Turns out the WHO is more Dr. Who villain than world Marcus Welby


Anyone need a super villain who looks like the kindly, befuddled physician next door?

I got yer guy right here.

AP/Reuters Feed Library

Cuddly little China tool wants to take over the world and it sure seems as if a whole lot of WEF/globalist types want to let him have it.


The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will hand the international health body unprecedented powers to declare pandemics, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, with the force of international law, leading experts have told MPs.

Speaking to U.K. lawmakers at a meeting of the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), Dr. David Bell, a former WHO scientific and medical officer, and Professor Garrett Wallace Brown, Chair in Global Health Policy at the University of Leeds and Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborative Centre on Health Systems and Health Security, said that the changes would fundamentally alter the relationship between WHO and member states and put vital health programmes at risk.

By “fundamentally alter” I figure Dr. Bell means “make us vassals.” Michael Shellenberger sure sees it that way, too – all the way through to the WHO determining what information is allowed to be disseminated to any given nation’s citizens at any given time regarding any given emergency.

They’ll be setting up their own bureau of misinformation and they won’t even bother with a Mary Poppins clone. They’ll just issue the edicts after they’ve made the determination on what’s acceptable and what’s banned, or what they need us to hear to do what they want.


…The Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, and FactCheck have all recently published articles stressing that the WHO’s new proposed pandemic treaty is simply an effort to improve international coordination and is not a plot to silence the public.

But Article 18 of the WHO’s proposed treaty does indeed call on member states to “tackle false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation” and to manage “infodemics” through regular “social listening” initiatives. The WHO has already started a similar surveillance system to track so-called “misinformation” online. The WHO’s Early Artificial Intelligence–supported Response with Social Listening (EARS) program uses AI to monitor trends on social media.

In response to Public’s questions about the WHO’s “social listening” program, a WHO spokesperson told us, “EARS platform is not designed to detect misinformation.” The tool, he said, is “useful when trying to understand and prioritize topics of concern.”

But the reference paper to which the WHO spokesperson linked as an example of its approach mentions the word “misinformation” 22 times. What’s more, it explicitly argues that social listening can help authorities “counter misinformation.”

As usual, with any chance to cede national sovereignty to someone else, the Europeans are all over it. Their European Union Council page is very helpful explaining why a pandemic/COVID international agreement is important. All “One Health” and jingo-y goodness.

If you notice what I highlighted, the EU is sure it will also build trust in the “international health system” besides all the other Davos argle-bargle on the page. They are working cheek by jowl with this crook.


Yeah. I think not, guys.

The briefing paper Dr. Bell developed for his presentation should chill the heart of every citizen who loves their freedom and their country. What Tedros and his minions are proposing is really breathtaking in scope, even without remembering the squandered trust the WHO had from the very beginning. Tedros is a tool of both China and his own ego, He should have lost his schweet gig after botching the COVID response so horrifically and yet? Here is is, negotiating basically dictatorial powers for himself and his organization.

Screencap UsForThem PDF

Look at the language! “FORCIBLY quarantine,” “REQUIRE citizens,” “medically examine, inject or otherwise medicate citizens” – this is not the U.S. government attempting this and I didn’t elect these people. It’s a foreign unelected body of certifiably, already proven incompetent Mengele wanna-bes.

There’s language to track health passports – vaccinations and such, which means, tracking you.

So you have to know POTATUS is all in for it, ergo the media is running interference.

…“It is false to claim that the World Health Organization has now, or will have by virtue of these activities, any authority to direct U.S. health policy or national health emergency response actions,” the agency wrote. “The WHO has no such enforcement mechanisms, and its non-binding recommendations to member states are just that: non-binding. Any associated actions at the national level will remain reserved to sovereign states, including the United States.”


There’s 13 pages in that brief putting the lie to the AP’s “fact check.”

Sen Rausch (R-ID) called POTATUS out on it back in March and there is quite a bit in his letter you should be aware of, as well.

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) track record over the last three years is nothing short of abysmal. When the Chinese government lied to the world in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO parroted and praised China’s officials. When it became clear China was covering up truths about the deadliest health emergency in a century, the WHO did nothing to hold it responsible. The WHO has failed in its core mission to protect global health time and again. Idahoans know this, the American people know this, and we all should be skeptical of any action the WHO takes to attempt to grow its power and influence.

Any international body that wants to dictate our laws, especially one whose missteps have been as blatant and deadly as the WHO’s, rightfully deserves criticism and pushback. And yet, the Biden administration appears poised to sign a pandemics accord that would cede American sovereignty to the WHO without the Senate’s advice and consent. This would allow the WHO to create laws for Idahoans without giving anyone from Idaho the opportunity to deliberate or even vote on these changes. I will not let that happen.

It is the Senate’s Constitutional duty to review and approve treaties, but the president is proceeding as though a legally-binding pandemic treaty will not require Senate approval. That is a huge mistake. In its current form, this agreement would have major implications for the U.S. and could massively increase our responsibility abroad.


I can see Biden signing off on some final version of this as yet another log on his impeachment fire.

If he can come up with another diversion, he might just say “the hell with it” and go for it.

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