U.N. warns we're now in an era of "global boiling"

(Daniel Dal Zennaro/ANSA via AP)

The CBS Weekend News was happy to pass that along (segment starts at 11:39)

After Jerika Duncan’s boiling intro, they open with a shot of the arson-ignited Canadian wildfires and this ominous intonement…


This summer feels like a page torn from the Book of Revelation

But in case the thought of listening to more “We’re all gonna fry” climate cult BS gets your blood boiling, let me give it to you in a nutshell, and I do mean they’re “nuts.”

Leah Stokes, climate policy expert at UC Santa Barbara is who they go for pearls of expert analysis after vignettes of floods, fires, and firetrucks roaring out of firehouses.

Before we get to what Leah Stokes CLIMATE POLICY EXPERT says during this entire exercise in woke climate theater, I thought I’d go see what her climate bona fides were. You know – Science™ and all.

Well…she’s not a scientist. Not even a Scientist™. According to her Wiki page, she is steeped in all things woke wonk.

…Stokes earned her undergraduate degree in psychology and East Asian studies at the University of Toronto.[6] She completed a Master of Public Administration at Columbia University. After graduating, Stokes worked at Resources for the Future. She went on to work at the Parliament of Canada.[7] Her role involved policy analysis for Members of Parliament working on the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee, and the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs. In 2010, Stokes moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she earned a master’s degree and a doctorate under the supervision of Lawrence Susskind. At MIT, Stokes created environmental policy curriculum, including The Mercury Game, a treaty negotiation that has been used by over 100 universities around the world.


This is the “climate expert” whom CBS has on to terrify the sheeple.

As CBS says, “The more you know…”

Now back to Leah:

“It’s definitely on the outer ranges of what they [climate scientists] thought would be happening by the year 2023…”

I do believe we’re on the fringes, girlfriend.

“Heat waves are really the easiest thing we can link directly to climate change. And, increasingly, climate scientists are saying there’s NO WAY we would have seen a heat wave like we’ve been seeing over the last few weeks, all across the planet, if we hadn’t warmed the planet. If we didn’t have climate change.”

Says the expert.


1936 in the U.S. begs to differ.

And while a few spots in the country are experiencing a hot summer – SUMMER being the operative word – dang if the rest of the country isn’t taking it easy.

It’s also very cold further north, which is good and bad for polar bears – and there are a lot of those…


…and they are already cranky about too much ice this summer.

A 70-year-old man and his son and daughter survived a polar bear attack in their tent Wednesday night near Kangiqsualujjuaq, the village’s mayor says.

Kenny Assevak and his daughter Siqua Baron, 25, were taken to Kuujjuaq’s hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

Assevak’s 35-year-old son, Neekallak Baron — who killed the bear — was not injured, said Kangiqsualujjuaq Mayor Maggie Emudluk.

The earth boiling has not revealed a Northwest Passage this year…

…which has to be breaking some hearts.

There are predictions of these events becoming “more common,” with massive heatwaves which will be occurring every 2-5 years unless we mend our ways. This is accompanied by the big, red Mordor palette graphs.


Climate policy expert Leah wants us all to know what the simple answer is:

“This isn’t a permanent situation. If we stop burning fossil fuels, the temperature would start to stabilize.”

Ah, there we go – spoken aloud -if we don’t stop using fossil fuels, the climate cultist warns us, there’s already so much warming built into the system, we’re burnt toast.

If that’s the case, maybe Leah and her buddies should get their renewables act together so we don’t have to rely on fossil fuels so much. But those promises – just like the Doomsday scenarios they keep beating us over the head with – never, ever pan out. If we didn’t have those stand-by power plants running on nasty old dead dinosaurs, we’d be cooked geese.

U.S. power generators will likely burn a record amount of natural gas for a second day in a row on Friday, the hottest day so far this summer, as homes and businesses crank up their air conditioners to escape a brutal heatwave blanketing much of the country this week.

Extreme weather reminds consumers of the fatal freeze in February 2021 that left millions of Texans without power, water and heat for days and a brutal heatwave in August 2020 that forced the California power grid operator to impose rotating outages that affected about 800,000 customers over two days.

As soaring demand stresses electric grids this summer, next-day power prices soared to their highest since January in Southern California and their highest since February in New England , according to data provider Refinitiv.


If we had to rely on renewables for the “affordable” bill of goods they sold us, we’d be a smoking pile of carbon on the deck.

You know what else happens every 3-5 years? We switch between La Niña and El Niños. An El Niño raises global temperatures an average of .1°C and La Niña drops it back.

There’s also a solar component. How do these people always ignore an obvious cause of warming, or never look up? It really is intriguing when you see a plotting of the solar minimums and maximums, and then where our “warming” falls today.

The sun to a climate cultist’s argument is as deadly as if they were a vampire.

I’ll have to find an Expert™ to argue with about that.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024