C40 Cities: You might not have heard of THEM, but they are coming for YOU

(Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP)

Ever get the heebie-jeebies just reading about something. Maybe only a line or two was enough to make you go, “Ew” and you either kept moving or…?


It kind of bugged you and you went digging into it and the worse it got?

That’s me today because of a tweet I bookmarked Monday.

I’ve been cataloguing the British socialist/Green insanity tour lately – both between the lunatics at Cambridge trying to do away with fertilizer, steel and sheep as government ministers chant “Eat more turnips,” and the on-going battle between London’s mayor and the forces of resistance trashing his Ulez traffic cameras.

There has been plenty of fodder to ruminate on, and Monday’s tweet was, I thought, more of the same.

Cripes, right? Another climate group, like they aren’t a dime a dozen – someone should propose limits on them if there was any justice in the world.

But I got around to reading it this morning, and thought, “Holy CRAP, who are these guys?” And then thought that same thing again when I began to find out.

It’s as if the children of the WEF supervillains started their own mini-villain club to plan what they could do to control and ruin everyone’s life IN THE NAME OF THE BOILING PLANET on a local vice global level, and they’ve gotten right to work.


Because they can. They’re mayors of cities. Mayors of 100 of the most important cities across the world – the world – have formed their own cabal to control their citizens in the name of Gaia.

The London mayor, whose machinations we are all familiar with, is the group chair at the moment of something called C40 Cities.

Screencap C40 Cities

They’re very slick with the presentations.

And if you think it doesn’t affect you, think again. Damn near every major U.S. city has signed on as part of the cabal. Of course, they have – they are blue, blue, blue, and love nothing more than exercising iron-fisted control over every aspect of their residents’ lives. Consummate nanny staters.

Screencap C40

And the organization sets strict membership requirements for cities to maintain their good standing.

Cities in the C40 network earn their membership through action.
Our Leadership Standards set the minimum requirements for all member cities and safeguard the integrity of C40 as a network of climate leaders.

Membership operates on performance-based requirements, not on fees, and every city in the C40 network is reviewed annually against our Leadership Standards.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021–2024:
1. Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

2. Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

3. Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

4. Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

5. Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

C40 mayors have been at the forefront of climate leadership for over 15 years, driving the conversation around climate action and environmental justice to place these issues front and centre in our local policies and on the international agenda.


The website for the cabal is heavy on “just transition” language. The organization is also busy, busy beavers with the reports and think-tank research papers for every nook and cranny of the urban globe, with emphasis on how to win the “race to net zero” for their member cities. London’s discontent under acolyte Sadiq Khan’s heavy handed tactics is a great example of these fanatics putting that research and their dogma into practice. The “15 minute city” is another hard core principle in this bunch.

Screencap C40

Wales is also enforcing arbitrary vehicular rules based on “noise” emissions.

There are also far more disturbing concepts being advanced and advocated for coming out of the C40 group which, again, has American cities financing and participating in membership and implementation. Their latest report, one helpfully directing cities on how to halve their greenhouse emissions by 2030, is titled “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” and chockful of pointers for the Green devotee in charge of a major city. A mayor who would have the power to begin pursuing this agenda.

And to clarify, by “consumption” they mean they won’t allow any, of anything.


…Add to the mix the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which has an “ambitious target in 2030” of no meat, no dairy, no private vehicles and only “three new clothing items per person per year.” Plus one short flight every three years. That sounds like climate lockdowns to me. Who are these kooks? “A global network of nearly 100 mayors” including 14 in America: Austin, Texas; Boston; Chicago; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; New York; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco; Washington and Seattle. Michael Bloomberg is president of the board. Better stock up on socks while you can.

For example, a chart with “progressive” and “ambitious” goals concerning food consumption – to wit, the curbing of whatever metric they determined was excessive amounts – is thoughtfully provided as a guide in the paper. They don’t expound on how one is meant to get to zero meat or dairy, but the achievement levels are clearly laid out, so the details, as always, hardly matter, right?

Screencap Urban Consumption pdf Pg 78

What about the protein? No worries. I’ve also found something that dovetailed nicely with this paper, and from someone I would bet is working hand in glove with this group.

No cows, lamb, or pork all bingos back to bugs.



…Meanwhile, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation looked at where grants and contributions were going and found the Trudeau government has offered up $9.27 million to several companies to help them develop products. The largest contribution was $8.5 million to Aspire Food Group Ltd. through the federal government’s Agri-Innovate Program.

The stated goal of the contribution, which may or may not be paid back, is to support “the building of a commercial demonstration facility in London, Ont., to produce crickets for pet, human, biomedicine and agrochemical markets.”


They are all part and parcel of the same Megatron-like Big Brother/WEF machine, right down to who’s funding the group.

…C40’s financial backers include extremely influential organisations and corporations, including Google, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank, as well as the businessman and philanthropist George Soros. This support network of ideologically aligned leaders gives the C40 group serious heft, even if its activities aren’t widely known among the broader public.

There is acknowledgement of this undeniable influence in the report, which states that “the network of C40 Cities can use their global spending power to speed up a transition to low-carbon production,” making use of “immediate and ambitious action”. This action won’t just be top-down, however: for the C40 initiative, “it is critical that large-scale behavioural changes occur as soon as possible.”

This has EAT THE BUGS plastered all over it, is being imposed and compelled in American cities (and God knows Biden is trying to back them up), and no one knows about these people operating under a bug umbrella.


It’s a plan.

The first step to not complying is knowing who and what you’re facing.

I am so sick of these elitist asterisks proving conspiracy theories were reality.

For that alone, I’m Team Hell No.

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