There's Another Reason All Bond Villains Are Europeans

(AP Photo/David Keyton)

You know, besides the obvious one. That Ian Fleming was British and every supervillain of the 21st Century had a vaguely German accent.

But there’s another. It’s that these guys are really maniacal control freaks and creepy AF in real life. Fleming wouldn’t have to imagine a Le Chiffre or an Auric Goldfinger.


They get off private jets at every Davos meeting and congratulate each other for surviving another year, while being surrounded by people determined to stymie all their best intentions. Like, say, for instance, the middle class (as our current vegetable sits alongside grinning like the idiot he is)…

…even as their efforts to “penetrate the cabinets” of the duly elected representatives of those same peasants are more and more successful.

Speaking of the peasants, what for we need so many of them? Don’t think for two minutes they haven’t been kicking that question around.


As I wrote about last fall, even Jane Goodall’s put out about having to share space with you and me.

I am gobsmacked at the casual arrogance of it all. Absolutely floored.

At the very least they could have the decency to do their skullduggery planning behind closed doors, but I guess that’s what unfettered hubris and power coupled with unlimited economic resources looks like. Decency has long since left the room.

You won’t drive anymore. Here Klaus Schwab, founder and head of the World Economic Forum and chief architect of the New World Order, lets everyone know that Los Angeles will be “private car free” in 2030, and the freeways will be “parks” instead of the parking lots they are now.

His choice, though. Not yours. Anybody ask you? I thought not.

And here the voluble Mr. Schwab is, talking about the end of privacy as we know it. No right to that, and who needs it anyway, as you shouldn’t have anything to hide…should you?

We must accept transparency” the social engineer insists. The man who has groomed a generation of leaders who are now in power all over the globe – including our own country and president – with acolytes on both sides of the aisle laying groundwork based on his instructions for the radical revision of “life as we know it” here and abroad.


We are all going to exist by sufferance in the world Klaus has chosen for us…as long as we toe the line.

Our part of the bargain he’s made for us is mute acceptance of dictates and living in a world where he – and his chosen ones – determine what we see and hear. For a fellow who spews “transparency” so easily as if it were a virtue, Mr Schwab is really not fond of it and does his level best to squelch these nuggets when they come out and cause a fuss.

Witness what happened during the Davos meeting that was in session at the same time I was posting about Goodall’s liquidation musings. Schwab and the WEF types got their panties in an epic wad.

…To add to the air of Super Villainy afoot, the WEF powers that be have recognized that these tweets showcasing their brilliant ruminations onstage do them no justice – wasted on tiny-minded peasants as they are – ergo they have declared Twitter persona non grata. They need to get firm control of the message getting out…

…because people are paying attention to them. It’s not a self-congratulatory circle-jerk of billionaires, pseudo-scientists/deep-thinkers and fringe quacks anymore. They’ve been exposed thanks to these wonderful innerwebs things and they are feeling the heat of the very people they are conspiring to manipulate. Jordan Schachtel’s done some deep diving into the WEF and their new, nervous push-back. Those who question the ideas promoted at the gatherings and the policies promulgated from those discussions have made the forum – bet you can’t guess!


That “not found” is not a typo on my part – Wall Street Silver’s original tweet has vaporized, as has every other tweet concerning that Davos conclave. My advice is get your fill of Schwab suaveness while videos are available. They seem to disappear quickly, as people tend to become agitated when they realize what’s coming out of his mouth in those exotically accented, mellifluous, Bond villain tones. It is truly evil stuff.

If his carefully groomed pursuivants in positions of power are successful, you won’t have Klaus to kick around anymore.

Freedom of speech is the enemy of Dr Transparency’s plans, and his toadies at the European union are making damn sure there won’t be any on the innerwebs. Meeting in Brussels to polish off the dirty deed, EU commissioners are putting the final touches on the most restrictive online speech regulations ever. All in the name of “protecting” their fair citizens from?

“Misinformation,” the definition of which is, of course, going to be determined by the WEF aligned, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

And perhaps the fellow’s name in Shellenberger’s retweet rings a bell – Thierry Breton – and it should. He is the stuffed shirt, French jack-a-napes who took a shot at Elon Musk the other day and basically pulled a “nice little business you have there” over “misinformation” concerning the Hamas attack on X.


…You KNEW the fascist censorial overlords at the European Commission were probably sneering and salivating like Shelob when a fat orc stumbled drunkenly into the cave opening at the thought of being about to hammer Musk for every video and tweet when the Hamas attack started.

Yesterday, one of the commissioners fired off both a letter and a tweet to Musk, expressing their “concerns” and informing him – in no uncertain terms – of his obligations to rid the platform of what they term “misinformation.” And advise them immediately (if you pronounce that “im-EE-jet-lee,” it sounds more impressive) of his corrective actions.

As I said then, Elon told him to suck a stone.

The problem is NOW…Elon may not have the latitude to tell the fat little French fascist to blow it out his croissant, and that is precisely the point of this regulation.

They’re not interested in protecting anything other than their own asterisks and bottom lines.

If a government is invested in a narrative – be it poor Palestinians, vaccines, pandemics, right-wing extremists, you name it – they now have the legal tool to ensure all you hear is what they want or need you to hear. Other information, research or the truth might as well not exist.

This is for all of Europe, the U.K. has something very similar in the bag, and how many multinational firms can afford to run two different platforms for the last free speech country and the rest of the fascist world?

Which is also the plan.

Watch for X (especially), Rumble, and others who have maintained a free flow of info to come under tremendous pressure and – guaranteed – there’s no white horse riding free speech hero in the Biden administration. They’ve proven that.


Biden and Democrats are all the black knights in this battle, having already waged their own war against our right to KNOW.

We’re fighting this one on our own.

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