CA, Biden and the coming EV truck-a-pa-loser

(AP Photo/Nick Ut)

The climate cultists ensconced in the Biden administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been in an all-out assault on the American way of life since assuming power. And by power, I mean their power-trip. Never before has there been such an intrusive, unending, and concerted effort to restrict the right and freedom of movement of American citizens while simultaneously removing every vestige of the standard of living they’d formerly accepted as “the norm.”


From gas stoves to washing machines, furnaces to lightbulbs, and every damn thing about the vehicle you drive, there isn’t a crevice of everyday life that hasn’t been probed and become a victim of Green zealots exercising unnecessary regulatory oversight to enforce their vision on a captive populace.

They’ve handed their acolytes in blue states – Gov. Randall Flagg Gavin Newsom in California, for example – extraordinary powers to disrupt and destroy their citizens’ lives, using them as a template to spread their malevolent cult cloud across the country as a whole.

Now, it’s American truckers’ turn – the very guys who bring, well, everything everywhere in the country, whether it came in by planes, trains or off a boat. Eventually a box gets put on a truck and goes. Those diesels are an anathema to these lunatics. Trucks are a big, rumbling, carbon poison spewing middle finger to everything they claim they’re “fighting” for.

Obviously, it’s time for them to go.

President Joe Biden’s administration finalized plans for a program it argues will further reduce air pollution from heavy-duty engines and vehicles across the United States, but truckers argue the proposed standards will crush the supply chain and put the American food supply at risk.

The new emission standards put forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “are significantly more stringent,” “cover a wider range of heavy-duty engine operating conditions” compared to previous standards and are aimed at reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. The rule officially went into effect on March 27 of this year, but will be implemented for new trucks sold after 2027.

Despite the positive spin by the current administration, truckers say the agency’s standards will promote green energy at the expense of the economy and the country’s food supply. More than 95% of the trucking companies that make up the industry are small businesses operating about ten or fewer trucks, JKC Trucking Vice-President and Co-Owner Mike Kucharski told Fox News Digital.


When the EPA first came forward with these new trucking regulations, the GOP house swung into action on it in May, and passed legislation revoking the rules. Joe Manchin was the “yea” vote that got it through the Senate, but the ban died when Biden vetoed the bill.

So the EPA just kept trucking right along on their merry path of desTRUCKtion.

What I meant by Biden’s EPA using blue states for templates comes into play now. In March, the EPA granted CA waivers to force all vehicles to be zero emissions by 2035.

In June – and after Biden’s veto of the ban – the Attorneys General of 19 states filed a lawsuit against the EPA, challenging their authority for state waivers that would impact national commerce.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced today that his office joined a coalition of 19 states in challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) decision to allow California to illegally ban existing tractor-trailers and heavy-duty vehicles by forcing truckers to buy zero-emission trucks and mandating net-zero emissions standards, which would regulate the current trucking industry out of existence.

…The Biden Administration gave authority to California to force most buses, vans, trucks, and tractor-trailers to be zero emission by 2035. The ban is part of the Biden Administration’s aggressive climate change agenda, which hikes prices for businesses and consumers. Costs for electric trucks already start at about $100,000 and can reach the high six figures. California’s new regulations are setting the standard for the rest of the country, as eight other states have already adopted California’s truck ban under EPA’s permission, and more are considering it.

California’s Advanced Clean Trucks regulation violates the Clean Air Act and other federal laws as it would have a “nationwide scope or effect” that would harm other states and their trucking companies.

…Missouri is joined in filing this lawsuit by the attorneys general of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


And here we are.

Both the Missouri AG and a fellow who owns a trucking company (in the Fox article) talk about the cost factor – how it will inevitably push small to medium firms out of business purely by the economics of having to purchase new electric trucks. There are some simplified, but truly practical objections there, including the basic fact that these truck aren’t ready for prime time commerce.

…”These regulations are not practical,” he said. “Number one, costs, two, infrastructure – we’re not ready for the infrastructure. Three, the testing and data – they’re just doing the testing on these trucks right now. I really haven’t even driven an electric truck or seen one in person.”

