tuesday, was sent to doxxed students by Dean of Students Thomas Dunne.

“We are truly grateful for all the tremendous work that students have put forth in supporting each other through this most difficult time, and we appreciate the collaborative spirit in which students, faculty, and staff have come together to repel this repugnant assault on our community,” Dunne wrote.

Aside from serving as a single point of contact, the task force will communicate proactively with students to share available resources, ensure the coordination of services, hear student concerns and suggestions, and communicate with residential staff and other College administrators.


I am assuming Jewish and Israeli students are on their own. Because JEWS.

A funny thing happened on the way to the cocoon, though. The right has discovered how to use the new, progressive #rulez laid down with emphasis during such terrifying circuses as the Kavanaugh hearings and the Dobbs decision. One of those #rulez is that a home is no longer a castle, whatever the niceties of political combat and policy disagreements used to be.

To the New Left, terrifying an ideological opponent’s children and family or making an evening out impossible is perfectly acceptable, whenever and wherever the subject may be hunted down and targeted. Progressives often have their enablers in the very businesses they attack their targets in – witness Republicans like Sarah Huckabee-Sanders being run out of a Virginia restaurant by the owner, who rejoiced at it.

…The Red Hen did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday but Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner, told the Washington Post Sanders had already been served when she approached the press secretary and asked her to step outside.

“I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion,” Wilkinson said. “I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty and compassion and cooperation. I said, ‘I’d like to ask you to leave.’”

Stunning. Brave. #NewRulez

We got the gist of the game change. Did we ever.


Progressives, besides being extraordinarily vindictive, are also extraordinarily lacking in forethought when it comes to lashing out. They are always flabbergasted should even the teensiest bit of vitriol, consequence or flat-out payback boomerang on them.

So the befuddled shock and outrage at Harvard is profoundly deep at the moment.


Someone has parked the #NewRulez on the curb in front of a Hamas house. I cannot stop smiling.

…Since Harvard President Claudine Gay has refused to reveal the names of the individual students belonging to the groups, watchdog organization Accuracy in Media is doing some of the blackballing for them, the New York Post reports.

Accuracy in Media is parking its “doxing truck” outside the homes of the leaders of the student groups that signed the controversial letter. Under the heading “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites,” giant LED screens show pictures of the students and display Accuracy in Media’s HarvardHatesJews.com website URL.


What is even more delighful is that it’s all completely legal and the “victims” are being told “CAN’T TOUCH THIS.”

…On Wednesday, after the truck was parked in front of a Boston area home of one of the student leaders, the homeowner called the police, who said the watchdog wasn’t breaking any laws and, according to the activist, even told the homeowner “not to threaten the mobile billboard driver.


I would have paid good money to see “the activist’s” face when he heard that.

What “activists” did next is classic for the Jew-hating cowards whose filthy beliefs and covered faces cannot stand the light of day – they had Guillette’s house swatted.

Thugs. Utter and complete thugs, and I hope to God they catch the sniveling turds who endangered lives so blithely.

But it’s not changing a thing as far as their names in public places.

The solution is easy, according to Accuracy in Media – take your name off the letter, your face comes off the billboard, and the truck comes off the curb.

That’s reasonable. And might well be worth considering seriously, as the group is going after student leaders hard for their disgusting, revolting anti-Semitism and outright endorsement of genocide.

…Guillette plans to continue outing other leaders of the 34 student groups in their communities over the next few weeks, as well as to continue to maintain a presence on Harvard’s campus.

…In the meanwhile, however, “We’ve purchased domain names of most of the leaders and set up profile pages to educate the public on what they’ve done,” he says.

Furthermore, Accuracy in Media is planning to roll out geo-targeted ads “to phones, laptops and smart televisions of anyone who’s been on [Harvard’s] campus within the last 60 days,” Guillette says.


Their HarvardHatesJews website even has a form where you can send you own message to that esteemed institution, should you be so inspired.

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