Code Pink Fixin' to Misbehave in NYC Tomorrow Evening

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Honestly. These little Nazi/fascist/Jew-hating/terrorist sympathizing groups are getting a teensy bit tedious, aren’t they? It’s like they can’t stand watching someone else get all the bad – and I do mean BAD press. So they’re scrambling like mad to schedule their own version of a massive adult temper tantrum and maybe make the late news or at least get lots of retweets.


It seems the turds in charge of Code Pink have decided it’s time for them to hitch their car to the Hamas propaganda train, and they come up with a unique angle to make their posters bloodier and more war like.

They’re going to protest the companies that make the weapons systems that Israel and the United States use.


Yeah, okay children, we get it.

They are, of course, going to tie up none other than Wall Street – more juvenile symbolism there – just as business is closing down for all the different markets (don’t forget – the DOW isn’t the only show on that street).

They are also paranoid little pukes who, if they have one, I guess want to keep their day jobs. It seems there are ZIONISTS EVERYWHERE, who have only one purpose in life and that is harassing poor Pinkers. Organizers are warning potential attendees that, besides a note from their mommies, they need to wear a mask as they bravely protest the ongoing “Palestinian genocide.”

The same, ongoing GENOCIDE, mind you, during which the Palestinians have exploded their population numbers exponentially. Technically not the definition of “genocide.”

Never mind.

These are what are known as “useful tools.” You can smell the wafting patchouli, stale chai, and intellectual rot.


Of course, while Code Pink’s antics and the thrust of their particular protest might be heartfelt and authentic, it does strike me as…oh, let’s say contrived.


Perhaps the group wants to distinguish themselves from all the others, including the campus vermin, who are moaning about Hamas martyrs, dead Palestinians and “the Occupation” of a Gaza that’s been Israeli free since 2005. But for this group to go after US defense contractors and at this moment in time?

Oh. Spidey senses going off, especially if one is aware of Code Pink’s slip from grace as far as the purity of their mission.

The former “human rights” champions have basically turned into a CCP propaganda machine.

All because of love.

In a months-long investigation published earlier this month, The New York Times explored the links between a “lavishly funded influence campaign” pushing Chinese state propaganda narratives and American millionaire Neville Roy Singham, long a champion of far-left causes. The report touched on the increasing involvement in China-related work of the anti-war activist organization Code Pink — whose co-founder, the American political activist Jodie Evans, married Singham in 2017.

As the Times report and other sources have noted, Code Pink was openly critical of China’s human rights record prior to 2017. The organization has since moderated that critical stance and the China page of its website focuses on a campaign called “China Is Not Our Enemy,” also the title of a regular webinar series hosted by Evans since 2021, and a dedicated Twitter (X) account.

The campaign’s object is simple enough: taking action to advocate for peace with China in the face of bilateral relations that have grown dangerously strident, and calling for greater dialogue to reduce the risk of conflict. The premise of the campaign is more problematic. Relations have worsened, Code Pink claims, because politicians and media in the United States have stoked confrontation. The group never seriously addresses the legitimate concerns many Americans have about China, including its worsening one-party authoritarian politics, its illiberal approach to human rights, and its broad repression of civil society.


If Code Pink can turn even a few activists to agitating against US defense contractors and get some traction with social media playing up the sound-bites that Boeing and Raytheon kill babies in Gaza, well, hello. Who does that put pressure on?

Xi is smiling.

How the IRS Allowed China Nonprofits to Buy Code Pink
The anti-war movement now answers to the Chinese Communist Party.

The ‘House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party’ was in session when a Code Pink activist disrupted it by holding up a sign reading, “China Is Not Our Enemy.”

“The United States needs collaboration, not competition, with China,” she insisted.

Collaboration was the correct term. While most people stopped paying attention to Code Pink in the aftermath of the Iraq War, the leftist anti-war group never went away, but beyond the backing for Venezuela, Iran and the other usual terror states, it’s become a vocal defender of China.

The level of collaboration between Code Pink and China is unusual even on the anti-war Left.

If the U.S. crushes China,” Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans claimed, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.

Oh, yeah – he’s smiling.

Let’s see if Mayor Adams can keep this under control tomorrow.

Lots of people are going to be trying to get the hell out of Dodge before the whackos come crashing in.

They’re not just Cindy Sheehan’s harmless loons anymore.


They’re Xi’s soldiers.


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