Sewage release: John Kerry speaks on why Ukraine War REALLY sucks

AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool, File

I’ll bet you thought for sure it was innocent lives lost, the suffering of the children, displaced hundreds of thousands of human beings swarming across the countryside, seeking succor and shelter – the toll on infrastructure and a country’s self-sufficiency. The existential very real threat to world peace.


And you’d be wrong. Oh, so wrong.

The Climate Czar for the United States worries about far more important things than wholesale slaughter.

It’s not Russian tanks destroying Ukraine’s pastoral settings as they careen across the terrain, spewing death and destruction.

It’s the attack of the SEPTIC tanks.

Not the possibility of deadly chlorine gas keeping Lurch awake at night, but rising clouds of methane and “greenhouse gas” which is…I got nuthin’.

YGTBFKM. Is this clown out to lunch or what?

UK Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Grant Shapps – one of the lucky fellows trapped in the room with Lurch as he launched yet another sonorous homily on the dangers of fossil fuels – believes Kerry needs to take a large chill pill.

…At the same event as Mr Kerry was speaking, the Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary, Grant Shapps, was broadly supportive of the Shell chief executive’s stance, saying: “There always has to be a transition… but it doesn’t just happen overnight, in fact it’s idiotic to suggest you can.

“If you tried to, you simply impoverish people and tell people they can no longer drive and they can no longer heat their homes“.

What Secretary Shapps doesn’t realize is that these are all positives in favor of doing exactly what Kerry advocates. Impoverished people who cannot drive and eventually freeze to death lighten the load on mother Earth which is a net Green gain.


None of these paltry side effects will ever impact folks of John Kerry’s ilk, to include the CEOs of Blackrock and BankAmerica coincidentally standing in that room with him. He earnestly drones on – while posturing in a palace surrounded by bazillionaires – about “trillions” of dollars available, and unelected corporate types being the ones who “are making the decisions” about “accelerating” the “Green transition” that’s going to be the ruin of us all if we allow it.

…Mr Kerry said any backtracking was “unnecessary” and “dangerous”.

“What we need are company chief executives, looking to the future and investing in that future and accelerating the transition to that future,” he said.

“Look, in the last few days, we’ve had scientists say this is terrifying , we have scientists saying we are in uncharted territory.”

Henny Penny Kerry, reporting for duty.

Below is a chilling study in hubris, my friends. The saving grace is watching the body language of those pinned in Kerry’s presence, as well as Minister Shapps – who I believe is the fellow at the beginning rocking on his heels to King Charles’ left. His barely concealed impatience is heartening. I could sense the eyeroll, even before I had an inkling who it was. Of course, Biden’s blank visage is downcast and hound-dogish. Perhaps he thinks Kerry is chewing him out again for something.


Perhaps there was no pudding at lunch.

Why was Lurch in a lofty lather frothier than his usual hyperbolic heights? Was it the especially luxe setting or had something set him off?

It turns out Kerry was miffed because he’d gotten word that previously rock-solid members of his climate cult cabal were backtracking on destroying lives willy-nilly across the globe.

Cutting oil and gas production would be “dangerous and irresponsible”, the boss of energy giant Shell has told the BBC.

Wael Sawan insisted that the world still “desperately needs oil and gas” as moves to renewable energy were not happening fast enough to replace it.

He warned increased demand from China and a cold winter in Europe could push energy prices and bills higher again.

Even with such luminaries as the UN Secretary General and Cambridge Climate Scientists™ beating up on him, Sawan stuck to his guns. The UN head called his attitude “economic and moral madness” – how dare you, sir!

The Shell boss kept his cool in the face of apoplectic blustering, saying…

…Mr Sawan told the BBC: “I respectfully disagree.” He added: “What would be dangerous and irresponsible is cutting oil and gas production so that the cost of living, as we saw last year, starts to shoot up again.”


…while offering what had to be completely foreign and incomprehensible rationales to such people.

…Mr Sawan said an international bidding war for gas last year saw poorer countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh unable to afford liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipments that were instead diverted to Northern Europe.

They took away LNG from those countries and children had to work and study by candlelight,” he said. “If we’re going to have a transition it needs to be a just transition that doesn’t just work for one part of the world.”

BALDERDASH!” cried the outraged head of Climate Analytics (based – with that very LNG and the electricity it produces – in Berlin). Basically her take is, “Who cares about Bangladeshi children using candles when we’re the ones saving Gaia? PRIORITIES, here.”

…Claire Fyson, co-head of climate policy at Climate Analytics, a global science and policy institute, told the BBC: “The idea that it’s a choice between our addiction to fossil fuels or working by candlelight is a gross misrepresentation of reality, when we know renewables are cleaner, cheaper and better for public health.”

That’s exactly what she said – let the little brown children eat windmills.

Our globe trotting climate czar wasn’t going to let Shell slither out of their previous commitments without bellowing forth a bloviating public billionaire beratement, having cleverly entrapped them. Nothing like lecturing a captive audience for an ego boost, even among the velvet slipper set.


Sometimes you sort of wish Kerry would get an itch to try the common touch.

Get his horse face off his high horse and maybe try a bike ride for old Mother Earth.

You know. Like Mayor Pete…or the Spanish Climate Minister.

I mean, even a phony bike ride would do.

And nobody does phony like Kerry.

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