ATTACK OF THE ICE CREAM TRUCKS: NYC councilman touts own frozen dairying-do

Adam Lau

A bad humored New York City councilman named Lincoln Restler has started a war he probably hadn’t anticipated would be a ferocious battle right out the gate.


What a dummy. Well, actually – what a typical Progressive.

In Mr. Restler’s infinite wisdom, he identified a problem that didn’t exist along with a danger no one was in, summarily banned it from his elected perch, and immediately bragged about doing so.

Then looked around for the pat on the head he knew was coming.

He had to duck what was coming.

…Far-left Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler is pushing new legislation that would require Mr. Softee and other Big Apple ice cream trucks to stop powering their soft-serve machines and freezers with generators that use fuel.

The bill would require the vendors to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power — likely at a cost of $5,000 or more.

…“In the dog days of August, it’s hard to imagine more of a killjoy than putting one’s climate bullseye on our iconic ice cream man, but behold, I give you Councilman Lincoln Restler,” quipped Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island).

That was a ding from fellow councilman and Republican Joe Borelli, who was really being kind compared to what got unloaded on Mr. Restler’s great idea.


…“Great use of your time, thanks for this brilliant piece of legislation,” posted Alec Raggio@Skridaggio, adding, “Way to stick it to the working class again. Go get ’em!”

Marveled another tweeter: “$8 million a day on migrants sleeping in the streets and this [clown] wants to cancel ice cream trucks?”

But “no one loves ice cream more than moi!” Mr. Restler protested.

Sure you do, pal.

Borelli couldn’t help but keep piling on.

…“That’s not the ice caps melting, kids, it’s your summertime tears.

“Sometimes I try to convince myself that hipster Brooklyn is part of the real world, with real-world problems, and then Lincoln Restler goes and reminds us of priority number one – banning the ice cream man.”

In the thread that developed where Mr. Restler initially announced his feat of frozen dairying-do, an affirmative voice or two spoke up, but were soundly beaten back by common-sense ice-cream truck lovers.

Even Progressives trying to support another progressive’s fascist tendencies can’t come up with a cogent argument that doesn’t contain a solution already on the books.

“They sit there and stink all day!”

“That’s against the law already. Tell them to move or call the very busy NYPD, hello.”

To be honest, the lady in the tweet has a point. Year to date in Brooklyn Borough North, for example, the 90th Precinct police have a crime wave on their hands. Things are looking up for burglaries, murders, grand larcenies, etc. They might take a while to answer a “roust the annoying ice cream truck” complaint if they make it at all.


The 90th also happens to be part of District 33 which Mr. Restler “represents.”

He’s doing a great job focusing on society’s real criminals, no?

So, the virtue signaler got his pants handed to him on social media and in the papers. I guess – from the aggrieved tweets he sent out next – there were a few pro-ice cream trucks/anti-Restler interference calls to his office that his staff had to field as well.

The angriest messages and supposed deaths threats by the dozens all came from NY POST READERS and FOX NEWS VIEWERS, because of course they did. The “right-wingers are calling” filter on his phone confirmed it.

Mr. Restler comes from a family steeped in virtue signaling hypocrisy and anti-right dog…oh, wait. I misspelled that.

I meant anti-WHITE.

One of Bill de Blasio’s most senior aides has come under fire for attending a pro-immigration rally with his sister who was armed with a ‘f**** whiteness’ sign for the event.

Lincoln Restler, one of the New York mayor’s senior policy advisers, sparked the furor by sharing a photograph of his parents and sister on Facebook.

In it, his 36-year-old sibling Victoria appeared beaming, holding the sign up while the pair’s parents Susan and Peter stood beside her.

Critics lashed out at Restler on Wednesday, deeming the slogan ‘inappropriate’ and accusing him of trying to make them feel guilty for being white.

City Hall said Victoria was protesting against white supremacy and not white people but admitted the sign was ‘inartful’.



Perhaps this is why Mr. Restler hates ice cream trucks – their almost uniformly pale paint hue? I could be be projecting.

Speaking of projection, his smiling father Peter in the article’s picture is a wealthier than flock work in liberal hypocrisy, too. I’m supposing it is this access to bazillions which has allowed his spawn to flitter about the NYC landscape doing Progressivisms and ruining people’s lives. This 2011 article about one of his rather tangled investment deals wound up making him a pretty penny from a 50% rate hike in British Columbian rate-payers’ hydroelectric bills.

British Columbians frustrated by a looming 50 per cent increase in their monthly power bills probably will feel no happier knowing that BC Hydro intends to spend much of its newfound revenues on a $1 billion Smart Metering Program to monitor every consumed kilowatt.

All about the social crusading, and turning a profit at the same time doesn’t hurt.

What a delightful family. Peter Restler’s children are as one would expect, and more’s the pity.

There’s no profit in ice cream for anyone in Restler’s circles and he finds them annoying. An affront to the planet and good taste, ergo they must be vanquished.

Naturally the NYPostRightWingFoxNewsWatching Luddites are going to resent him for his unselfish actions for the greater good. He is everything they are not.


Let them rant.

His father can buy him ice cream any old time – he doesn’t have to depend on a stanky truck driven by God knows who.

It’s good to be an entitled, well-heeled Lefty princeling in NYC.

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