Dr. William Allen exquisitely ripped Kamala a new one last night

Manuel Balce Ceneta

The Vice President of the United States (and how it pains me to write that knowing who I’m referring to) is a liar.


A flat-out liar, not to mention a terrible actress, and dumb as a box of rocks. Should the woman possess one redeeming feature, I have yet to find it. As the designated racial grievance hit-person for this administration, if she’s going to perpetually indulge her brazen brand of mendaciousness, she needs to ensure she can pull off the delivery. She can’t, ever.

She doesn’t have the mental acuity to carry their race-baiting water, whatever the heavy duty rhetoric dripping with faux outrage scripted for her. It all invariably winds up backtracked to some extent a day or two later.

But enough damage is wrought, and the media toadies in the Praetorian Guard get the message loud and clear. Now that the narrative is set, word will be dutifully be passed that FL, filled with backwoods, racist, booger-eating morons, has rewritten the state’s curriculum to reflect the good ol’ cracker shack, alligator wrestling plantation days.


MSM is off and running, to be echoed by hundreds of thousands of tiny, shrieking voices.

In so many of the defenses of Florida’s new African-American studies curriculum (parts of which I’ve read myself), from the governor himself to members of his team, there’s always – ALWAYS – a mention that it was developed by well respected African-American scholars whom the state left pretty much alone to do as they saw fit. But, until last night, in all of those moments, there’d never been any names mentioned, nor were any of the principles involved as part of those discussions.

Now, I don’t know if it was by design or request. Schmaybe, I figured, their work was done and they just did not want to get into the ridiculous, mud-slinging political gaslighting and state character assassination going on, and who could blame them?

It’s not like the Left isn’t known for arbitrarily destroying random people, their reputations and lives for far less if one gets their collective noses out of joint.

But I guess something in the wind has shifted, and a member of Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup has begun making public appearances rebutting the Vice President and the Left’s chosen narrative. And my goodness – what an ambassador for sanity he is, too.


His name? Dr. William Allen, and, among his myriad other distinguished accomplishments, he was a member of the National Council on the Humanities from 1984 to 1987 and chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights from 1988 to 1989. How lucky was Florida to be able to have him work on this immensely important project?

He’s also a black conservative. You can hear the gnashing of race-baiting teeth from your chairs.

A major network news organization finally went in search of Dr. Allen, and interviewed him Saturday night. ABC News was apparently so perturbed by his comments regarding the Vice President’s assertions re: FL curriculum, that they didn’t have the moral courage to air the entire interview. They provided a mere snippet of his rebuttal.

An academic who helped craft Florida’s African American history curriculum called out Vice President Kamala Harris for mischaracterizing the course material in interview footage ABC News left on the cutting room floor.

The Florida Board of Education recently approved a new curriculum for African American history, with a section on how “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit” drawing heavy criticism.

Harris condemned this line in a recent speech, declaring that “they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it.”

The former chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup member, Dr. William Allen, told ABC News Harris completely mischaracterized the curriculum with a “categorically false” assessment.

However, the network didn’t air those comments on Saturday’s “ABC World News Tonight.” Only a small segment from Allen’s interview aired, when he defended the controversial line, “It is the case that Africans proved resourceful, resilient and adaptive, and were able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit both while enslaved and after enslavement.”


No profiles in courage journalism there, you squishes.

But LAST night, on Fox’s Jesse Watters’ Primetime, Dr. Allen was invited to refute the current recitation of Florida’s sins, and afforded unfettered time to do so.

Holy smokes.

This was such a thing of understated beauty and grace, such an exercise in pure class, education, and restraint that it should be required viewing in every schoolroom in America.

Gov. DeSantis’ press secretary Jeremy Redfern released a Twitter thread with the complete ABC News interview, too, if you’re interested.

Dr. Allen is a magnificent human being and someone to be emulated.

I am grateful there are still such people among us. And that they are still willing to serve, and – better still – defend their work against the barbarians.


How lucky is Florida?

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