Kucharski said the driving range of electric trucks is nowhere close to gas and diesel powered vehicles and is simply “not practical” right now.

“The charge of an electric truck is about 10 hours and the distance could be about 150 miles to 300 miles,” Kucharski said. “To give you an idea right now, one of our diesel trucks, when it fills out 300 gallons, it has a capacity to go 1,600 to 1,800 miles.”

He also has a warning which would fall on deaf and really dumb ears in D.C., but bears repeating here.

…”We have such a developed transportation supply chain that this would just decapitate the supply chain if we stopped,” he said. “How will these trucks work in the extreme cold? Because the way to kill a lithium battery or any battery is extreme cold and extreme heat. How will it work in high elevations? How’s it going to work in the Las Vegas deserts when it is 130 degrees?”

He criticized the administration for moving full steam ahead with regulations that didn’t take into account the truckers, the supply chain or the American people.

My concern is that if this technology fails, the entire supply chain will be dead in the water,” he added. “Failure is not merely inconvenient, it’s catastrophic. This is not an option, especially for the food supply chain of America.”


The only problem being that the supply chain collapsing and people starving is a feature, not a bug to these cultists.

A really super informative addition to my previous post is a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed on the CA plunge into electrification of commercial trucking which has some eye-popping statistics and anecdotes. This is a climate cultists’ mandated future no one is ready for and can’t be bothered to prepare for even when the blatantly obvious contradictions and flaws are exploding right in front of them.

The insanity meter is pegged.

For instance, you have to charge your mandated electric fleet. The Journal piece says even charging up a small one can pull as much juice as a shopping mall. CA estimates it will take 157,000 charging stations to power the vehicles they need.

They have 700. Best get cracking.

…One trucking company wanted to install charging stations for 30 trucks at a terminal in Joliet, Illinois, only to be told by local officials they would draw more power than the entire city. In January northern California utility PG&E told a charging provider that one of its large fleet customers couldn’t charge its trucks on summer afternoons owing to a power crunch.

A Southern California Edison executive recently said some fleets are powering chargers using diesel generators so electric trucks don’t go unused. This captures the folly of California’s climate policies. Who cares if policies don’t reduce CO2 emissions or improve public health as long as regulators claim they do?

The battery weight of a commercial EV is enormous – did I mention they need 2 of them? Not so hot when you have to also carry, like, freight.


…Then there’s the weight problem. Electric trucks run on two batteries that each weigh about 8,000 pounds. Since trucks must comply with strict federal weight limits, they won’t be able to carry as large a load as diesel big rigs. PepsiCo this year is deploying Tesla’s electric semi-truck to deliver Frito-Lay products, but the trucks can’t go as far delivering soda.

When the chips are down…sorry.

They’re going to need more trucks and more drivers because the loads will be lighter. The trucks can only – theoretically – go about 330 mi on a charge, and then need anywhere from 8-12 hours to recharge. If they can recharge overnight, terrific, but truckers normally prefer driving at night because there’s less traffic and they can haul ass. So more congested freeways are on the way as more truckers are forced onto daytime roadways, and transit times for anything are going through the roof.

What about trucks requiring refrigeration? What will their range be? What about trucks that have to idle in port lines – traffic back-ups?

It would be hilarious if only they weren’t deadly serious. They are so blinded by fanaticism they cannot and will not see.

Lefties are losing their minds that their GOP representatives might have objections to the new EPA rules.

God forbid someone who has business experience objects, as opposed to someone with no frickin’ clue but loads of #feelz lords it over everyone in the name of Gaia.


And look at these fools stacking the deck.

Speaking of which, you still have to buy the damn EV things to begin with, right? Reportedly a new “clean” diesel truck will run you in the neighborhood of $200K. One of the new EV commercial haulers will set you back about $4-500K and you might get a $40K offset from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

That should take the sting out of it.

I’ll take 2.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024