Once upon a time, there was a hallowed aura about even the word, “Harvard.”
People might kind of snicker at replicating that atrocious, grating Massachusetts accent while saying it, but it was still “Harvard.”
And you weren’t getting anywhere near it.
It was one of those special places nestled firmly in American lore. One of those iconic giants so established in the collective national picture where even just the word conjures up deep thinkers of the past. The birthplace of movers, shakers and a incubator for brilliance. John Adams – those kinds of guys.
That unrivaled reputation for excellence, challenge, and brilliance has slipped a bit recently, never more so than in the past couple of years.
The most egregious virtue signal that they’d gone off the rails for good was their pursuit of notoriety for admittance vice notable intellect.
As long as the Woke Celebrity box was checked, Harvard unabashedly shot from admitting brain power to brain dead in the blink of an eye.

And there they’ve stayed, pumping out class after class of insufferable, elitist, Woke prigs: some are rocket scientists, many have the brain power of newts. But all are inculcated with the latest, most virulent Progressive/Marxist ideology/cause du jour from rabidly radical professors and an incendiary campus atmosphere. All discourse and actions are immunized from harm by the safety wrap of that invincible, unassailable Harvard cloak of superiority.
Whatever a Harvard student shall speaketh, the presumption is, so shall they be heard and attended to with great gravitas. Ills that befall others who speak out of turn shall never befall a Harvard attendee, for they can never BE considered “out of turn.”
Because HARVARD.
Needless to say, it came as quite a shock to one of them in the week after the horrific slaughter and butchery of Israeli innocents to find her Harvard cloak of invincibility for unacceptable utterings seemed to have developed a tear in it.
She was removed as the choice for a six figure job offering thanks to her offensive yet sincerely meant anti-Semitic mutterings. The sudden intrusion of real-life consequences into the Harvard bubble world sent all the academics and their apologists into first outrage, and then a bit of a panic, as I posted last week.
Many stalwart signees of various campus screeds denouncing Israel and cheering carnage simply ran away. Some cravenly skittered backwards while trying to deny they’d ever known what they’d signed.
The whole thing was pretty hilarious and illuminating.
But that doesn’t mean the Harvard students, their sycophants, and their allies in the media weren’t already planning on an image rehabilitation attempt. Rebuilding sympathy for the simple, earnest expressions of passionate, intellectually advanced youth who just want the world to be a better place. Young crusaders who fervently want to root out injustices, punish those who perpetrate them, and who, by virtue of that same youth, should never be penalized if their burning, impassioned voice takes them a teensy step or two over the edge of polite-speak once in a while. How horribly unfair to demand accountability for youthful passion.
“Oh, hell, yeah,” said The New Yorker, with a tiny tear in its eye.
Those poor kids. (And it’s paywalled, because nothing says “poor kids” like paying to read about them.)

Obligingly, The New Yorker piece falls in line with the idea that following up on signees to a public letter is “doxing.”
Horribly unfair.
The funny thing is, as even well known liberal and WaPo columnist Megan McCardle found out, the oozingly sympathetic piece in The New Yorker made the Harvard Hamas sympathizers even more unlikable. As if that were possible, right?
But it was.
Check. Your. Privilege.

Only here at HARVARD.
These gross, entitled, bloodthirsty, Jew-hating little cretins need a reality check and fast.
As does every single one of their enablers and their home base.
I am very encouraged this is happening at the moment. The more this class of sub-human is forced to defend themselves as opposed to simply scream their objections or join others in chants, the more their alma mater stroked egos overcome what little brain and education they do have.
And the more they are exposed for all the world to see – the hate, the intellectual fraud, and the soulless underpinnings beneath the sheep’s skin.
It’s well past time for a privilege card – built on the backs of colonizers they say they despise in any event – to be revoked.
What utter pukes.
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