The astonishing courage of Hamas defenders' convicti...RUN AWAY!!!

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

I can’t help it. Life really has been imitating “The Holy Grail” for the past couple of days.



Suddenly, aggressive, radically pro-Palestinian protestors are scrambling like ki-niggets to run away, discarding their menacing faux-face garb and vicious anti-Israel rhetoric as they scurry off like rats. I am sure there are more than one pair of soiled drawers that now need laundering at the thought of jeopardizing, oh, say…that prized SIX FIGURE JOB offer in one’s pocket.

…Law firm Winston & Strawn’s public revocation of its job offer to Ryna Workman, president of NYU Law’s Student Bar Association, is the most prominent example of the career and reputational peril students may face for whitewashing terrorism against Israeli civilians.

…Chicago-based Winston & Strawn didn’t name Workman when it rescinded the offer, but referred to a “former summer associate” who distributed “inflammatory comments” about the Hamas attack to the NYU Law SBA.

…”These comments are profoundly in conflict” with the values of Winston & Strawn, which “stands in solidarity with Israel’s right to exist in peace and condemns Hamas,” the firm’s statement reads. It will continue to “work together to eradicate anti-Semitism in all forms.”

…The median salary for an NYU law graduate 10 months after graduation was $215,000 for both the 2021 and 2022 classes, according to the school’s figures.



These putzes are seriously overpaid (And wait a minute – we’re obligated to pay off their student loans, too?!).

More than a half dozen groups at Harvard loudly blamed Israel and stood with butchering Hamas terrorists until the employment axe started falling.

In the beginning, as they say, there were all sorts of proud signatories, trumpeting their support for the terrorist perpetrators…

…At Harvard University, more than 30 student groups said they held Israel “entirely responsible” for the attacks carried out by Hamas, which is recognized as a terror group by the US and other Western powers for its murders and kidnappings.

The groups claimed the attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” that Palestinians were kept in “open-air prison for over two decades,” referring to the Israeli blockade in the disputed territory that became permanent after Hamas’ 2006 rise to power.

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” they wrote in a letter.

The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” the groups claim.

until there weren’t.


The Harvard activist beat-feet-retreat was fast and furious – frantically climbing over each other to hit DELETE DELETE DELETE.

…At least five Harvard University student associations are back-pedaling on their support for a joint letter blaming Israel for the Hamas attack.

Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups released a joint statement Sunday, which has since been deleted. It said the students “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” and added “the apartheid regime is the only one to blame” for the surprise attacks by Hamas militants.

Several Harvard University students have since said they were unaware their associations were signing a letter that held Israel accountable for the Hamas attacks on Saturday.


If they couldn’t completely erase the dirty deed, they feverishly made a good show of schmearing goo over the face of it in a “Lemme ‘splain” moment that is absolutely hilarious in cringe factor quotient.

…The Harvard Islamic Society, Pakistan Forum, Pakistani Students Association, Ghungroo, and the Nepali Student Association are among more than 30 student groups that signed the letter and have retracted their signatures.

We would like to publicly retract our signature on the “Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine” and clarify our position,” The Harvard Islamic Society statement shared on Instagram Wednesday said.

It continued: “Our initial signature was never intended as an endorsement of violence, which we reaffirm the Harvard Islamic Society as an organization which unequivocally denounces all acts of prejudice or hatred of any kind.”

We never meant for our endorsement of the wholesale slaughter of innocent people to be read as an endorsement of the wholesale slaughter of innocent people.”
~ Signed: HARVARD geniuses who are still better than you

The blithering excuse-making and blatant prevarication is so patently ridiculous, it begs the question on its own – why would anyone hire these people?

…Famed Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told “Just the News, No Noise” Thursday that he has “started a campaign to publish the name of every single student anywhere, in any university who signed those petitions.”

Students who claim they signed the statement because they didn’t read it first aren’t helping themselves, Dershowitz said. “Would you hire, as your lawyer, somebody who signed petitions, or signed documents that he didn’t read?” Students signed it without reading because the prevailing view on campus is “if it’s against the Jews, it must be right.”


The educated elites have so much more on the ball than your average Joe the Plumber, right?

The Harvard student newspaper – The Harvard Crimson – is blowing a gasket at all the fuss and seems to be pretty put out that these groups felt compelled to backtrack on what was a pretty egregious statement after so ghastly an attack. Their reporting on the groups’ excuses for backpedaling is also unintentionally hilarious.

…In a statement to The Crimson Tuesday night, Act on a Dream said the group signed the statement as “a result of miscommunication and a lack of due diligence in sharing the statement with the entirety of the board.

…In a post on its Instagram page Tuesday, HUNSA explained its decision to recant the endorsement.

We regret that our decision to co-sign the latest PSC statement to call attention to historical injustices against Palestinians, with an earnest desire for peace, has been interpreted as a tacit support for the recent violent attacks in Israel,” the statement reads.

“To ensure that our stance on the condemnation of violence by Hamas and support for a just peace remains clear, we retract our signature from the statement,” it continues.

REGERTS – we’ve had a few (and I meant the typo).

And they sure are pissed off about any of the signatories of this original vile document being exposed to the broader world. I guess Harvard is its own little bubble in their mind, where one can blast whatever radical, revolting spew one wants out into the world at events in the world, but the world is not allowed to intrude in response. I’m really glad no one followed Harvard’s rules of engagement.


As Students Face Retaliation for Israel Statement, a ‘Doxxing Truck’ Displaying Students’ Faces Comes to Harvard’s Campus

A billboard truck drove through the streets surrounding Harvard’s campus Wednesday and Thursday, digitally displaying the names and faces of students allegedly affiliated with student groups that signed onto a controversial statement on Hamas’ attack on Israel.

…By Tuesday evening, at least four online sites had listed the personal information of students linked to clubs that had signed onto the statement, including full names, class years, past employment, social media profiles, photos, and hometowns.

As of Wednesday morning, at least two of those sites had been taken down for violating Google’s terms of service.

The special flowers can’t see the irony in moaning about receiving “violence and threats of intimidation” for signing on to and broadcasting a document praising the most horrific violent annihilation of 1200+ innocent people.


The innerwebs overlords at Google helped tank the online list. Odd they would do that with something verifiable, when bogus SPLC lists of hate group members exist online for eternity.


Of course, there are more of the cowards about than just Harvard, obviously.

All waving flags and rhyming hate chants like children, with their faces covered.

So stunning. So brave. So need to be exposed to the sunlight so they can run away, too.

I do want to leave you with something that – to me – was stunning, brave, and so beautifully moving that I was in tears when it was over. It came from the most unlikely of sources…and it was MAGNIFICENT.

New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams in a roaring, full throated defense of Israel.

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