The pencil necked prevaricator looks great in authoritarian, doesn’t he? Mocha suits him.
What the Attorney General of the United States was doing at the podium, and doing really poorly in the sense of a “public servant” of a free and transparent Republic, was responding to press inquiries about his role in protecting Joe and Hunter Biden from possible prosecution for transgressions such as these…

…while suppressing details of the extensive Biden crime family saga using the powers vested in his office.
Garland responds to the IRS whistleblower who said U.S. Attorney David Weiss was told not to bring charges against Hunter Biden:
"I don't know how it would be possible for anybody to block him from bringing a prosecution."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 23, 2023
“Who would do such a thing?” quavered the voice from the thin, owlish figure in over-sized spectacles.
You, sir? Me, sir?
Oh, no, sir. Not I, sir.
Garland: "Some have chose to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy… Nothing could be further from the truth."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 23, 2023
Yeah. That’s our guy. It really is depressing on it’s face – like, is this our country in real time?
I’m afraid I could be darn near as gloomy as Jazz if I thought about it as much, but I tend get pissed off after enough gloomy.
All I can do is say thank GOD this cretin is not a Supreme Court justice, and that’s on a epic, lighting tons of candles and incense scale. It can’t cover the noxious fumes of treachery and mendacity, with a whiff of banana republic wafting by, but it is one thing I will always be glad McConnell had our backs for.
In painstaking detail, Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers are directly challenging Attorney General Merrick Garland’s claim that David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware, was allowed to run his Hunter Biden tax probe free of political interference.
…According to a transcript released Thursday by the House Ways and Means Committee of an interview with an anonymous IRS whistleblower, a “contentious meeting” involving Weiss, IRS investigators and FBI agents took place in October 2022.
“And they had asked [Garland] about this, about bringing the case in D.C., and he explained that [Weiss] was essentially told no,” the whistleblower said. “And then he went back and asked for special counsel authority, and they told him no. I don’t think they said who he went back to, but they told him no.”
…The IRS whistleblower also said Weiss tried to bring the case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. and to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Central District of California but he was denied.
He argued that “there was gross mismanagement present throughout this investigation, that there was gross waste of funds relating to the tax dollars spent on investigating this case, and that there was an abuse of authority by [the] DOJ tax [division] and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office.”
Oh, it’s a stench.
It’s always amazing how Democrats in an administration routinely puff themselves red in the face in indignant umbrage at being questioned when, even as their hands are literally covered in purloined criminal cookie crumbs, there’s an ongoing interrogation of YOUR motives and patriotism.
Get a new schtick, Garland. That one is old.
I remember when questioning the government was the highest form of patriotism and I was assured so by a champion of the people’s right to know.
That was April 28, 2003. I can’t see where anything’s changed, except the venue. HRC was talking about Iraq – we’re talking about AMERICA right here and NOW, and damn your black hearts forever for bringing us to this point.
Speaking of black hearts, how’s the regime holding up while their Baghdad Bad News Bunch tries to play defense?
The French Lady is frazzled.
HOLY SMOKES: Reporters TURN on Karine Jean Pierre, gang up on her for 4 minutes straight asking about Joe Biden's connection to Hunter's overseas business dealings after bombshell text messages reveal criminal corruption scheme
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) June 23, 2023
And I meant the “tries” – Kirby Cool loses it and walks out on James Rosen. No Christmas card for James!
Chaos ensues in the White House briefing room after @JamesRosenTV asks Biden spokesman John Kirby about the explosive whistleblower allegations in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.
Kirby refuses to comment and walks out of the room.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 23, 2023
No worries. He was probably a little off his game after the big do last night. Uday Biden was there, looking cleaned up and rested. Sparkling white smile.
Deadbeat Hunter Biden had a great time at tonight's White House state dinner, days after announcing his intention to plead guilty to several crimes — and amid a family-wide corruption scandal that deepens by the day
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 23, 2023
Did you know he’s a lawyer, the president’s son? Yeah. That’s what Google say he does – “attorney.”

I mean, who wouldn’t want their daughter to date such a good looking, clean-cut “attorney” with what looks to be some great connections? Every parent’s dream son-in-law.

Hard to find those laptop pictures unless you specifically ask for “underwear,” etc. How odd.
In mid-May, when Rep Comer started pulling shocking document rabbits out of his hat, the DoJ arranged to have criminal mastermind Rep George Santos arrested and indicted at the same time as Comer’s first press conference with evidence. Every media outlet except Fox ran with the national humiliation of the pudgy New York miscreant vice the head of a Congressional committee presenting FACTUAL evidence of malfeasance in the Oval Office.
The DoJ, their media toadies and the Bidens have only gotten more obvious and more blatantly disdainful since then.
Did the Navy hold the sub implosion info (UPDATED with link) they had out of an abundance of caution or did someone tell them to sit on it, ergo drag out the agony and keep the noise going? That’s CRAZY talk! And who would ever think to ask such a question even 5 years ago?
They have no right to do this to this country.
Shame. This shows how crucial your vote is. If it weren’t for Republicans prevailing in the midterms, this testimony would have remained hidden, if it even was taken.
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) June 23, 2023
Garland’s enforcement arm has become even more vicious, as though they know the evidence arrow is swinging in their direction but, as they’re the regime Praetorian Guard, they feel invincible.
Time to show them they’re not.
First thing – never stop attacking the mendacity. It stinks.
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