To use a quaint Regency phrase, the climate cultists are all “doing it up a bit brown” lately. Is it because a curtain is being lifted – statistic by manipulated statistic, dollars by wasted billions of dollars – on their global control scam?
I'll give them that but I don't think it's how they meant it.
Climate change IS "causing headaches"…for RATIONAL PEOPLE
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) October 4, 2023
Is it because the cultists see the tide of popular opinion turning against them, so – rather than address people’s concerns with honesty – they feel a panicked need to ratchet up the haranguing and apocalyptic fear mongering?
The latest Lefty nanny voice of doom chiming in kinda torqued me off.
Doesn’t he have more important things to do in his job description?
#UPDATE Pope Francis published an update Wednesday to his landmark 2015 thesis on climate change, warning the world "is collapsing" and calling on COP28 UN climate talks to agree binding policies on the transition to renewable energy.
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) October 4, 2023
Not to mention, singling out the United States specifically. Excuse me, what, Papi?
BREAKING: In a 12-page document, Pope Francis scolds the United States over climate change inaction, blasts climate change deniers, particularly in America. The US president is a Catholic.
NOTE: Pope Francis warned that the world is in trouble due to climate change and…
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 4, 2023
What the Pope should be concerned with in the US are, schmaybe, things like the horrific leftward lurch of formerly “Catholic” universities like Notre Dame and Georgetown. Now, Jesuits have always been radicals and more than once had their pee-pees whacked by the Vatican for their revolutionary penchant among other transgressions. But what they’ve been allowed to do institutionally while tacitly remaining “Catholic” universities is a travesty.
The problem is, this pope seems to be totally onboard with the whole package.
Something else the pope could be looking at is the church itself, as witnessed by the dubia (A set of clarifying questions about papal doctrine requiring only yes or no answers) five senior, traditional, conservative cardinals sent him this weekend. The problem is two-fold there. The cardinals all average about 90 years old. Francis can wait them out, ignore them, or send long-winded replies. He’s already done that once, to which the cardinals were forced to reply with another “Dude – a simple yes or no” polite reminder.
How sad that the “leader” of the Catholic Church would insult the Lord by ignoring His teachings.
I’m grateful that there are still believers w/i the church to confront and counsel him.
— Crash_the_Flash 🐭 (@Crash_the_Flash) October 3, 2023
Francis tripped himself up being too clever by half. Let another clue slip out that he’s not remotely as “Roman Catholic” as one would presume the pope should be.
I’m delighted the dubia cardinals have provoked the pope’s cheerleaders into saying he’s open to seeing gay unions blessed.
The clock ticks on when the currently untenable nightmare will be resolved, one way or another.
— NubesPluantIustum (@pluant) October 2, 2023
And now, here he is, chastising and hounding Americans for not falling in line with such renowned Catholics as Joe Biden and his enthusiastically anti-human (whatever their size) Climate Czar, Lurch Kerry.
…As a senator and as a presidential candidate, John Kerry has consistently taken a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual line. For example, he made a rare return to the Senate chamber recently in order to cast a vote against the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which passed nevertheless and was signed into law by the president. Kerry was one of only a handful of senators who voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. This has not escaped the notice of concerned Catholics and other conservative Christians.
Kerry’s not into babies and he’s not into anyone eating much of anything. If it’s up to him, it’s bugs for us, baby.
John Kerry declares war on agriculture because we can't eat and save the climate … or something.
— thedailybs w/ Snerdley (@thedailybs_Bo) September 26, 2023
Obviously sterling examples of stalwart, basic Christian lives, less mind followers of Roman Catholic principles.
And yet? Here we are.
The head of the church charged with advocating for the sick, the poor, the defenseless all over the world, as did Christ himself, has thrown in with despicable charlatans whose ultimate goals seem to be the elimination of those very people. After making life as miserable as possible in the interim.
Darn you, Americans, for not rolling with the plan.
…Eight years after his landmark thesis outlined the devastation of manmade climate change, the 86-year-old pontiff published a follow-up that warned that some damage was “already irreversible”.
“With the passage of time, I have realised that our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point,” he wrote in the 12-page letter.
…He referenced concerns about the UN talks being held in oil-rich United Arab Emirates, noting that while it was a “great exporter of fossil fuels” it also made “significant investments” in renewable energy sources.
“To say that there is nothing to hope for would be suicidal, for it would mean exposing all humanity, especially the poorest, to the worst impacts of climate change,” wrote Francis.
…On Wednesday, he described “certain dismissive and scarcely reasonable opinions that I encounter, even within the Catholic Church”.
“Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or relativise the issue, the signs of climate change are here and increasingly evident,” he wrote.
…He also repeated a call for changes in the “irresponsible lifestyle” of rich countries,saying relying on technological innovation is not enough.
He noted that “emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries“.
Is he a Chinese dupe, now, too?
According to Francis, are we supposed to ride water buffalos in rice paddies to make it up to the Chinese for…our success? When they’re not even pretending to try?

We did that with the “technology” he so despises, and without Uyghur prison camps or government-disappeared billionaires.
They do not listen to themselves and their own contradictions and hypocrisies, their arguments are #feelingz (nothing more than #feelingz), and their “facts” are narrative-driven, committee-based Science™ manipulations – not anything provable in the scientific sense.
Now…hang on a second – this is sounding vaguely familiar.
Maybe Pope Francis just has his religions confused.
I’d tell him to light a candle…but I’m sure he’s just as worried about his own carbon footprint as much as he’s sweating mine.
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